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Zoo 2.0

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Everything posted by Zoo 2.0

  1. They retweet an account that supports food banks in Liverpool, admirable but they're hardly the second coming of Gandhi - they've also not done so since September 2021. On your second point, they literally have an inactive website and social media presence - in other words, fans didn't follow them as they were shouting absolute shite at the top of their lungs every week.
  2. Rode in on their high horses that nobody asked for and claimed to be the spokespersons for all Evertonians, demanding and pushing agendas that didn't speak for everyone (or the majority IMO). Came across as a load of jumped up gobshites just desperate for a little bit of fame and anarchy, probably did about 10% good, but on the whole were people that I don't think did any help to the club at all. Was glad when after a good five minutes they slipped back to obscurity.
  3. The Blue Union are/were utter gobshites.
  4. Gordon. Thought Mykolenko did well under the circumstances, don't think Pickford did a lot wrong either.
  5. Can't wait for Luton Town under the Goodison lights honestly.
  6. Still amazes me how we had James Rodriguez signed at the club and basically froze him out, binning him off to Qatar. Bit like sharing a bed with Mila Kunis and going for a wank in the bathroom.
  7. I've made peace with relegation, I said when we lost to Wolves that was us gone. Games in hand this, the players are too good that - we're down lads, it's been coming for years. Used to look at the likes of Sunderland peddling relegation every few minutes and think "thank fuck we're not them", now we are. It's going to get very, very messy too. There were toxic protests against Martinez, the board etc. but this will be something else. Moshiri, Kenwright etc should hang their heads in shame (but they won't).
  8. The main plus about Newcastle is the team spirit that they have built in such a short space of time, something that I would give anything for (but in reality something that should be there anyway). There is some absolute dross in this league, that survive simply because they play for one another. We on the other hand are both pretty shit, and clearly have a group of players (not all) that don't give a shit; win, lose or draw.
  9. It's a complete myth that this is the "Friendly derby", seen plenty of fists thrown in the Everton end because someone has worn a Liverpool shirt or celebrated a goal of theirs. IMO it shouldn't be allowed, if you have an away top on in the home section you should be ejected immediately.
  10. Play the Youth Team, our next game is against Chelsea.
  11. Fabrizio Romano has "here we go'd" Ten Haag to Manchester United, so that's the end of our hopes of signing Donny in the summer. I think that in any other circumstance he would want to leave Old Trafford, but he will 100% want to at least break into his old managers side.
  12. Really ? It would be a good save if he would have kept it out no doubt, but he's hit it from distance and the goalkeeper has a clear view of it. You'd expect goalkeepers in the elite bracket to deal with that, you wouldn't see that goal scored in the latter stages of the Champions League for example. I'll be honest in this discussion I'm straight down the middle. It's a fantastic strike no doubt, and the power he achieves on the ball is quite stunning but whilst I do believe that to be the case I don't think it's the goal of the season strike that some are painting it as, he wouldn't get that much time or space in the Premier League and it's my opinion that Premier League goalkeepers of a good standard (i.e. - playing for the European teams) would be able to deal with that. In terms of the overall development of Simms, it's only a good thing that he's doing well with Hearts (and has done well with Blackpool). It seems like we might have a decent striker on our hands, who probably isn't ready to fill the gap that DCL would leave should he depart, but could certainly get there.
  13. For me, DCL looked as though he was trying yesterday but he's just so far off the pace that it means he's absolutely shit. I don't know whether it's him carrying a knock, being out of fitness, just simply being out of form or not caring but the fact that he's taken the time out to post that on social media makes me believe that it's not the latter. If he can get a goal under his belt and push on then happy days, I just think that at the moment he's a passenger when we're in a situation where none can be so.
  14. This season is brilliant, even races like today were not that much happens are great just because we've had such a shuffle in the standings. Charles Leclerc already looks dialled into his Ferrari and will take some beating, yes it's only three races but when you consider that Mercedes are on the back foot and Red Bull clearly have a car that can't last a race distance he's only going to get faster and pull further away. Ferrari have just nailed this season after a few years of being seen as an absolute banter team and to be honest I'm excited for them. Just on Red Bull too and for me they have massive problems, a few years ago they were really a bit of a joke as they had a fast car that just had a knack of exploding every other weekend. When you consider that we've just finished Round 3, and they've already had as many retirements and it doesn't bode well for a team that's expecting to be fighting at the front. I'm sure they'll sort it out to an extent, but it's just not the best start in the world, especially as Ferrari seem so far up the road already (and with Mercedes no doubt creeping closer). Made up for George Russell too, looking really comfortable in that Mercedes and as with Charles, he's only going to get better the more he gets to grips with it. Hamilton in P4 was nice to see, but him being a little bitch on the radio hit a nerve with me - I can't be arsed with him being a nob-jockey while the Mercedes is slower than expected (especially when there was literally nothing his team could do about the situation). To be honest was pleased that he came in off the podium as he'd have probably just moaned in the interviews about ''dIFfiCulT sITuAtiONs''. At the back of the field, that Aston Martin is a bag of shite - I honestly think Seb will call it a day after this season. The team is well documented as being toxic and I just don't think he can be arsed fighting with a shopping trolley for another year or two.
  15. Phenomenal effort by the lads today, blew Manchester United away and never looked like losing. But no seriously we'll probably bottle Leicester and still go down.
  16. Might be misplaced, but I fucking love Frank Lampard. That last answer was spot on, he gets us. Super fucking Frank.
  17. Throat is sore as fuck, wouldn't have it any other way. Is absolutely right Everton, what an afternoon.
  18. I've said for a while that the price of relegation for us would be more than most clubs. We have a stadium being built that will cripple us (especially if Moshiri declares that it's his) and have a playing squad on ludicrous wages.
  19. This, 100%. What he did at Derby was fantastic. The trouble is the board will totally see him as being at fault, and it wouldn't surprise he if he's sacked before the end of the season, nevermind summer.
  20. I don't get why you're so upset, didn't you see that our new sleeve sponsor is the Ukraine Foundation? Totally agree with all of the above, while we are good at our community work, it's spun so much in the media to deflect from the fires at board level. Fully expect Lampard to be sacked too, which would be yet another insane decision from an incompetent board.
  21. Hope they have a lasagne buffet and get the shits.
  22. Paelladyce is a massive reason why we are going down.
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