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London Blue

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Everything posted by London Blue

  1. So can Arteta, Coleman (better right back tho),and Billy who is arguably better on the right than Barton whose best position is central midfield where we are somewhat overstocked
  2. The question is what would he add? We already have Fellani, Arteta, Rodders, Cahill, Billy, Osman, not to mention Baxter, and the other young talent comming through. It would only make sence if we sold Fellani or Redders, to free up cash for a genuine winger and / or a striker. Would I want him at the club, well if its the Barton who played for the barcodes last season then yes. If its the spanner who played for city then no
  3. The only way we will sign N'Zogbia, (or anyone else) is if N'Zogbia stalls signing for Villa until early August as that is when we get the Premier Leauge money for next season. In the past we have used bridging loans to cover the gap in time from the start of the transfer window to premier leauge money comming through. I suspect given the clubs financial state (reducing over draft) and the reluctance of Greene and others on the board to lend money this is the reason. It wouldnt suprise me if N'Zogbia has been advised of this which is why he has gone on holiday and avoiding Villa as he wants to come here. Alot of clubs are in the same position as us which is why there has been so little transfer activity (bar usual suspects) and which may explain why Yobo and the Yak are still here. I predict with absolutly no certainty which I guess makes it more of a well guess, that Yak and Yobo will go in early August and we will get N'Zogbia and maybe one other free transfer or lower leauge signing.
  4. No I'm not taking the piss, Moyes is however with his bizare selection policy's of playing people out of position and sticking with his favourites even when they play poorly. Not to mention his negative approach, poor substitutions and tactics. He has the best squad we have had in 30 years and we cant beat Brentford or a promoted Newcastle. Disgrace. Moyes has done so well for this club and turned us around, no doubt, but these failings have been there for a long while, but now at this level with these international players he has reached his limit. O'niel is out of work and lives for football, so who knows
  5. I think Moyes will go, the players are not playing and thats due to the manager. It wont be Hughes my money is on O'niel, free and although a 24 crt wanker he does play good football.
  6. We are not this bad, I mean obviously we are but the players we have are not this bad. I think Moyes may of lost thw dressing room, I just wonder if the players are playing to get rid of him. We know hes from the I'm right everyone else is wrong school, and his training regime is "old school" and the players may be voting with their feet. Who knows, I'm just angry, fed up and above all dissapointed in my team
  7. That is the truley mind scrambalingly annoying thing, he works with the players everyday, he knows where the play best but just seems to ignore it. I can just imagine the baby Moyes sat for hours trying to jam a square peg through a round hole!
  8. Thats because Osman never has and never will be a wide player.
  9. 31 years old, dodgy knees, fights teamates, talking of quitting if not in city squad. After due concideration er NO
  10. Given Moyes's recent comments about not needing to sell players its either the worst peace of timing I've seen this transfer season. Or Yak has lost interest and we are after a striker to replace him. Given the Yaks lack of playing time this pre-season I hope for the latter. Who could the striker be? Kenwyne Jones I hope!!
  11. Of corse I kicked you in the nuts I'm French, we always attack our own team.
  12. Rumour has it he is pool bound, cant think of a better place for him. I'd rather have bret angel than that bambi no mark
  13. Yes thank God!! and I posted it here first (smug mode engaged) Think Pienaar will sign now, or at least I hope so.
  14. People on the BBC's 606 forum are saying that Arteta has signed a new deal. No confirmation yet may be pants, but the people posting seem legit. Please god be true!!
  15. Thats a little hard on Billy. He has played without a break for almost 18 months now (comming from the Russian leauge). He said himself it would take a while for him to adapt to the english game. From what little I have seen he has a good touch, good passer, creative and good crosser. He looks tired but next season I believe he will be a very good player for us. He wont be Pienaar, he will be a very good player.
  16. Feeling confident about this game, think confidence is high, we have got into the good habit over the last couple of years of putting together very good runs over a period of many games, and I think we are starting one now. I think the goals for Fellani and Cahill will boost their and the teams confidence. I hope Rodders, Pienaar, and Saha will be back. My team Howard Heitinga Yobo Distin Baines Pienaar Rodwell Fellani Cahill Billy Saha I think 3 -1 with debut goals for Billy and Heitinga and 1 for Rodwell Up the Blues!!
  17. Think it was Felli's tackle and pass that started the move for Cahill's goal, thought the team played well concidering the players we had. Nice to see both Fellani and Cahill score, good confidence boost. Gosling had a mare at Right Back, just hope that Yobo is back for sunday. Jo on the left wing looks like a plan, think he would do well there. I like the idea of our attacking players swapping places, would cause a headache for the opponents defence. Anyway up the blues - 3 more points and the winning run continues against Stoke.
  18. London Blue


    Essiens game is based on a high tempo physical approach, so he was taylor made for the PL, also partnerd in midfield by Jo Cole and Lamps who meke it a bit easier to perform. Sissoko is a tackler pure and simple, he could never and will never be able to score the goals Fellani has, or pass the ball like he can and sissoko still took months to settle and was partnerd in midfield by Steve Me, and Alonso, again a good midfield to call home! Makelele was Chelsea's Carsley, both of whom were defensive mids who coverd alot of ground but had all the mobility of Thora Heard. Palacous was the star at Wigan and the team pretty much played to his strengths which made it easier for him I would argue. Alonso is a genius and plays for the best international midfield in the world. Viera left as Arsne was offerd an obscene anount of money for a player of his age. Fellani is not a "fast" plyer, but he is not slow, he is a a good passer, with the ability to become a very good passer, he can tackle and score goals. He is a all rounder, as he and DM said when he signed him. He will never pass like Alonso, run like Essien, tackle like Makelele, but then again nobody will!! What we have is a player who can do all 3 well and has the potential to excell as an all round centre mid! A midfield of Pienaar Rodwell Arteta Fellani Billy looks pretty good to me, but what looks even better is the optios we have and the competition for places we need to compete with the SKY 4, and having players of Fellani's quality can only help with that! Plus can you imagine how good Fellani and Rodwell will be in 5 years after playing in the same midfield?
  19. Rodwell has never been will never be a right back, Gosling started off at Right back for plymouth, and has potential to play well at that position, although I think hes a better Right Mid myself.
  20. London Blue


    Yes the rules and fundimentals of football are the same the world over, but the style, tempo, tactics are way different depending where you play. The PL is very different to continental europe, the pace is alot faster, you dont have a much time on the ball. If you look at the European teams they play its very different to ours. Also it takes time to get to know your teamates, and how a team plays, where players like the ball played etc. Basicly it takes time to settle into a team.
  21. London Blue


    True, although I believe his loss of form was due to his illness. He is now recovering his fitness and form which is why he is back in the side. I just dont like players being unfairly critisized, Heitinger is another one who is being castigated after playing a whole 2 games for us, jez give the guy a chance to adjust to the PL!
  22. London Blue


    No not really, anyone with his stats wouldnt be Steeve Me or Lamps, they just wouldnt be a blind, 1 legged crap kicker who couldnt pass to a teamate if the ball was on a string, as some on this site would have you believe - hes not Scott Gemmil you know! I simply state 5 facts and 2 opinions He clearly is not the best centre mid in the leauge, he is quite good though, the point I was making was that based on facts is he has played well for us, and will only improve as his experience in this leauge increases. The opinions were and are based on my observations of him playing for us. Oh and even I have better pass completeion rate than Nev
  23. London Blue


    Dear lord, what has Felani done to piss you off so much? The way you and others attack him anyone would think he plays for us while wearing a "I love raffa" shirt. Facts are these: 1) Joint top scorer last season 2) Has the same number of assists as Pienaar this season 3) Has better pass completion rate than cahill / osman / nev 4) Committed less fouls than Cahill 5) Is recovering from severe virus causing large amount of weight loss. Opinions 1) Has looked the best centre midfield player along with Rodders this season. 2) His tackling and passing has improved greatly. Ibelieve he will have a very good season for us and I will be chearing him on, not slagging him off!
  24. London Blue


    Good result for us, the ability to grind out results away from home is a good ability to have. Thought we controlled the first half except for a 10 minuite spell. Second half Pompy players were really going for it, lots of physical effort closed and harried us, I think any team would have struggled against the physical effort of Pompy players - who were visably exhausted after their efforts. Anyway my Everton player ratings Howard 9 - brilliant svaes in second half, didnt panic or flap when we were under seige in the second half Heitinger - 7.5 - great tackles, always looking to go forward, and I dont have a corinary when he passes the ball Distan - 7 - Was never going to be an easy game for him in the circumstances he looked nervous and wasnt his usual rock like self, still played well though in a desperate rearguard action Yobo - 7 - Same as Distan, fed of his nervousnes at times but again played well in the defence without looking assured. Baines - 8 Great going forward as usual, link up play and crosses were good and heroic defending with clearences of the line and a great block from a Brown shot. Osman - 6 great feet, some good passes and some infureating ones as well, some good crosses but also drifted out of the game, think playing him in 2 games a week is too much for him Cahill - 6 - quiet game, tackled ok, unlucky with header cleared off the line, but again didnt look his usual self this season. Fellani - 8 good game, tackled well, some great passes, didnt get caught in posession, and was all over the pitch, tired in the last 15 minutes but he kept the midfield together. Rodwell - 7 Quiet game from him, but tackled and passed well in the first half, struggled in second half but is still only 18 and played well in the circumstances and with so many Pompy players running and closing down. Pienaar - 9 At the hart of all that was good about us going forward, great shot in first half that James only just clawed out, only hope its not a serious injury. Saha, - 9 graet game, great goal, all over the pitch true moment of quality from him for the goal Billy - 7 showed some good passing and crossing cant wit to see him playing regularrly Hibbert - 6 Played ok some good tackles. J0 - not on long enough to judge
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