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Wall Writer

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Everything posted by Wall Writer

  1. Now that is a pathetic goal.
  2. Can see them going on to win this now.
  3. To be fair, I would have said that was offside but, the way our seasons going I'd take anything they'll give us.
  4. loss or draw, draw or loss...hmm, which to choose.
  5. should be a good move for him, will hopefully get more first team action. Maybe he'll do well enough that they be willing to part with a few million to keep him. Could turn into a nice profit for us.
  6. Sorry Felli, I'm gonna add my tuppence worth aswell. I'm usually optimistic, but I'm afraid this season's form has somewhat shattered that. In recent years, to qualify for Europe you need around 60 points. we have played 23 games and have 27 points, that means we have 15 games left and need around 33 points. Thats pretty much twice the amount of points per game as we've been able to collect so far this season. Another way, our form has to double. Another way, we need to win 11 of our last (15) games, (4 loses-0 draws). Considering our form , and our lack of goals, and our penchant for draws, and letting in sloppy goals, throw in a bit of optimism and "we do better in the second half of the season bs", even 1.5 pts/game would be an achievement. (1.5x15)+27=49.5... =50points. (Of course, this season is a bit different in that some teams are doing better than expected and others worse...however...) My prediction, is comfortably sitting in 10th place. And that's me being optimistic. I love it when we play in Europe, more games, more excitement. Sadly, I think we're gonna have to wait a while before that kind of drama returns to Goodison.
  7. He had a shot at the weekend, and ironically, I would have prefered to have seen him pass it sideways.
  8. Personally, I'd have taken Anichebe off not Becks at half time, but's that neither here nor there. This match is just one in a long list this season where we have under achieved, not played, not turned up, conceded sloppy goals, not been able to deliver that final ball, struggled in the final third and to get shots off on target, gave the ball away to easily, and so on, and so on.... In my opinion, the team has just got into the habit of under performing, and losing or drawing 'winnable' matches. I'm still (and always will be) an Evertonian, but I'm finding it more and more difficult to support this team. It saddens me because we had such high hopes at the start of the season, and we all know that we should be doing, and can do, so much better.
  9. Can we start a new vote for who was the worst player, at least then there would be candidates to chose from.
  10. Not good enough, simply just not good enough.
  11. Seamus, scored one almost exactly the same last week, only with his head. And now we behins again, why do I put myself through this torture!?
  12. fucking hell almost 2 down there
  13. i echo Mike in that I'm always worried about playing these lower league teams, we always seem to struggle especially away. Additionally, that recently the game after we've played well, we've been dire... I'm in no way confident. I'm with Marco also in that I'd take a scrappy 1-0 win.
  14. Ha ha! I know you don't rate him Mark, I don't much myself, but at the moment I don't rate the strikers we have much either. Not saying this would be a panacea, but if we could get him on loan for six months, alon with another one or two, I'm sure between them they'd manage a goal between now and the end of the season!
  15. Daily Mail Not sure personally about this one, but could be worth looking into.
  16. It'd just be nice to see us score.
  17. where the fuck is the communication at the back there!
  18. hell of a volley by jags under pressure, right into the back of the net... oh wait, wrong end, shit!
  19. thank god he's taken Arteta off.
  20. I've heard him say something along these lines a few times before, and he honestly sounds like a true Evertonian, not like some others who have said similar only to sound loyal, or to please the fans. I truly believe that Cahill's blood runs blue, I don't think he'd want to leave.
  21. If we sold Baines in January, we'd be relegated by the end of this season.
  22. It may be a slight digression but does anyone else think that we are seriously over-playing ourselves. I mean,,, come on,,,, think about it......
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