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Everything posted by Sibdane

  1. Haha. I must have been a real asshole.
  2. Doh! Forgot you aren't American. Thanks for the response. I agree about Kasich, but he never had a chance in hell. He would have been my pick. He's honest and has a good voting record; however, he has absolutely no charisma, as is evident by his failure to get votes. He received absolutely not respect in the debates. Right now I'm leaning Bernie, but I know HRC is going to win the nomination. Speaking of nominations, I received my Washington state ballot in the mail today. Decisions, decisions.
  3. I'm with you. There are teams that I'd rather not be champions, but I'm not satisfied unless Everton are in the mix. Unfortunately for a fan like me, who wasn't around during the successful Everton periods, I've never been happy with our position. Why did Everton chose me?
  4. This will be a fun tournament to watch, even though the USA will probably get spanked -- I have very little faith in Klinsmann to inspire them. It's poor timing too, because it would be awesome to have a good tournament to keep increasing the popularity of the sport here. Folks seem to really get behind the national team more than club teams, but we also like results and to be entertained. I hope I'm wrong, and we play some exciting football.
  5. The fitness is what's most shocking to me honestly. I've never seen a more lethargic group of players in a match at that same time (and in the same team).
  6. Cornish, how are you leaning, if you don't mind me asking? This election seems pretty hopeless when looking at the candidates. Hilary appears crooked; and I can't see Donald nor Bernie having any pull in Congress. I can't see any progress being made by any candidate. I'm honestly starting to become worried.
  7. All I want to know is: did the drill involve yellow cards? Sorry, peteO. Just a little banter. You and I are in the same boat regarding Jags as captain, but I can't resist a good joke.
  8. I don't think there is anything in what he says to actually prove any Clinton wrongdoing (not saying it didn't happen). Also, Fox news is notoriously right-winged, so I take anything they say with a grain of salt when it comes to left-wing politics. I don't like Hilary that much, but this article is a non-story for me.
  9. Yeah -- strangely enough I feel the same. Cruz is more insane than Trump. I honestly don't know who I'm going to vote for.
  10. You could see that coming. I honestly don't know why Cruz stayed in it that long.
  11. Sorry, but that's bullshit reasoning. Good business practice isn't just to throw money away because it's "nothing." I work for a multi-billion dollar corporation, and I can tell you that a 3-5MM loss doesn't go unnoticed. People lose their jobs for being that carefree. Also, we aren't going to be able to move up enough to recoup 3-5MM either (that's an ifs-and-buts argument anyway). Maritnez could also potentially win out the rest of the games under that logic. We may be able to take a bigger hit financially now, but that doesn't mean we should just because we can. Those small fees add up, and we don't actually know how much Moshiri is going to invest. You're also assuming the payout is only that amount; it could be more (if there is one). You're right, Moshiri is a billionaire. But all of his billions are not Everton's billions. I really hate the line of thinking of: "Oh we have more money to spend? Let's not be careful with it."
  12. Maybe it has to do with a clause in his contract -- where if he gets fired before X amount of time that he gets an additional payout -- that someone mentioned earlier. I have no idea if it actually exists though.
  13. I really feel that phrase is only relevant during pre-season or when there is nothing left to play for, so you two are both wrong!
  14. So, so good. I watched the first 5 seasons on a binger. Now it's killing me waiting for a new episode each week.
  15. You're a bigger man than I to sacrifice your birthday like that. It's also a clever move and I'm taking notes.
  16. My thoughts exactly and is the reason why I predicted us to win 1-0 in the Predict the Result game thread.
  17. I would like to change my predicted scorer to... Niasse.
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