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Everything posted by Wiggytop

  1. We've over achieved in this tournament, we were expected to bomb out early as ever. Not played fantastic but they seem to developed a true team spirit, we now need to carry on and find a bit more creativity in midfield. We didn't freeze, but did seem over awed with the thought of making the final, I didn't see anything special from Alli, Sterling frightened the life out of their defence, a big error in taking him off for Rashford, Vardy would at least run at them with threat. Ahh well onwards and upwards lads.
  2. Don't ask questions he can't answer, that spoils his argument completely!
  3. I agree, I think he'll be very good for us, Re not playing, Allardyce clearly didn't want to develop any talent just grind out dull results, Mason was not going to get much playing time under him.
  4. More lazy journalism from the Echo IMO
  5. Pickford was brilliant, he's had three games where he's not really been involved, last night similar for most of the early part, and managed to stay focused to pull out that fantastic save, I think this tournament will really help with his development and Everton ultimately.
  6. Steve, I dont think anyone likes the play acting, but for too long England have let other teams kick, push, pull and all other types of intimidation, and have played with a "stiff upper lip" to our expense, we finally seem to have realised that we need to play them at their own game and play up to the re when it happens, otherwise it goes un noticed. For me we should go down when infringed, but not do five summersaults and a double roll after. The headbutt to Henderson could have easily smashed his teeth, or caused him to bit off part of his tongue, did you really want him to stay standing and shake the Colombians hand to congratulate him?
  7. Good luck to him, clearly not up to PL standards yet ( Think Vardy, it could happen). Hopefully this shows our intent at getting in a new LB soon
  8. By big money, I meant he went for the dollars at City.
  9. I agree, you've got to earn your place and then perform well enough to keep it, no one should have an assurance hey place regardless.
  10. Sorry I'm not buying this either, Rodwell took the big money move and wasn't forced out as far as I'm aware, in what way does that reflect badly on the club? He failed to make an impression at City, and then at Sunderland who have just has successive relegations, and now has his contract terminated by a third tier team, yeah that's all Everton's fault ! ( No it's not )
  11. I wouldn't dismiss him on the basis of he's at his level at Huddersfield, Peter Reid was a risk when he came to us and look how that turned out!
  12. Good luck to the lad, I liked him but he always had a wobble in him. Lets hope the hunt for a new CH is well under way, the thought of Williams being on the pitch makes me ill.
  13. 1 passion, and taking games by the scruff of the neck 2 7th as a minimum, and a decent run in a cup 3 decent football 4 we see the same as last season
  14. We need to make a fast a positive start in this game, they will be fired up, , in fact just the opposite of what we did every game last season
  15. Not height wise, but yeah something like that would be nice
  16. Damm I’m going to miss 3 games that clash with booked holidays, my 1st home game is West Ham, over a month after the season starts, hope we get some tv coverage before that. Maybe TV coverage will move a couple of games to Monday nights, here’s hoping!
  17. Well the fixtures are released for the coming season at 9 tomorrow morning, really hoping that non of the home games clash with the holidays I've got booked, they all fell nicely for me last season.
  18. Ta ! I've been impressed with his aerial ability, he wins a lot of the upfield high balls, we just need to get someone on the end of his flick ons, something that was never going to happen under Allardyce. I'd been keen to see him and Tosun get some time together.
  19. Good lad, nice to see he wants to fight for a place, I also think it's too soon to make any final decision on him, I think he does have talent, but needs a bit of fine tuning on his finishing.
  20. 4 changes of players if Walcott starts, yet it looks like a totally different team, I like that and don't want wholesale changes like last year, it's too destabilising.
  21. He is a Complete arse wipe, he's walked away with a nice payout and still has to have a dig. Can't he see how dull he had us playing, just like every other team he's managed. Really makes me pissed off he is still given any attention by the press.
  22. To a large extent that's true, he knew that he was only here for the season, not 18 months, I don't think we were ever in any real danger of going down, all he had to do was coast along, take the money and inflate his ego, which he did, whilst undermining players confidence ( DCL, Lookman Holgate etc ) and got his press buddies to put a negative spin on how he was treated by the club. I m looking forward to seeing Lookman back in the treat and given the chance to flourish under Marco.
  23. Sorry but he needs to go, he's always been unpredictable, and when he came back from injury played without any commitment drifting around the pitch, loosing the ball and not tracking back, you can see Baines doesn't trust him and that results on Baines not willling to go forward because he knows he's going to be left out of position. I would also add Besic to the list, he doesn't do anything Benni can't do, and Benni will only improve with more experience. If Stek goes, is Hewlett good enough to be second choice or do we need to recruit?
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