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Everything posted by FairWooney

  1. I think so, I don't really like betting scorecasts but didn't fancy any of the bets enough to put much on and this seemed like the best odds to small wager approach. Beattie is looking sharp and certainly with Tim out he's our most likely to score. if i'm being optomistic and think we'll win then 1-0 is our best hope.
  2. i'm not interested and don't think we should be. I can just imagine the call from moyesie to Tim as he's enjoying his german beer's with the soccero's beside the pool. "tim, sorry to cut your world cup trip short but we've got an important European match to play in Slovakia" "what do you mean you need a break, don't be so bloody stupid lad"
  3. we'll buy someone who we didn't really want on transfer deadline day as we failed to get anyone we wanted. like we normally do!
  4. i've put a huge bet of £1 on us to win 1-0 with Beattie scoring the goal. 75/1
  5. if you can't qualify through league position then I don't think your up to it. we qualified through our position last year and look what we did in Europe. I think it would be a waste of our time and probably give us a crap start to the next season. Before attempting europe we need to get our shit together. It does give extra money but only if you actually win games!
  6. after watching gilberto in the arsenal wigan game this week i thought he looked pretty good. reg...don't like to say "another twatish comment from reg" but Ronaldo is from Portugal!
  7. for that one to work I guess you always hope that your missus can aspire to Cameron's level and one day get there
  8. yes everyone noticed that. If you read the posts related there were a lot of angry people when that happend. we all know some issue was hidden there as while he may not have instantly fitted into our tackle and boot it philsophy of the english game instantly he was clearly a quality player and with time could have come good. whatever the issue was we should have been told, not the cock and bull story from moyes telling us he lacked the skills required. does that get everyone off his back, or does it make us think he should have watched the player better before buying him or given him a trial. A lot of money lost that we could ill afford to lose. Unfortunately when the quality of the club drops, on and off field, so must the expecatations of the fans. I would love to start the season thinking that we are title contenders and expect nothing less than champions league qualification but for the last 10 years the club has shown that it is not in that position bar one season of "over achivement". we've had to start from the begining expecting little and wishing for more. our expectations began to rise again at the start of this season but then after a poor start we are back down to where we started, hoping to get into the top half, then once we get there, hoping to get a European place. I hate to see our once club being told their not a big club, struggling to make the top half of the league and finding that big names just aren't interested. BUT i ask you Bernie what am I supposed to do in order not to accept second best?
  9. bloody hell, there's a shock! bernies back! Welcome back! bernie in any respect what do you consierd our options to imrove at the moment. (with regards doing something othe than accepting second best.
  10. i look forward to hearing how Fiorentina keep face with their fans when they try to offload him after their claim to paying £3.5 million for the lad. will another club agree to lie about their fee in order to help them out?!
  11. the fact that he was fouled prior to him making the challenge and referee didn't see it is besides the point really. not everyone saw what henry did but we all saw Timmy lunge in on Henry.
  12. haha nice one. I do remember Kroldrup scoring on his début in a friendly preseason. At this point do you think creating an injury would be a good idea?? from what we've seen he's clearly not utter shite, maybe he wouldn't have fitted into the premiership or more than likely he wouldn't have fitted into the Everton type centre back of tackle then boot it. from everything i've heard from people that saw him against millwall, from Udinese fans and Danish people he is a top class defender. how long can Li Tie sell Everton merchandise playing in the reserves! maybe we should start showing reserve games on telly for the Chinese to watch!
  13. as good as we've got to offer i suppose. i wouldn't put arteta behind really though, I don't like seeing him tackle! he usually ends up getting himself booked. anyone who fancies us to win this game, you can get Everton at 67/1 and take an each way bet on us to make the final. i'm gonna put a couple on for good luck!
  14. ferrari very doubtful. no pace between the centre backs, it's going to be back to the old school with weir and stubbs, very worrying!
  15. cahill's a big blow. I think we should have gone to the FA over that booking as I really can't see what he was booked for. Interesting to see what side Chelsea side put out, whoever it is will be better quality than us but I think we could take a draw or possibly a 1-0 win. optomsicly speaking
  16. I fully appreciate what he's done for us. However I didn't appreciate his lack of interest when he wasn't in favour. He did a great service for us when we needed a striker and had no money to get someone decent. He exceded our expectations and while he is very much a 1 in 5 (if that) striker he worked his socks off for that 1 season. I feel a little sorry for him in that come January we bought Beattie and Bent began to lose his place but i'm sure he always knew that he wouldn't be top dog for long and that given our form at the time and influx of cash we were likely to buy a better quality striker. i'd rather have darren from charlton anyday though!
  17. what a bastard eh! début against chelsea and he scores straight off. i bet he'll well there for a year before losing interest and leaving them!
  18. well i don't mind him being at the club but for kroldrup to leave and stubbs come back really isn't a good thing. If i see weir and stubbs walk out together on saturday i'll fuckin cry! they'll be absaloutely slaughtered for pace just how they always have been.
  19. if he's leaving i can only pressume it's because he's not enjoying living in England. while he hasn't played he has had a lot of injuries and should now get a chance to prove himself with joey away and weir possibly injured from last night. After all the hope and expectations we had for him at the start of the season i'd be really dissapointed if he didn't try to prove himself till the end of the season. the offical site has confirmed interest and talks now.
  20. if you'd done a cheeky little move and put rossi in for one night only you'd have taken a few points. 2 goals and man of the match. i'm having a shocking month at the moment, was second in my work superleague until a few weeks ago but the top guy has henry so he'll clearly have had a steamer this week. I put Mcfadden in when he started performing and looking like he was going to get a chance up front, since then he's done feck all.
  21. for a second there i thought you meant put bent in a trade deal for gravesson! that made me chuckle! Ronaldo and Marcus Bent!
  22. went to some organsied lil shin dig till 2 then went back to a mates and drunk/had laughing gas till 6am. pretty dam good night!
  23. awesome band. them and the coral are 2 of the best bands in years, both quality live as well. I've seen zutons twice, both times at glastonbury. seen the coral 3 times. haven't seen franz ferdinand but they look like they'd be pretty good live. if you ever get the chance to see The Zutons, The Coral, The White stripes or Basement jaxx take it! they're the best bands i've seen live. White stripes are awesome live and create such a huge sound for 2 people, even though i wasn't too sure about their latest album they didn't let me down when they played it live!
  24. weren't we looking at ze roberto at the start of the season?
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