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What Grinds Your Gears...


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Paul McCartney.


Particularly when he plays "Hey Jude" live. He's become such a smug twat.


Loved The Beatles at the time and for a long while after; but really just get your pipe and slippers Paul and tell stories to your grandkids...it's embarrassing now.


The only thing he has going for him is that Ringo is even more of of a tit.

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Paul McCartney.


Particularly when he plays "Hey Jude" live. He's become such a smug twat.


Loved The Beatles at the time and for a long while after; but really just get your pipe and slippers Paul and tell stories to your grandkids...it's embarrassing now.


The only thing he has going for him is that Ringo is even more of of a tit.

That and Blackbird are my favourites (well theres more but if I could only pick 2), but I agree he should give it a rest. The Stone Roses reunion is getting very annoying as well.

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You did have the Beatles though


Despite the brief euphoria of a day or two back, problems and irritations still persist, the goddamn weather is just such a thing.


Take the useless piece of shit tabloid publication that is the Daily Express, this time one week ago - 'Britain to experience cold winds and icy patches and rainfall and bad weather etc etc, lo and behold yesterdays 'headline news' was - Britain to bask in 93 fahrenheit temperatures, sunny weather, no winds, no rain, it will be like the fucking Dominican Republic etc - what caliber of outrageous pricks publish these fucking things, and surely there must be something more relevant going on in the world than this fickle bullshit weather nonsense, really gets on my damn nerves, I saw a glimpse of the headline a day or two ago and just moved away, I used to buy that crap of all things. I'd rather throw my money down the drains now to be quite honest.

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Hayfever attacks, severe when I usually get by with no effect


QVC showing Christmas accessories


UK Goverment (go fuck yourselves)


Food illustrations on purchases that resemble nothing like the finished product


Movies you want to see on at inappropriate hours of the day


James Bond


Other things that are simply too unprintable to mention

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I've never had a Lancashire hotpot, are they any good, meat and potatoes dish isn't it.


Sorry about the nosebleeds, and sneezing fits are never nice, damn hayfever has been quite bad the last day or so dry.png


Should get colder from here on the next few days and pollen levels will decline, a damn relief for all sufferers of the condition.


For the purpose of this here thread, why is it some stores or businesses have about five or six checkouts but only one operational every time you go in, it's even worse on hot days, fucking nuisance, getting hot and bothered in a line of about 20 people, while there's plenty of other checkouts to use, but they don't open them?!, lo and behold, sometimes, they realize this and make a staff announcement to get someone to do it, but still hacks me off no end.

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There's a band with the same name?. Must be pretty damn obscure, as never heard of them. They sound a bit like a poor man's Spice Girls or something, I don't know.


Also - Fucking commercials on every damn two minutes, and when you switch channels to get away from it, lo and behold - more fucking commercials!, I know these ads are for the benefit of companies as they get paid to show the damn things, but it's seriously like every twenty an half hour on some stations, I'd like to lay my hands on the people responsible and I'd be doing time for it and no mistake, really gets my back up. dry.pngdry.pngdry.png

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But, I clearly remember you going with the same phrase a half dozen times in recent months ? unsure.png


I don't think kids today can communicate properly though, it has to be said.




Library "workers" who just sit around talking to other staff members about their daily mundane trivial lives, and then, just before closing, thinking turning off a few monitors and pulling some blinds down constitutes a days work angry.png


Horrible large mosquitos or large flying things you can't properly recognize in the twilight buzzing about the size of medicine balls swooping about. dry.png

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That's very strange (she could do all sorts of grinding without annoying me in the leasttongue.png )...


Meant this Gary Richardson....




BBC in depth interviewer.....Alan Partridge brought to life.


(Hope the pic's not him cross dressing at the week endunsure.png )

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THTandLCAB. THT 10 paragraphs just to say Twitter can blow rumours out of proportion and not to take hearsay as gospel. The feck is with his(or her) paragraph spacing as well. I assume LCAB's tongue was too busy licking his own arse to open his mouth and inform his mate that he already stated this obvious the other week. Are people really so dim they need these 'statements' on repeat. FFS we're Evertonians, I expect better of our fans, well all fans other than Spurs, Newcastle, and Liverpool who all going to finish level on points and goal difference and share the title next season with their new manager Pep.

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are you refering to some Grand Old Team members on soical networking groups? I'm not aware of who THT is though.


I'm not even looking to next season, Damn it, soccer is over for about five weeks after today and it'll be a nice respite, get away from all that for a while etc, will focus on the new season when the time is upon us.

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