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Had to go buy a new Gazebo for the garden as ours got completely mashed by the high winds Thursday night...more expense. But I'm selling something quite valuable on ebay at the mo so I keep checking to see what it's up to...doesn't end til next Sunday and I'm already checking every ten mins  :lol:   .


i put up a gazebo up the other day with me mates dad, fuckin sore the next day im tellin ya :(

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Clove oil. Had many years of wis teeth proibs Clove oil is awsome.


It numbs ya whole face a little bit, but geez givess the relief & takes the pressure of affected tooth teeth.


I have chewd on a sprig of clove before & yes works, but is a bit feral chewin on them.


Get some clove oil, applly to & around affected area wif a cotton tip & Pat's ya uncle.


100% Guarantee deffo natural pain relief for teeth.

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I have had my top wisdom teeth out. Had loads of problem with them but I took co-codamal (however you spell it) tablets. Think you can buy them now over counter but they are great. Also use them for hangovers and they are great. More powerfull than normal asprins.


My bottom ones are not fully through yet I don't think but not had anywhere near the same problems with them

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That has to be a load of shit...surely?


Deadly serious Mark, ladybirds have a chemicle in the colour of their shells which is a potent anaesthetic.


I did a course in the Army and learned all kinds of useful shit, what you can eat and can't, places to find water etc.


Example - Did you know enough spiders webs used on an open wound, will prevent further bleeding, it acts as coagulant.





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Never had a hangover in my life, a glass of water before retiring to bed will stop all hangovers.

Its the alcohol in the system that dehydrates you, = hangover.


Also lining the stomache with a glass of milk before you go out drinking, will stop you Throwing up.


So there it is , Lickers remedy for happy Boozing, glass of milk before you start, and a glass of water when you finish. Happy Days. :D

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Re Hangovers - A full pint of water before bed with 2 ibuprofen, you will never have a bad head again. Ibuprofen is used to prevent swelling or expanding of tissue, a hangover is just your brain swelling and the pressure caused creates pain.





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Re Hangovers - A full pint of water before bed with 2 ibuprofen, you will never have a bad head again. Ibuprofen is used to prevent swelling or expanding of tissue, a hangover is just your brain swelling and the pressure caused creates pain.






Aye thats what i do :D


When i was younger i thought it would be a good idea to take the tablets before i went out so i never forgot when i got home, bad move as pain killers and alcohol make me realy drunk realy quickly so i learned that lesson after a few nights i cant remember.


Another good one for the next day when hungover is a can of coke and a packet of ready salted crisps for breakfast, sounds mingin but it replaces all the lost sugar & salt you wee'd out the night before.

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Beg to differ there Mac, it has nothing to do with pressure on the Brain, its just a case of the alcohol Dehydrating the blood and not enough of it getting around your body, which is why you urinate excessively when you drink alcohol = EQUALS DEHYDRATION.


Edited by toffeelicker
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Beg to differ there Mac, it has nothing to do with pressure on the Brain, its just a case of the alcohol Dehydrating the blood and not enough of it getting around your body, which is why you urinate excessively when you drink alcohol = EQUALS DEHYDRATION. 



No Mac's right, coz of the dehydration your brain swells n is basically hitting your skull which is what causes the headache

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Dunno if anyone recalls this magic ritual..But myA rl Fella before a big night would as Licker says, drink a 1.2 pint of Milk before hand, BUT..he would also "SNORT" a sachet of Vincents Powder. Aparently to quell any hangover.


Any one ever here of this or were Vincents powders so chocked full o the good stuff ( 1 imagines full of some sort of ephedrine) back in them days & the arl fella was getting a sneaky buzz before romping out?

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Two ways to avoid a hangover that I have tried...


a. Never get sober


b. Don't drink


...I'm fairly moderate in most things but my drinking is one extreme or the other :D . Currently use option b <_<

Edited by mikeo
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