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Blue 250

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Everything posted by Blue 250

  1. It's a long way to Goodison from where I live.....a few more miles wont hurt! Maybe it's different for you locals who go to every home game.I didn't want to leave Goodison,but it had to happen one day.Don't know much about where we are going,might be loads of hassle getting there from Lime street....just have to waite and see. Sad day for Everton FC when fans say they wont follow them to a new home. They all have their reasons,which is fair enough!......but still a sad day! For the record....when I said it had to happen one day,I'm not sure thats true. I have no problem with,as some call it a cow shed. I can't see that if we all stuck by the team and took crowds of 43,000 to the new stadium then it will turn out bad.Unless of course we have a crap team....which could happen at Goodison!
  2. Would I take Wayne Rooney back?.......Yes! When he's made £millions and won loads of trophies....which he will.And he probably wouldn't have done with us.When he wants to play football for fun...while his wife is earning £millions.When he wants to return to his first love.....Then yes. Lets remember with him in the team we were still not really top half...we had a few good results,but we did improve as a team when he left. If the fans could have accepted the reasons why he left,and realised maybe it did help us in some ways......and then on his return have sung his name as the Evertonian that he is.....then perhaps he would have been to choked up to play well against us! And if 1/3 of the crowd hadn't spat poison at him,he wouldn't have kissed the Man utd badge. I'm an Evertonian!.....if I'd have been him,treated like he was,young and hot headed I'd have kissed the badge! The hate that's still within many of our fans will probably mean he wont want to return! I hope he has a great footballing life.....and can maybe do something for Everton FC in years to come.
  3. Yakubu, it seems a lot of people think he's lazy!....Well yes he does at times drift out of a game and looks a bit uninterested.BUT he does score goals at the top level. Beattie at times played at 100 miles an hour,chased every ball and even once ran right through the back of a Chelsea player....and didn't score many goals. My point is maybe putting in 75% effort and scoring is better than 110% and not! Anichebe will learn some good things from Yakubu.In a couple of years time opponents wont know what hit them when Yakubu and Anichebe are on the pitch at the same time.
  4. On a side note, whose not looking forward to the derby and all the one city one club crap They wont be singing that if Yakubu's got a hatrick! I'd rather have away fans shout all kinds of insults and piss takes,as long as they leave with no points. And when we play at their new place....and the final cost has soared to £500million and their new multi-million pound squad has flopped....I'm sure our fine away fans will come up with some fine insults of their own!
  5. Blue 250 - He was shot at point blank range. It was no accident. Yeah, apparently rode up to him on his bike and shot him point blank as Mark said Well guess I was hoping that it wasn't such a cold blooded killing!
  6. His poor mother!..........Let's hope the lad knew she was with him. On a sober note!.....His assassin,apparently a teenager himself would have had to have been a sharpshooter to hit a target probably moving from any distance! (with a hand gun) surely more of a random few pot shots to scare the lads!.....That went wrong.
  7. I'm pretty sure if we can get this team onto the pitch we WILL win! .......................................Howard. .....Jagielka....................................................Baines. ....................Yobo.............................Lescott. ...................Neville........................Carsley. .....Arteta.................Fernandes..............Osman. ......................Johnson...................Yakubu............. another edit needed No!.....I stand by what I said....IF we can get THAT team on,we will win!! Sorry just my attempt to brighten up another lousy day!
  8. I'm pretty sure if we can get this team onto the pitch we WILL win! .......................................Howard. .....Jagielka....................................................Baines. ....................Yobo.............................Lescott. ...................Neville........................Carsley. .....Arteta.................Fernandes..............Osman. ......................Johnson...................Yakubu.............
  9. What is this country coming to! Have to admit I'm guilty myself....a few posts back! English people wanting England to lose!!!.........Can't just be Everton fans,I'm sure there are thousands up and down the country . Can only imagine that way back in 1966 every football fan,wanted the team to win every game they played,not just the World cup final.....but the friendlies around that time. Regardles of whether any of your teams players were playing,you would have wanted England to win. When did we start hating the managers and wanting The national team to lose? As mentioned,I'm guilty!not proud of that......for me it's only been the last few years, can't really put my finger on the reason.Lack of passion maybe....players making comercials about missing important penalties,therefore making money out of it! What would have to change to make every English fan want England to win?
  10. It has to happen!.........Perhaps it does!BUT does it guarantee we will become a better more successful football club? Maybe we will make more money from slightly improved gates,and corporate business, but then we may spend more on players like Yakubu. Do Luckypool think their new stadium will ensure they finally win the championship? They wont if they can't beat teams at that superdome! Yakubu has cost nearly twice as much as AJ!....Do you really think he will be twice as good?
  11. If McFadden scores a hatrick against Blackburn at the weekend.....I'll give him a big KISS!
  12. I honestly believe that the ref was standing in the one place on the pitch that actually made the challange look a foul! Sure it wasn't!........Just about everyone knows it wasn't!BUT his line of vision led to believe that the Chelsea player was played instead of the ball. If he has been suspended......for that decision alone then that's a shame.Any other match and it would have hardly got a mention. Just think if this becomes the norm!.....Make a mistake get suspended!! The FA are going to need a hell of a lot more referee's.
  13. Couple of things about Yakubu,if he comes! Moyes seemed to favor a single front man in the last couple of seasons,at which AJ has proved his worth last season.No one could work harder than him at that particular game. Can Yakubu do lone front man?Beattie couldn't. Has Moyes decided to now go two front men,ie playing Anichebe with AJ so far? I do think that Anichebe could well benifit from having Yakubu at Everton,as I'm sure Anichebe will end up with a similar style,so could learn a lot. Could almost see the partnership of AJ and Yakubu........replaced in a few years by the Vaughan and Anichebe! Where I wonder does this all leave McFadden when those four are fit.Will we cash in on him?
  14. Never a penalty!........Last week against Villa,Never a free kick!
  15. Well!..............That's ok then Anyone see Rick Parrys comments about the Gerrard's injury? Gerrards toe it seems is a nasty injury.....and there's no way he should play for England this week!....it's the kind of injury that needs special attention and care!! Luckypools physio's have begun that treatment already....begining with a midfield battle with Chelsea!!
  16. It's no wonder they call us bitter, what is the obsession with Liverpool? The only time I care how they do is when we play them Funny that coming from someone who has started a thread called.................. ...................."Liverpools new stadium"..............................
  17. Gerrard's fit enough to play for the rs today....yet not for England? I only hope Drogba doesn't land on that toe today......that would be a massive blow! Romey 1878.....England 0 Germany 3!...I'm with you on that one! evertonfc92....Don't worry about what Romey 1878 say's....no one else does
  18. Who will win the league?.......Man City?....Reading? As I type City are beating United.... I'm looking forward to that title decider...Reading v Man City... Could be a good season for the "small"clubs....Hell even luckypool could win the Prem this year....now that would be an upset!
  19. Born & bred Blue, but living in anfield for my sins.. Yeh!Well I live in Norfolk.....just goes to show,you can't really help you live! No problem with Anfield from me....Hello Paul.
  20. Favorite scottish team?.......It's a long story...Queen of the south!! AND NO!!.....Nothing to do with being GAY!....ie Queen's. I'm all man!.......if you don't believe me you can just ask that hunky young man who's just moved in opposite!!
  21. Very underated player,gives 100%. Did well for us,and always looked dangerous against us. Every player is never far away from a career threatning injury,sad but a fact of life.
  22. As the result reading 1 Everton 0 sinks in,a few things are happening! The optermist(were going to have a fantastic season) sinks back in his chair,thinking OH! what has gone wrong...... The pessimist(things are bound to go wrong soon,were crap) sits forward in his chair ready to tell everyone he was right all along.... AND!.....The realist(this is Everton....let's just see what happens) takes stock! Yes we had a great start(two games!!!!).....but how many people still believed,that what we really needed was Fernandes!.....Baines! and a new forward to replace the PROSPECT!..that is Anichebe(for that is what he is,his best is yet to come) Fernandes to create and take pressure from Arteta,who can't do it for us every game. Baines to solve that bloody left back position. Maybe the YAK!.....To help AJ and gives us some more options. So Reading who are no mugs hung on in the end!....if the above is correct it was against an Everton team missing....Cahill,Yobo,Baines,Fernandes,Vaughan,The YAK?...who should be at least within the squad. Both Spurs and Wigan won again today!.....so the wins against them weren't as some have said easy games. Some people thought we might blow the wigan game and maybe get a point....lose at Spurs and perhaps an away point at Reading would then have seemed ok!!!! THAT would have been two points!......weve got 6 points!!That ain't too bad,is it realists is it? Moyes if he get's the two players he wants this week,and if Baines is fit,will have to fit it all together........and when Cahill and Vaughan are ready,theres more work to find the best eleven.....BUT,that could be a pretty good eleven.
  23. If we can't get rid without losing loads of money,Why then can't we keep finding ways to fine him! Like getting him to play in the reserves!....he wont turn up...We fine him! Spike his water bottle with alcohol!...he wont remember he didn't put it in...We fine him! In the canteen,load him up with calories.....he'll enjoy that...overweight...we fine him! Untill he's so pissed off he does a runner.....we fine him! Result he's paid his own wages...and he moves on!!
  24. Nice footage! Just wondering IF we don't move,what effect do people feel a really successful season (ie a very good league position and maybe a cup) would have upon the situation! That kinda season should produce near 40,000 crowds each week,lodas more merchandise sold and a very good out look,ie players wanting to stay and new players wanting to come.
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