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Everything posted by Hafnia

  1. Hmmm what's happening with Barkley? Maybe the broken toe has taken that edge off him. Probably see him last 20.
  2. For fucks sake... We have had our say on Traore, let's leave him to prove us wrong now... DOOM!!!!
  3. You mean he didn't snort loads of beak, wave £50 notes around and behave like a thug?
  4. http://m.101greatgoals.com/blog/hes-lost-it-man-united-manager-david-moyes-claims-some-kind-of-premier-league-conspiracy-video/ Comes across as a right prick now he's lost his "look at me I'm working on pennies and pulling out top results" persona. Just looks like a spoilt fool who can't handle his flaws being exposed.
  5. Why not just say, Haf I have a problem with the fact you have contacts, or bullshit that you do. All this "make me laugh " bollocks, get it of your chest. Don't hold it in. Passive aggressive nonsense. You just come across as a bit of a tit. For the record, the Dunc and his £500 wasn't just a one off. The bloke is generous to a fault, probably what you call flash. He's a true gent, but hey, not gonna fit in with your assassination of his character. If he was flash, you would have seen him do media work, be pictured out on the tiles in the likes of the newz bar etc... He grew up in a rough arsed area, he is a down to earth bloke who likes to get the beers in and look after people he sees as his own. You do make me laugh, rofl, lol and all that shit.
  6. I think you are getting a tad bit carried away. Ferguson was having a few beers, he paid for a massive round, had the cash on the bar in front of the stool he was sitting on, he left it there absent mindedly, when my mate took it to him he admired his honesty and offered to let him keep it as a means of showing his appreciation for his honesty. He wasn't being flash, charity? I take it you don't really know too much about him then?
  7. Seen the picture of him signing the contract, he looks fat.
  8. Whatever or whoever signed them, the point is Moyes has had players capable of a better standard of football. Villa away? Never a truer indicator of the type of football associated with a manager. With Moyes people remember specific games where we played well... Under better managers it becomes the norm and it's only the games where the standard doesn't meet that you remember.
  9. Absolutely farcical. That's one way of screwing their pay structure
  10. I'd go further I believe there was carsley, gravesen, valente, etc etc who were comfortable on the ball. Moyes signed players who were quite capable of playing the game to a more progressive style. Did we play progressive football though??? My prev post should have said play not player.
  11. So thats 2 teams 3 titles won in total - United won 5 in the same era... were they making clear outs? No. SAF assembled "a team" - made deliberate adjustments not wholesale changes. Didn't just keep changing personnel having trouble makers infiltrate the team. Look at Tevez - in the united team he conformed to the culture, in the City team he tried to influence the culture. Continued player recycling does not work in delivering sustained results.
  12. You aren't reading my posts clearly - its not the "money" aspect I am talking about, spend £100m on one player - thats absolutely fine. To go and spend £100m on 6 players and expect results is just madness. Teams are made over time not just transfer windows. Additions must be integrated. Its not always about collecting the best player in every position. You never seen the Everton team of 84-85... individually player by player other clubs would have had more valuable teams. We had aging players in Gray and Reid, great youth graduates like Steven, Stevens, Ratcliffe, some bargains like Bracewell, Sheedy - mixed in they were formidable and would be a match for any team of any british era. To make my example count...we signed Lineker, a quality striker, worth a fair few bob, top goalscorer but he changed the dynamic of the team - we weren't as good or harmonious.
  13. Of course it doesn't work - look at the player attrition levels (turnover) at those clubs... its a patch up methodology that does not provide sustained results. Player acquisition needs to be specific and deliberate, this is not Football manager 2014... Look at Bayern and Barca versus Real, Chelsea and City. New players need to integrate into the existing culture, not come in numbers and form a new one.
  14. Disagree all you like. Its been said many times, throwing money and buying 5-6 players with egos upsets the apple cart. Teams are built, not thrown together. Look at Liverpool when they bought diouf, salif diou etc - it doesn't work, the alpha male clashes create tension.
  15. Arsenal are adamant that they were forced to limit Liverpool’s FA Cup ticket allocation on safety grounds due to the late kick-off time for television and their previous experience of allowing Chelsea fans in the upper tier of the stadium. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/teams/arsenal/10621095/Arsenal-caught-in-ticketing-row-after-reducing-Liverpools-FA-Cup-allocation-on-safety-grounds.html
  16. He must be on vitamin D and Cissus... thats all I can say!
  17. Don't get it.... he's a free agent effectively now, so why will city be sending him as some sort of ambassador to a franchise club??? He has no ties.
  18. You can throw £100m at the squad and buy 5 players - it doesn't make it the right thing to do, unless something is broken - i.e the side that Moyes inherited then wholesale changes don't often work. Look at Spurs this year, Man City a few years back, Sunderland nearly every window. Side need to move into their next image, not jump. Thats where I have been impressed with Martinez, he has brought different styles of player to what we have been used to - comfortable on the ball. I will say this right now IF MARTINEZ WAS HIRED TO REPLACE SAF - UNITED WOULD BE TOP OF THE LEAGUE NOW. He would have taken McCarthy and partnered him with Carrick, had Rooney behind RVP, utilised Kagawa, and basically had them playing football.
  19. Previously Sainsburys were said to be interested in stadium build at whp. Something needs to happen.
  20. Here's an insight by my mate who had a pint with him - he's actually a Liverpool fan... Ferguson was on the lash, mate was chatting to him at the bar, Ferguson had a wedge of cash just on the bar, buying drinks etc, just not arsed, like it was small change. Had a few pints with my mate and said "nice to meet you, I've gotta go" - he left his money on the bar, about 400-500, my mate took it to him... He said "have it if you want" - mate refused, said he couldn't, and Ferguson asked him to come along to the party he was off to with a few women in tow.
  21. He was brilliant, a very underrated player. He got stuck in and could play. The club behaved disgracefully over his contract, he single handedly kept us in games by adding some necessary bite and quality in midfield.
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