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Blue 250

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Everything posted by Blue 250

  1. If Pienaar does drugs that's his problem, if it interferes with his football while at Everton then it's our problem. From what I'v seen the little bloke gives 100% every game he plays, he's taken more knocks than most and he usually gets back up and carries on.Maybe could score a few more goals (but then in our team at the moment he hardly stands out) and sometimes his final balls not the right one, BUT......he's probably our most skillfull player, his linking with Baines is surely one of the best partnerships in the prem, and I think had we managed to have within the club two lucky, injury free, free scoring forwards, the Baines/Pienaar duo with the said forward/s would be ripping most teams to shreds.....I for one will miss Pienaar, big time. He wants to move on, he wants more money, he doesn't support Everton....get over it. Try and find a player to replace him, who knows what he lacks in skill maybe he will add other things to the team, perhaps goals or final pass! What about Joey Barton
  2. Anichebe is like every other footballer!.........He's got an agent. Everton can't score goals, the players being tasked with finding the net.....can't! Vics contract talks begin, what do you think his agent is whispering in his ear. He had a good pre-season, the lads up front on the big money ( having earned their contracts or not) aren't producing, Vic's probably been told to seek a decent pay rise. If I were Moyes, I'd say go out and earn it mate. If Victor can get us into Europe I'd pay him £30,000 a week and sell either Saha or the Yak to help pay for it.
  3. I recon Victors been looking over the shoulder of Louis and the yak when they've opened their pay slips.........think about it!
  4. You say players like Arteta and Cahill want more, you mean they want to be higher up the table and perhaps win a trophy or two, well........pull your friggin finger out play your hearts out and inspire those around you....never know that might help a bit! Anyway, where the hell would we be without Arteta's recent free kicks and corners and his side ways runs?.....I'm sure we'd be worse off with one of those power house midfielders willing to run at players and take a risk, for half the money. Cahills a great little player and with the right player in front of him he will help us in a relegation battle.....and Cahill won't just ask to leave because we are struggling, nor for that matter will Arteta.We need goals to move up, they need to provide for the striker/s......not run away.
  5. Exactly, not perhaps the madness bit, but the traning part.Something is making Moyes put Saha ahead of the Yak and Beckford and even Anichebe, soon it may well be the madness bit. Now would have been a good time to start with Anichebe....he says he's worth a much bigger contract well, there you go Victor, go and show us how good you are.Maybe he's more hungry than Saha, maybe he should be playing.
  6. I think every one understands what a winter fuel allowance is, and we know it's for senior citizens, but you said you'd worked x amount of years and paid your taxes as if that was what made you worthy...."unlike some others"....implying "others" may not be worthy!You were the one linking paying tax to fuel allowance. I'm only replying to your original post to try and cheer you up a bit......is it working
  7. In that case chuck another log on the fire and cheer up! There are some people in this country who will never be able to get a decent job, so they certainly wont be paying much in the way of tax.......should we let them freeze! Congratulations on 50 years work, that's one day going to be as rare as an Everton forward scoring a hatrick. I hope we make it just a little bit too hot for Wigan at Goodison today....and I don't mean turn up the under soil heating.
  8. So we didn't outplay Wolves (missed many chances) 1-1.....2 points lost. we were far better than Villa, Couldn't score 0-1.........3 points lost. We missed chance galore against Bolton....................2 points lost. We were the better team against Sunderland 2-2............2 points lost. Even West Brom who thrashed us we missed loads 1-4...say 1 point lost. Those lost points would have put us 5th!.....perhaps your aunty does have balls And of course your not worried about gas prices you get £200 pounds of tax payers money, oh well at least you and your aunty won't freeze your balls off No Evertonians happy with our current plight, I'm just not going to let it spoil my day ...Sure if we beat Wigan today we are still closer to the bottom than the top, but if we troop of that pitch having won 2-0 I for one will be pretty happy. Pienaar will still want to leave (unless we throw more money at him)...Anichebe will still be asking for more money....and Gosling isn't coming back.....but shit we will have won a game of football and we'll move on to next with the players we've got and try and win that one.It's what we do, it always help if we score more goals than the other team, with a bit of luck things like that might come good.....hope springs eternal!
  9. Pienaar would be wanting to leave even if we were 4th at present.......he wants more money NOT more success!He's probably going to Spurs, they can give him more money, will they win things who knows! Who cares about Gosling, and Anichebe is just an angry young man, whos career has never got going and is trying to get a massive deal just like every other greedy footballer. Plenty of teams having bad times at the moment, Villa, Fulham and over the last few weeks even Chelsea (can't buy a win). If players want to leave what the hell can Moyes or Everton do about it, other than throw more money at them.Glen Johnson wants to leave liverpool, carrigher and Gerrard are getting towards the end of their prem life, they (the fans) hate their manager and if they finish mid-table will Torres and Reina want to leave....is their winter and less discontent than ours! If some of our players (stars) want to leave us because we aren't winning things, finishing high enough....(or paying them enough money), then let them go, get in players with fight in their bellies and a hunger to prove themselves.....players like those can beat teams bursting with big name....Everton 1 West Brom 4.....Chelsea 0 Sunderland 3. If we were sitting 4th, and if we'd scored goals and turned draws and defeats into wins that's where we would be, then even Pienaar wanting away, Anichebe wanting more money and Gosling having left wouldn't seem such a problem. Is this "our winter of discontent"....yes if you want to see it that way! Today if we beat wigan, it gets just that bit more sunny and spring like.....it's only a game after all.Not worth putting your head in the gas oven.Any way have you seen the price of gas
  10. Big, Big game!Lose this, well don't even think about it. Baines, take all the corners, take all the free kicks, interact with Pienaar and get some quality crosses in....oh yeh, if you can, can you make some more of those runs into the box. OH, and Leighton, can you score a couple of goals, and for christs sake get back and do your defencive duties. 2-0 Everton....(Baines 2)
  11. Poor old Chris! Reputaion intact, massive payout and a new job by the spring!
  12. Average result ( getting a point at Chelsea seems the normal result these days), and an average performace, against a Chelsea team struggling for form.That said, we have to remember Chelsea did have two of their better players back, whilst we had the slightly rusty Rodwell and Fellaini in midfield with Coleman, who whilst has promise still might not be ready for 90 mins every week.My point being perhaps our midfield did well considering. We need to keep a big eye on what's happening below us, I'd only start thinking about Europe when we've got a decent amount of points between us and the bottom three.To be honest were not too good to go down, not whilst we have the potential to lose next week at home to wigan! Get scrapping and fighting for points NOW!......We might get a pleasant surprise come the spring.If we don't start winning games, then we might just get a nasty shock. Never a penalty yesterday, Anelka just ran straight towards Howard and dived into him.Obstruction at worst, indirect free kick I would have thought.What was Howard supposed to do, dive out of the way of Anelka, I would have thought goalkeepers would be at least able to stand their ground, it's up to the attacker to go around. Mention for Baines, his delivery and runs are brillant.
  13. Gordon Lee! According to "Everton, a complete record 1878-1985"...Lee built an Everton side of considerable ability and , perhaps more importantly, one worth watching.In his first full season, Everton finished 3rd and were the 1st divisions highest scorers with 76 goals. Very few manages actually win the big prizes, which is something David Moyes shares with Mr Lee.Is it harder now than it was in the 70's? Moyes has had longer than Lee to prove himself, but the game is different these days, for one thing it must be harder to motivate mega rich players who own 3 houses, four cars, watches worth more than Latcford was being paid for a years graft....and so on! Some call for Moyes to drop some of his big stars, Arteta and Saha for instance, big deal will they really be bothered, less chance of getting kicked, same pay and, they(and others Jonny and Pienaar for example) will have no problem finding another team to throw stupid money at them.Moyes can only pick what he thinks is his best team, how the hell does he motivate them. Give or take a few games this season he's picked teams that have outplayed opponents, sure we can't score.....but we went into this season with Yakubu, Saha, Beckford, Anichebe and Vaughan, now I don't know about you, but there sure as hell should be some goals in there somewhere, Moyes probably thought so, and to be honest IF they had then I wouldn't have just wasted 15 mins writing this.....I could have been washing the dishes! THANKS LADS
  14. Sure one of the reasons for our recent form is the absence of Osman, along with.. 1.Forwards not really on form/fit. 2.Artetas form. 3.Heitingas heart maybe not really in it. 4.Fellainis inability to get a decent run together. Sort those things out, and we wont just be (in 2/3 of our games) outplaying opponents, we will actually be beating them. You could start throwing other things in the mix, like Bilys form.....problem is the more I think, the more I find........Fuc% it
  15. If Saha, Yakubu or Beckford were whacking goals in......Moyes and Everton would be in about 5/6th place(maybe even higher) and Moyes would be wonderfull. We don't have much money and we've been unlucky with injuries.How is a new manager going to change that. A manager lives and dies by what his team do on the pitch, at the moment, he's got work to do.
  16. Pick our best starting eleven! You might as well bang your head against the nearest wall....after all Moyes plays this game every week, and if you read the forums, he gets it wrong every week. He picks Arteta, because on his days he's world class.He's short on form at the moment but Moyes, like us, must just pray he starts getting it back!Not playing him is hardly going to help regain his form, playing does that. Fellaini's probably in our best starting line up.....Moyes picks him, and he whacks someone, hardly Moyes' fault. We don't get to see the players in training, Moyes does every day.If he can't get it right, what chance us! Cahills natural skills causes a problem, if fit he could well be the first name on the team sheet, and this season he's excelled in his job, just imagine where we would be now if the striker he was playing behind was banging in the goals, weve out played a lot of teams this season and would probably have an extra 9 points, that would be a more true position.Even as poorly as we played against WBA we could have won. Our best starting line up, well it could contain Osman, Beckford, Victor....let's be honest, It's the one that gets us three points. Too good to go down! all it takes is a couple of injuries some bad luck and a slice of panic! BUT, a couple of wins and a few goals and things will look a lot better. So David Moyes..........YOU pick a team that can win, doesn't have to be your best players, Arteta, Jonny etc, just a team that will fight for every inch and give everything to Everton. Phil Neville for assistant manager.....not giving 100%, Phil will tell you!
  17. Every cloud has a silver lining! I very nearly went to this game Pitty the devoted.
  18. Just before Anichebes latest injury he was looking pretty good, he's improving all the time, he wins things in the air, holds the ball well and isn't scared to have crack. I thought against Sunderland that other than Cahill we weren't really a major threat in the air, factor in Victor and Fellaini and Baines' corners will become a big problem to opponents.
  19. What a strange game!......Sunderland off the back of that Chelsea win and with great home form, surely this was never going to be an easy game! We were three players down, with Arteta, Jonny and louis not really showing up.Yet still we played the better football and Cahill had two off the line. Sunderland are big strong and direct and that gave us problems, but saying that the defence did quite well considering the poor games from Arteta and Jonny in front of them. Pretty sure Felleini and Rodwell in their places and a "big, strong, direct, free scoring forward up front with Cahill on that form behind him and we would have won tonight and would be top 4! 2-2 was probably the right result in hind-sight. mom between I'd say.....cahill, pienaar and Baines.
  20. Arsenal are probably the best passing team in the prem and at times towards the end( before the goal)made it look too easy....but!I think we created more chances and gave almost as good as we got.Having Jonny and Arteta off their games wasn't going to help against a team like Arsenal. If we'd scored 15 mins earlier we could have maybe got the 3 points....Arsenal didn't seem that great under pressure. Baines, Coleman and Pienaar were the players that gave Arsenal the most trouble. An up to speed Rodwell and Fellaini will gives us more from midfield....and Anichebe could be a better choice to play along side either Cahill or Beckford.
  21. Too many bloody draws this season.....thing is, is a draw against Arsenal a good point? Baines and Pienaar doing what their good at, taking us to a nice little win. 2-0.
  22. The city captain took his managers team talk seriously....."get out there and 'stuff' United"! Rio was just unlucky.
  23. You play the same amount of home games as away, so it should even out. Baines was tackled/shoved in the back, if it had been slightly more from the side I'm sure it would have been a goal. That's why the Yaks use of the shoulder the other day was within the rules.....well the rules of judo
  24. Seems to me it's you who keeps coming back bleating, like a child when he can't get his own way Most Evertonians, if they could be bothered would quote the facts that I have, you don't seem to like facts, you call them rants....guess it helps you get over your problems. I work with a decent red, from what he tells me it's no wonder you spend your time on Blue forums!The rs forums are not happy places at the moment...much hate and bitterness! Stick around, I kinda like winding you up....it's so easy :lol:You give us all a good laugh, that article you posted was brilliant.What the deluded author was infact saying was "It's just not fair", which I guess is pretty much how you rs all feel. YAWN!
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