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Posts posted by Haiku

  1. 3 hours ago, Sev said:

    The problem, however, could be that it's just a short term of success. And what is a short term in modern football anyway, you could ask. 2 years? 3 years? 5 years? I prefer more secure long term solutions rather than the whatever-is-hype thing. Yes, I'm a dinosaur ... but I think the keywords are stability and progression; not too fast and not too slow.

    Most football fans remain loyal for the rest of their lives. Yes, they are often brought in by the hype especially during their younger days. I would say that if Man City suddenly fell off a cliff and became a regular mid table team, their fanbase would not see a significant decline for at least one generation, which is about 25-30 years. Just my thoughts.

  2. Gaza is 365 sq. km. Israel has a superior and technically advanced army. If they wanted to end this quickly and efficiently they could infiltrate Gaza with tanks from all sides and kill whoever stays in their way. They could seize control of the whole strip in a matter of days. But they chose to bomb from outside, even though we know and they know that Hamas fighters are hiding in underground bunkers. They cannot do much harm to Hamas this way. It is obvious that the whole plan is to exterminate Palestinians and the Western world is cheering them on.

  3. I don't rate him either. He's on £150k per week, and we should be prepared to pay, because other clubs will be willing to pay his wages in full. That makes £7.5 million, and it is a lot for a player on loan. I would rather use that money for someone like Garner, who cost us just a bit more but on lower wages and became an actual asset to the club right away. Also, transfer values can be offset to ease with PSR; the wages can not. So another James Garner type of signing is better for our current financial situation than Kevin Phillips on loan.

  4. You might think that if players are out of contract, they are up for grabs. However, if there are other clubs interested, it will be difficult to snatch them. Moreover, we should be prepared to offer competitive salaries along with signing bonuses. It is Telwell's job to identify lesser-known players from inferior leagues who can be signed for cheap but still offer good value for money.

  5. 4 hours ago, Palfy said:

    Firstly they would be paid for the work completed to date, then they would try and negotiate a payment to cover any costs that they had occurred, if they couldn’t reach an agreement they would then refer to the contract, which wouldn’t say that Everton couldn’t stop the build due to financial constraints or difficulties, it wouldn’t say that if Everton did force Laing to stop the works that Laing would be paid a specific percentage of the contract costs. 
    It would state the both parties should enter talks to reach an agreement, if no agreement can be reached then it goes to arbitration, where both parties will make a submission to the arbitrator who is a trained barrister or Judge who has extensive knowledge in contractual disputes, Laing would be pushing for loss of earnings, which they would undoubtedly win, that means they will be only entitled to what they made as a percentage of profits from their last full set of accounts, so let’s they there last set of accounts showed a net profit of 3% and the signed contract value for the Stadium build was 500 million, they would be entitled to a loss of earnings of 15 million and for any works completed. 

    You're going into details that we don't know if they're applicable in this case. Still, I don't see the point, especially since the loans for the majority of the construction were secured. Either way the club owes that money plus interest. In my opinion, it is best for the stadium to start operating as soon as possible and begin generating revenue. Additionally, this stadium is a huge asset that could eventually be sold to cover the obligations. Getting a massive loan and abandoning / delaying indefinitely your investment plans is far worse from a financial standpoint.

    Valencia did something similar to what you suggested, and it has not been going well for them for over 15 years already. But they are lucky to be playing in an inferior league and have avoided relegation numerous times.

    Valencia’s Nou Mestalla ‘ghost ground’: After 15-year delay, will it finally be built? - The Athletic

  6. It was a poor piece of business from the start. I believe we were desperate and he wasn't even our fifth choice. Considering his stats at Udinese, in an inferior league, it seems we've been ripped off. There are plenty of similar players in the French league who could perform just as poorly for under 5 mil. At one point we were linked with Serhou Guirassy from Rennes, who ultimately moved to Stuttgart for a bag of sunflower seeds and is currently tearing up the German Bundesliga.

  7. 20 hours ago, Palfy said:

    Newty said he felt the money was in position from Usmanov which it possibly was, but Usmanov was sanctioned before we had completed filling the dock with sand, the sensible thing would have to put a hold on the build when the dock was fully prepared until we were in a more stable position financially. 

    When Usmanov was sanctioned the loan deals had already been finalized along with agreements with Laing O'Rourke and other subcontractors. At that point there was no turning back or putting the construction on hold.

  8. Last time Dyche was sacked, his former team got relegated. We've tried with so many managers, but the truth is our team is dog shit poor. It's as simple as that. We lack enough quality to compete in the Premier League. We've been relegation candidates for three years in a row. No manager in the world can do miracles with the current playing staff. If we want to be competitive, we need to start recruiting players. That's on the management, not the coaching.

  9. 5 hours ago, Sev said:

    For example. What if two clubs they (777) own ends up meeting eachother in Europe League or the like? I'm sure there are some written paragrafs and laws concerning that. I just see too many conflicts in that.

    RB Leipzig and RB Salzburg played in the same Europa League group back in 2018. Salzburg beat Leipzig twice.

  10. 3 hours ago, Romey 1878 said:

    Now that is most definitely a dick move.

    He's an idiot. It's one thing if he's disappointed by Everton and he might have his fair reasons. But his actions only show his lack of professionalism, which isn't helping his career.

  11. 35 minutes ago, Btay said:

    Next season, ideally in the premier league with no outside distractions the expectations will be higher & we have to be competing for a solid 10th spot to really show some progression.

    How? We would still be in the mess with FSR and no money for transfers for another season or two. How exactly are we going to compete without proper signings? Teams contending for Top 10 are spending like crazy. The last time we spent anything was the Gordon money, and we wasted it on dogshit fucking Beto. Unless we sell Branthwaite we won't have funds to improve the team. How we are still in this league is beyond me. Considering all circumstances the job Dyche is doing is monumental.

  12. Let's look at it realistically. We've spent fuck all on transfers in the past three years - net transfer spend of -75m. There's only one other team with negative transfer spending, and that's Brighton. While we do have some good players and occasionally get lucky patches, the reality is that we aren't very good as a team, and our players aren't consistently performing well. Dyche does a good job of getting the best out of them, but sometimes he fails, or rather the players fail him. Anyway, we are where we are with our current squad in bad form. It is clear as day that we need a significant investment if we are to become competitive.

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