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Everything posted by Sibdane

  1. Player + £30-40MM? No thanks. I'd pay £20MM at most, without exchanging a player. I like Rooney a lot, but it's obvious his best days have passed him by.
  2. I've always wanted to try laughing gas, but alas, they never give it to me.
  3. I'd be happy with those two, of course the only thing missing is PL experience.
  4. His dad seems like the biggest prick of them all, but you're right in saying that Lukaku could possibly have some influence over stopping it, if he truly wanted.
  5. Good to hear! Dental work is always the worst!
  6. Thanks all! Interview was yesterday, and it went well. I should know within a week. If you don't see me on the forums for awhile then you know why!
  7. If we were offered 65MM for Lukaku then I think we'd have to take it. I really like Lafazette, but how do we get a player of his caliber without Champions League football and on a presumably smaller wage pay scale? I think we need a positively well-known manager first. I'd rather get that and keep Lukaku and see if he can reach his potential. He'll be in his fifth year of PL football. I think the right manager can get more out of him than Roberto ever could. Roberto didn't seem to hold players accountable for poor performances.
  8. Tyler Born in the "Golden Triangle" of Mississippi. Moved to Seattle, Washington in 2014 for work. Like MJB, I'm trying to move back closer to MS for family. I just had my first daughter a year ago, and the wife and I have been realizing how hard it is to raise a child without any family support. Just for reference, Seattle is about 2600 miles from my hometown. I'm actually back in MS now visiting family (and for a job interview).
  9. Seeing Wilshire in the squad is just annoying, and I obviously don't have too much affiliation with England. It's just a head-scratcher.
  10. Martinez's head must really be hanging low of he's keeping up with this match right now.
  11. I'd be willing to take a chance on him. The Everton board is another story.
  12. My brain hurts. I have to check the dates and see if it really is new content. The dead horse has now become pulp.
  13. It is NASL. NYRB 2 vs. Pittsburgh. Deserves to be charged with assault and a lengthy ban.
  14. They have something to fight for whereas we have no fight left.
  15. Once again, another terrible sub. He's lost it.
  16. Results are going our way today. Still a little bit of season left to play for.
  17. It will be interesting to see Niasse and Lukaku together.
  18. Mid twenties. I remember that election but obviously couldn't participate in it. I do remember the demanding of a recount though. I wasn't interested in politics until the Obama-McCain period.
  19. I fell into this trap with Destiny: "Here's the game you just bought. Oh you want to on to the next map in the game? Buy the new expansion pack." Whaaat?
  20. I had to look up that up. The Wikipedia page is surprisingly detailed.
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