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  1. Upvote
    Gwlad reacted to Palfy in Watford (Away) Saturday December 10   
    This is a fucking nightmare, new name for the Koeman brothers, the shit sisters.
  2. Upvote
    Gwlad reacted to AlbanyNYToffee in Ronald Koeman   
    I support RK but can I just say for a moment I really really miss David Moyes. I'm starting to sound like a broken record but I firmly believe managers are guilty of overthinking the game. If you are less talented than your opposition I support passion and attitude above trying to gain a tactical advantage. Say what you want about him I miss the feeling of turning on the TV every single week knowing I was going to see effort and determination. Most important thing to me as a supporter.
    Look at what it means to Conte, Klopp, Mourinho and Guardiola. Perhaps Arsenal never win anything because Arsene isnt passionate enough. Hated RM's one armed fist in the air, really hate Koemans expressionless face. I want Moyes tearing up and down the sideline.
    On that note if things don't work out for RK I want Eddie Howe so fucking badly. Bournemouth are must watch.
  3. Upvote
    Gwlad got a reaction from Elston Gunnn in Southampton (Away) Sunday 27th Nov   
    Someone tell him he has 3 subs to use
  4. Upvote
    Gwlad reacted to Hafnia in Southampton (Away) Sunday 27th Nov   
    And people thought good old honesty was what this club needed.... we've got a manager who isn't arsed about the job. Mutual termination.
  5. Upvote
    Gwlad reacted to rubecula in Swansea City (Home) Saturday November 19   
    I usually give the manager a season to get sorted but honestly I am beginning to really dislike Ronnie K.
  6. Upvote
    Gwlad reacted to Bailey in Swansea City (Home) Saturday November 19   
    I have seen these players do far better than this. I have seen far worse players do better than this.
    Faults lie with the management.
  7. Upvote
    Gwlad reacted to Blue 250 in Chelsea (Away) Saturday November 5th   
    Pitty the lads that travelled !
  8. Upvote
    Gwlad got a reaction from Lowensda in Longest Thread For Drivel (or the Romelu Lukaku thread)   
    I'm sick of international breaks it's the third isn't it? Just disrupts the league.
  9. Upvote
    Gwlad got a reaction from Romey 1878 in Longest Thread For Drivel (or the Romelu Lukaku thread)   
    I'm sick of international breaks it's the third isn't it? Just disrupts the league.
  10. Upvote
    Gwlad reacted in Burnley (Away) Saturday October 22   
    I do agree but I also think we need to look at ourselves. If we are going to be good enough to challenge for Europe then we need to learn how to deal with these situations and still come away with the 3 points.
  11. Upvote
    Gwlad reacted to duncanmckenzieismagic in Norwich City (League Cup Home) Tuesday September 20th   
    Each to there own I suppose but for me we need to get that winning feeling back , the hardest trophy to win is the first one, and I would much rather win a bronze medal than go home empty handed every season
  12. Upvote
    Gwlad reacted to duncanmckenzieismagic in Norwich City (League Cup Home) Tuesday September 20th   
    Just when I thought we had a manager who was actually interested in winning trophies the stupid Dutch prick goes and pulls a stunt like that
    Fuming doesn't come close to describing how I feel about that complete and utter bollocks I have just paid to witness
    What was the fucking point of fielding a strong side against Yeovil in the last round if he was going to throw the towel in like that?
    He was presented with an excellent chance to build on a promising start to the season, an excellent chance to progress into the next round of a very winnable competition. A chance to build on the growing confidence, a chance to gain momentum and feed the feel good factor that was beginning to grow. But then he goes and fucks it all up by putting out a shite starting eleven that had experiment written all over it
    The result is he has now killed that momentum dead in its tracks, we have yet again been dumped out of a cup competition by a lower league side , and the doom and gloom has once again descended on Goodison Park. The atmosphere was every bit as toxic as it was under Martinez long before the final whistle

  13. Upvote
    Gwlad reacted to Hafnia in James McCarthy   
    His injury record up till doing his hamstring the first time under martinez was good. He got rushed back and did it two more times in as many months.... hasnt been the same since.
  14. Upvote
    Gwlad reacted to marcopaulo in Enner Valencia   
    Can we just move this back and pretend it didn't happen please
  15. Upvote
    Gwlad reacted to gethinO in Ashley Williams   
    Imagine being Belgian right now...
  16. Upvote
    Gwlad reacted to Paddock in Ashley Williams   
    Imagine not sitting there being absolutely certain we are going to concede, imagine being able to wonder what formation we'll play instead of knowing it's always the same, Imagine not being baffled by substitutions, imagine not sitting their cringing at the utter shite our managers talking.
  17. Upvote
    Gwlad reacted to Blueherts in Who should be appointed Captain for the upcoming season?   
    Seamus. Captaining his country has changed him from the player he was. You see the pride in the way he holds himself now.
  18. Upvote
    Gwlad reacted to Aidan in Weirdness Abounds (or the Idrissa Gana Gueye Thread)   
    Seems about as excited as lennon when he came on loan
  19. Upvote
    Gwlad reacted to Lowensda in John Stones   
    The cash flows on Goodison tonight, not a Kenwright to be seen. A stadium full of history, and it feels like we're in a dream.
    The cash is flowing like this swirling storm inside. We couldn't keep it in; heaven knows we've tried
    Don't let Man City in, neither to Chelsea. Be the good club you always longed to be
    Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know...
    Well now they know
    Let it go, let him go, we can't hold him back anymore.
    If he turns away, we'll slam the door and we won't care anymore.
    I don't care what they're going to say, let the media storm rage on.
    John Stones never bothered me anyway.
    It's funny how no money, made Everton seem small. And the fear that once controlled us, Moshiri has now helped with it all.
    It's time to see what we can do, to test the market and break through.
    No right, no wrong, no rules for EFC, we're free!
    Let it go, let him go, we can't hold him back anymore.
    If he turns away, we'll slam the door and we won't care anymore.
    I don't care what they're going to say, let the media storm rage on.
    John Stones never bothered me anyway.
    Our power flurries through the Mersey and the ground, our soul is spiraling in the wealth that's been found.
    And one player in we hope that this won't last, the likes of Osman should be kept way in the past
    Let it go, let him go, we can't hold him back anymore.
    If he turns away, we'll slam the door and we won't care anymore.
    I don't care what they're going to say, let the media storm rage on.
    John Stones never bothered me anyway.
    The chode never bothered me anyway!
    Well....that's probably the most thought out and utterly useless post I've ever replied with. But it was fun whilst it lasted.

  20. Upvote
    Gwlad reacted to Paddock in 2016/17 fixtures   
    I think they are pretty decent fixtures. Liecester will be shite next year, another Blackburn if I've ever seen one.
  21. Upvote
    Gwlad reacted to London Blue in Darron Gibson   
    I think you miss-understand, I am not saying lets just use what we have, and I am looking forward to being able to bring in players of real quality where we desperately need them.
    What I am saying is that we need to give the new manager time to evaluate the squad to see who he can develop and who is not up to the required standard. To simply dump players without first giving them a fair go is in my opinion a betrayal and a waste of potential talent. I believe that both Besic and McCarthy are of the required standard, and just need to be properly coached, get a fair run in the team, and play in a side that has direction and morale.
    I would want to play with one holding player, but we need to have a least two if not three in the squad as it is a long season, we need to cover injuries, suspensions and loss of form.
  22. Upvote
    Gwlad reacted to Lowensda in Ronald Koeman   
    Doing a good job on Top Gear.
  23. Upvote
    Gwlad reacted to johnh in Brexit...   
    By the way, Boris has told me that in the event of a referendum 50/50 the poll at the top of this thread will decide the winner.
  24. Upvote
    Gwlad reacted to gethinO in Now Martinez has gone, who should get the nod...   
    It would just kill any excitement we as fans had for the forthcoming season. Moyes had 10 years here ffs, it's not like he has unfinished business here. He was stale after about 8 years let alone starting his second bloody stint here. We'll be an absolute laughing stock if this happens. My mates who are Utd and Liverpool fans were always taking the piss when I wanted Martinez out saying that the only one we'd replace Martinez with is Moyes. It would be am embarrassing appointment and yet again show the lack of ambition we have.
    In an analogy terms, imagine going out with a girl for 10 years. You haven't got much money but nevertheless she's a solid girl who never lets you down and you think you've done very well for yourself. Yeah, she might be Scottish and ginger but she's a nice girl. After 9-10 years you and her have reached as far as you can in the relationship so you both end it on friendly terms. There's no ill feeling and you both move on.
    Meanwhile, you start to look for a new girl and stumble upon this Spanish girl dancing to Jason Derulo in a night club. You get chatting and she promises you that she'll take you places your previous girlfriend never could. You believe her. You start a relationship and it's absolutely mind-blowing for the first year - she's very polite with your parents and friends and very exciting in the bedroom! She actually is taking you to another world. A world you didn't think was possible so you start thinking that your previous Scottish girlfriend was actually not that good and she was in fact holding you back.
    However, things are not what they seem. The Spanish girl starts coming home late and comes up with excuse after excuse and you get tired of her bullshitting. The sex starts getting boring. Very one dimensional, the same position time after time and you get bored. She's a very stubborn one. It turns nasty. This Spanish girl and you start to drift apart. You didn't sign up for this. She was not the girl she made herself out to be. She could talk but didn't back it up. You end it on a sour note. Bye bye Spanish girl.
    You win the lottery. It's fantastic. You think to yourself 'right now that I've got money surely all the girls will want a bit of me. I'm a great catch.' You make a list of girls you thought were completely out of your league back in the day. You're confident all of a sudden. This is a new you. However, at the bottom of your list you scribble that Scottish girl you were once with for 10 years. More to be polite than anything else. Unfortunately, a few of the girls on your list start ruling themselves out saying they're committed to their current boyfriend. A Dutch woman seems keen on you. Very keen in fact. So keen her brother has been calling you trying to convince you that she's the one for you. You're not convinced. There's another Spanish girl on the list, but she's a bit older. Is she too old for you? Well she was pretty hot back in the day so maybe she could be a good catch for a few years or so? Again, you're unsure as she's known to be a bit of a gold-digger and has been known to spend money on stupid things. You start crossing names out one by one until you finally reach the bottom of your list and notice the name of your previous Scottish girlfriend. You think for a moment. Then, after some deep thinking, you aggressively cross her name out with a permanent marker and think to yourself 'I'm better than her'. She even disrespected you when she went with her new bloke. He finished with her. She moved to Spain and again found another bloke. As if she could get a tan, she was ginger. It was never going to work. He also finished with her. Then she flew back to the UK and now she wants more of you cause she's heard you've got some money. But you won't be fooled.... I hope.
    The moral of that story is there's plenty more fish in the sea (I think). There's more girls in the world than the Scottish and Spanish ones you used to be with. Be ambitious. There's some pretty good looking girls out there. Be brave, take a risk. You're a good catch now and the ball's in your court. Don't make a balls up with your decision!!
  25. Upvote
    Gwlad got a reaction from efc1111 in John Stones   
    He hasn't shown passion for playing for us so get good transfer fee for new manager to spend. I onlycwant players who buy into what EFC stands for.
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