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Everything posted by Newty82

  1. We've had one of those days where we really haven't helped ourselves.
  2. Harsh penalty that. Tough to get back into this now.
  3. Ironically, the way we're playing today probably suits DCL better. I'd fancy him a lot more to get into these long balls. Beto deserves his chance though. Fantastic option to have DCL on the bench though. And vice versa. We've got a lot better since the goal. Still could make life easier if we do some of the basics better.
  4. Just about his first touch that!
  5. Gomes not finding his range so far. The ideas there...application...X
  6. I do, still, find it hard to swallow that we only seem to be able to attract the likes of 777. Probs just shows how complicated our finances are. The wrangled Web of who's owed what and all that.
  7. ...but this why he won't play him. He most likely has to show Dyche in training first. Not in matches first...
  8. Yeah. And I think as time is going on its becoming clearer that Dyche first wanted to solidify us. Secure our place in Prem. Get the fundamental basics nailed on. Then start 'allowing' the players to become more expressive and expansive. I really, really like how these players go about their business. How often in the past several years have we still appreciated the players after a loss? Yet we're doing it more regular now.
  9. No shame in that performance Considering we lost, that was an enjoyable watch. Remember lads...at this point last year, at 2 down that quickly, heads would have been down and out.
  10. Did that not go in at the end there???
  11. ...although we do look good with more players up top
  12. Like I said...fuckin arsehole. Again. Pass the fucker. Greedy fucker. Sorry...
  13. Can see why Danjuma doesn't get more chances. He doesn't seem to fit our philosophy of it being a team game.
  14. We'd be top of the league with a finisher in our side
  15. Tell ya what...Gomes. Some bloody nice balls. Mad frustrating how wasteful we are in and around the box.
  16. Hey. We're not playing absolutely shite. We're doing fine with our play. We just ain't, yet again, very composed in the final 3rd. This ain't over yet. We're giving it a good go, heads still high...there was a time we'd be 4 down by now
  17. Good game to watch to be fair. But Spurs miles ahead of us in the final 3rd.
  18. Don't expect too much today tbh. Although Spurs form has been poor recently. Bit gutted for Beto not to start. As much as I like DCL, he ain't scoring (questions about service tbh). At the same time, DCL does run defenders ragged ready for Beto to mow through them, haha. In an ideal world, it would be good to see them both up there. I think they'll be an 'old school' nightmare for defenders. More so as most defenders are used to little 'fake' strikers these days.
  19. Reading that I thought 'ah, of course, misses a good steak...' Fuckin orang-u-tan?! Of all the meats!
  20. Fuck me. If he breaks a curry down like that, no wonder the players are so much better drilled on their tactics!
  21. This is the biggie for me. And with that the Evertonians are rallying behind the players. We'll lose plenty more times this season...but you know these players will be gutted when they lose and they'll do all they can to fix it. Polar opposites to what we've been seeing these past several years, where too many just didn't seem to give a fuck.
  22. I think it's quote exciting that we have Dele to come back yet!
  23. Superb!!! When was the last time you seen this club with such unity between fans and players? Even better...just the players? Loving their attitude these days. We're finding our identity again. Fuckin brilliant
  24. Absolutely made up for Dobin Looks a nice player.
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