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Blue 250

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Everything posted by Blue 250

  1. Wanting Arteta to get injured again, is bordering on the insane.....most of us just want him to regain his form. Arteta has never been as good as he was pre-injury, even if he did seem to be back on track for a couple of months. I would rather have sold Arteta than Pienaar.....BUT, Arteta is still an Everton player, a gifted one even if he's not showing us his best at present, he might just get it back.One things for sure if he's fit Moyes will probably take a risk with him, and play him. If he's injured as you were wishing, we can't play him, sell him (for decent money) or expect him to improve. Prompting the question!....."what to do with Arteta"
  2. It's not exactly a secret that Arteta isn't having his best season, hence this thread. He's recovered from a very bad injury, started a family and got the contract he wanted that will probably take him up to his return to his warm Spanish roots.......he's a different person to the one before his injury, every player loses form now and again, so we can only hope he very quickly steps it a bit.I don't think if we drop him it will have the required affect, for me he (if he's ever going to) will only improve with games, playing in his best position. Hasn't it got to the stage where most now want Baines to take free kicks and corners? surely that shows how things have changed. Arteta v Barton!....Arteta never has been a player who inspires people around around him, but strangly enough hasn't Barton scored a couple of Arteta type free kicks? There's a place in most teams for both types of player......grit and determination from one and skill and style from the other......bit like having Peter Reid and Kevin Sheedy in the same team. I'd take Barton, at the right price.
  3. surely the saddest comment ever written! Optimism may be blind sometimes, but it's always well meant!
  4. Andy Gray, sacked by Sky Sports for comments made off air (well on because he was still wired up) Think we all know by now what he said, and to be fair it was pretty stupid.
  5. Late equalizers, don't tell the whole story....we might miss 6 decent chances during a game and score in the 95 min.So did we snatch a point with the late equalizer or lose two by not taking our chances.Our form at the start of the season was pretty good, just couldn't score I think this has shaped our season.It's our own fault, I'm not trying to say it isn't.I think I recall Beckford one on one with the Sunderland keeper, last kick of the game.On the other hand we were lucky against West Ham, not just lucky but very poor. We remember the bad games and tend to forget the ones where we were the better team, because being the better team gets you nothing.We out played Villa away and got nothing as an example. The question was "where do we go from here"....I still say go to the next game, trust the players to turn the season around.I don't see we have much choice.
  6. As you say, sure it's easy to say had things turned out differently!......that's why I used such a tiny, tiny......example, two of our many draws, quite a few of those we could have won .Only two games I was talking about, and in the present crazy prem that it is, we would have been 7th. We can go on forever talking doom and gloom it seems, but we can't just for a moment talk about if we'd turned many chances into a couple of extra goals. Like I said before, the people slagging Everton, the manager, the chairman and the board have their points and I suppose that's what forums are for. I think we can beat Chelsea.....motivations what's been lacking + Artetas form + scoring a few more goals.No reason why that come right this weekend. We could get two new faces in this January, one might be crap, the other get injured. On the other hand, Arteta might start earning his money and Beckford might start whacking a few into the net, both are possible.
  7. So ok!...WERE HAVING A BAD SEASON!.....Sorry for shouting, but it's either that or bang my head against the wall, and I need the brain cells. I'm going to add a few thoughts, and I know they will/or can all be rubbished, but what the hell! People go on about all these players that are leaving.....well it's only Pienaar at the moment surely, that's because he's out of contract and wants a massive pay rise, he's gone to a team who couldn't beat us this season, if we'd been sitting in 5th place just above Spurs......he would still have gone, HE WANTED A PAY RISE! Yobo and the Yak are still our players, we can call them back and they are off the wage bill at present, we can sell them or use them.Moyes at the moment chooses not to play them and that's just the way it is. Don't we just know that every time the Yak scores for Leicester, it's going to be mentioned 50 times......Come on, the Yaks playing on hype at his new club, he's the big star, the defending probably isn't prem standard.If it re-awakens his goal scoring, then his price goes up or he comes home. Suddenly we are an aging club!...dam it Gerrard and Carrigher are getting bloody younger. Every club has it's share of young and old players.....at least Evertons academy/youth team are top of the table having lost 1 in 15. Rodwell, Coleman, Anichebe and Vaughan are probably going to improve in the next couple of seasons. Finally, yes, 13th place is poor, we have been inconsistant, but just two of those many draws as wins would put us 7th.That's 7th even in a poor season, which is really down to not scoring enough. We've had a couple of really poor games, West Brom and West Ham spring to mind, but we've also out played a few teams this season and only drawn with them, it's a fine line we tread and we are at the moment the wrong side of it. I just can't believe the doom and gloom some like to preach.Beat Chelsea and we can win the FA Cup, score a few goals and we can finish top 7. I don't blame anyone for being pissed off with how things are going and can we ever forget we have NO money........I'm just glad my glass seems far from empty. I wouldn't bet against a win on Saturday, then who knows.
  8. What more could moyes have done! He keeps Johny at center back.....most wanted that. He plays Fellaini at holding mid. He doesn't play Hibbert....some will be happy with that. He begins and plays most of the game with two up front. He obviously instructs Baines to take the lions share of corners.(or at least I think Baine took alot of them) He's keeping Coleman in the team. No! for me today there were two problems, west ham defended pretty dam well and secondly WE (the players) were very poor, can't think of any who stood out....maybe Fellaini! That result is the type of thing that could lead to Cahill walking straight back into his old role. EVERTON.....for fuc%s sake stop expecting teams that you THINK are lesser than you, to roll over and let you win.If you don't give 100% every week, you/we will keep friggin drawing.....or worse
  9. Tried to warn you Some just thought the hammers would just roll over and die........like west Brom, wolves ect.
  10. Yep! I work with a Hammers fan, and they're coming to Goodison to lose. So it's going to be easy
  11. Coleman is a raw exciting talent, everyone knows he's not the finished item.Think for a moment what he could develop into.It's his first season in the prem and already he's a handfull for most defenders, and he's scoring goals.He's playing in an Everton team which if we were honest are under performing.Get the balance right, for example a really good defender behind him and a free scoring striker or two ahead of him ( point being opponents will have less time to watch Coleman) and we should get the best out of him. Victor at present splits the fans or at least he does on here, but Moyes obviously see's something in him to offer this contract extension. One thing to remember with Anichebe, he hasn't exactly been able to put a run of games together, his career has been stop start.He will shoot on sight, he can win balls in the air, he can squash defenders (so they wont like playing against him). They cost us nothing or in Colemans case next to nothing, they wont even with the pay rise be on stupid money, so I'd say a decent piece if business.
  12. There's a POSSIBILITY....Pienaar will win more at Spurs! There's a POSSIBILITY....Pienaar will get a first team start at spurs every week! It's a FACT..............Pienaar will get MORE money! The only thing that's certain is the money.Harry could leave for the England job, Bale might want to move on and Van Der Vart could lose his form or get injured.The Spurs bubble could burst, well it's a possibility. It's also a possibility, that next season we might actualy start well and finish above Spurs, who we took 4 points off this season. But it wont really matter, because Steven, God bless him, will have more money in the bank. Saying and meaning all that, I have to add, I kinda liked the bloke and think he's a really good player.....but like most, very greedy
  13. I had the misfortune of watching this game at a sports centre with about a dozen red shite, much of what you say seems about right, but I'd say that after the penalty, the game could have gone either way, not perhaps as you put it, only one winner.We lost the signal for about 5 mins around about 82 min and the rs were all convinced when we were reconected Everton would be ahead!We didn't really create good chances, but we did seem a threat to them, and I know for a fact the rs fans didn't grumble too much at the final whistle, they seemed happy with a draw in the end. It was a penalty, although the ref didn't seem too sure for a start. As you say Arteta!....what a shame. Swept aside, almost scared of upsetting the return of the king, we were lucky to still be in the game, second half, we should have pushed on and smashed them.
  14. There's a saying "if you want something bad enough, you can make it happen"....well I think a 40,000 crowd, a king and 11 players really wanted that victory, and to be fair Everton really struggled to get going against that kind of passion, the script was a home win! They(the shite)were up for it, and without some key players we got swept along for most of the first half, we had a couple of chances, only half chances at best, but if we'd scored we would have punctured their fragile momentum. Second half we got that goal, and boy were they punctured, we deserved the 2nd and were the better team in the second half. They were at home, the king was back, they had all the hype and they still couldn't beat us. Probably a fair result over the whole game.Didn't think other than Fellaini, Howard and Baines that the players showed much. At times in the second half we out passed liverpool with ease, do that against West Ham next week and we should be on our way to a massive 3 points.
  15. We really don't need another draw, But, how bad would a draw be today for us! The shite with Dalglish back will be 110% up for this, not saying we won't, but it will be a difficult game, that's still a talented squad Dalglish has to pick from with only really gerrard missing.We have question marks over Cahill, Jagielka, Pienaar and Saha. We could well end the game with the likes of Hibbert, Anichebe, Osman, Vaughan and Rodwell all youth team players, plus young Coleman playing some part! How with these lads, plus the above mentioned players out, How, can we beat a liverpool team with a King as a manager and a squad that cost a couple of hundred million!!! They (the shite) should be massive favorites, anything but a victory for them will be a disaster, even a draw for them would be a terrible result. I'd like to see (if Saha is out) Vaughan and Anichebe starting up front. Moyes was at Blackpool watching in mid-week, I wonder how many times he's scribbled a team on a piece of paper, only to screw it up. surely a dead cert win today for the reds.........how can they lose to a skint Everton
  16. Once your above probably 30 metres the result of falling is the same. Wasn't happy when he reached the top and took both hands off the frame....WTF!
  17. Pienaar want's big money in his pay packet, Spurs, Chelsea and a few other clubs are ready and waiting to pay him.I don't think many clubs in the prem wouldn't want a player like him, like us they just can't afford his wages. I think in the last couple of seasons he would have been the first name on the teamsheet for me, I rate him that highly.Unplayable at times and always gives 100%. surely he and Baines' partnership was at times magic. Good luck Pienaar, if you stay till the end of the season, just give us a few more happy memories, starting Sunday.
  18. New poster!......nah!......just ANOTHER user name Think we all know who this is
  19. Was it really twenty years since Souness was in charge! Let's hope Blackpool stretch them a bit, oh it can be Bloody cold in Blackpool in January, mind those hamstrings lads!
  20. Dalglish will tinker with the squad, he did today and his captain let him down.I thought a very average Man Utd were there for the taking and they blew it. They play Blackpool in mid-week, I guess a defeat there would lead to a bit of panic before the derby. Gerrard wont be playing (or shouldn't be ), but to be fair Dalglish still has a good squad to tinker with.It will be a battle as usual, but if Felaini can stay on the pitch then he will again play a big part. I saw a liverpool fan wrote on a forum "If Dalglish can't do it then God help us" There you have it, God will soon be in the firing line.....it will be his fault! If Moyes is brave, and the boys want it....0-1 Everton.
  21. We can win and lose with 4-4-2, just as well as with 4-5-1. To my mind we have the players to use both in the same match (well that is when Cahills about and fit). The squad for a match day if it contains Cahill is capable of doing both formations.Moyes can start with the system that looks most suited for the opponents, with the option of changing as soon as it appears that it's not working out. There are no easy games, and if the first game up after Cahill returns looks likely to benifit from 4-4-2, then Put Tim on the bench. Cahills like a not very secret weapon, opponents know what he can do, that's something Moyes has to remember. I'm sure there will be games in the not too far distant future, that we will win using 4-5-1, that will depend on an inform striker and the formation pushed to it's limits.....and obviously Cahill working his magic. There's room for both.......is Moyes blinkered to the extent he wont put a fully fit Cahill on the bench, I hope not.
  22. Don't think any player stood out, good performance by all against a opponents who didn't really show up. To be honest at times I thought it was all too easy. Fellaini did his job well and didn't dive in, makes football look easy at times, so I gave it to him. Victor would have shot from his own penalty area if he could, looked desperate!
  23. Performance, not that important today, result is everything. Saying that, both would be nice. Obvious fact though, this is a massive game for Scunthorpe, their players will only see the reputation of the Everton players as a challange.If Fellaini, Pienaar and co think that any 50-50 tackle will be anything other than a war, then they are being very short sighted. Everton players!....please remember, the Scunthorpe players want what you've got!! Show them why they can't have it. Fellaini to have a big say in todays battle.
  24. The win over Man City, was a good result, but the performance other than the opening 20 minutes was far from good.Except maybe the fact that the lads defended well, even after Anichebe was sent off. The win against a pretty good Spurs side was very different, but begs the question could/would we have still beaten them with Cahill?....that we will never know, will we. I thought and stated it that, Moyes would obviously try a different route, and the lads would be willing to prove that without Cahill they were still a force.With Cahill we seem hit and miss, it can work or it just doesn't work out on the day, teams we should be beating with our squad are holding us for draws or worse. Let's not get carried away and think, problem solved, just play 442 and were on our way into Europe, because we know we can get beat with 442 just as easily as with 451. On our day with Cahill in his 'role', and with the right players around him, the striker on form, as well as Arteta and co, then we know we are a very good team....but at times this season, and it's as much down to the players as it is Moyes, we've looked pretty short on ideas playing that system. With Caill away, we might just as well stick to 442, as there's no other player at Everton who plays 'that' role like he does.After all it did look good against Spurs. When Cahill returns, then what! I think Moyes needs to show some balls, like some have already said on here, if 442 is working do the unthinkable, drop Tim to at least the bench, we can change things around if we have to, how good would Tim be thrown forward fresh and willing in the last 15mins of a match if we were chasing a goal! I'm on record as a Moyes/Kenwright man......but for the good of Everton David, show some balls, you can drop Jagielka, you can drop Arteta and you can drop Cahill.We have got a good squad, use the whole bloody thing, sometims change is good, Johny can play at the back, Coleman can keep running at people and Arteta might play better if he thinks he's not the king of the midfield. I can see where some people think with this squad another manager might do well with it, but for me, for now, Moyes is still the man.
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