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London Blue

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Everything posted by London Blue

  1. Where would you put the Russian league in terms of quality and competitiveness in regard to other European leagues?
  2. But is he a better option than other players out there like Carvalho? In my opinion no. I heard Real Madrid were interested as well and did offer a contract, but then withdrew it because he dicked them around and they thought there were better options.
  3. I hope with Koeman and Walsh the number of Niasse's and McGeady's brought into the club will fall dramatically. I think Witsel is talented but I think he hasn't proved himself. He took the easy option of going to Russia, I just don't know if he has the desire to be successful in the UK, I just think he is someone who has coasted through his career. Hope I'm wrong and if we sign him I will cheer him on.
  4. We make up part of Everton, we are the fans. "They", the people who know what they are doing brought you Niasse, and Mcgeady.
  5. From what I have seen in the press he or his agent have had our offer for the last 2 weeks and has been hoping for better offers from clubs in Italy.
  6. The fact that he doesn't believe in the project, that he is just in it for the money. I don't begrudge players earning money, as football generates so much income, also they have a finite time in which to earn money. What I do expect is that they are believe in the club and are too some degree passionate about it. He knew what the offer was but kept us waiting 3 weeks to see if a better offer came in, you know what that makes us - the back up date!
  7. TheEvertonForum.com ‏@TheEFCForum 37m37 minutes ago Carvalho UK reps agreements finally sent over today. Should have a clearer inductions of his move early next week! 13 retweets18 likes Reply Retweet 13 Like 18 More Hope?
  8. I don't want this mercenary anywhere near our club, haven't been that impressed with his performances in the Euro's, and as we have learnt to our cost the Russian League is not high quality.
  9. We need a Calrvalho type player to dominate midfield.
  10. He looked very good today, once he has settled into the team and adjusted to the Premier League I think he will be a quality player for us.
  11. http://www.manutd.com/en/News-And-Features/Football-News/2016/Jul/Manchester-United-release-Premier-League-squad-numbers-for-201617-season.aspx
  12. Mata has "retained" his number 8 shirt
  13. I think he needs to be at the center of things, the teams key player in many ways. When he is just 1 player in a team I think he struggles.
  14. Which I hope will encourage him to come to play for us
  15. To be fair it does not say he wont be sold, only that if Mata can accept playing as part of a squad there is a place for him. I still think this will happen.
  16. Been given the utd no 8 shirt. Looking unlikely alas.
  17. You look at Pogpa and the price he is going at and you would have to say that all 3 would be worth about the same. Although before my time I would say that midfield would dominate in today's game.
  18. I would have thought Stevens would have been worth more maybe £30m
  19. Well as transfer developments seem to be rather slow at the moment I got to wondering given today's obscenely inflated transfer market how much would the Everton Team of 1987 be worth today?
  20. Why I haven't been around much. When Morishi made it clear he wanted a Director of Football I didn't think there would be too many signings until we got one and he and the manager had a chance to identify players. Now we have Steve Walsh and once he has spoken to Koeman to understand what type of players he wants I expect things will move quickly. The good thing for us is that due to the Euros most teams are about two weeks behind on transfer dealings. If you look at the league most clubs haven't really started signing players yet. What I believe is that the days of signing a Niasse, or Billy are over, and we will start signing players who can make a team, a specialty of Mr Walsh apparently. Don't know if this is out there but he also is a stat man, very innovative and may fiit in with what he have been doing already in that area.
  21. By signing Walsh and Koeman it feels like we have gone up a level in the way the club is run. I think the next few weeks could be interesting...
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