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Great being in here at this time of the day/night; could say something totally outrageous and there's nobody to (immediately) respond.


Like, Mother Theresa was a bit like Stalin :D.


Think about it, both of them were human beings, valid viewpoint I think.


I need to go to bed, exhaustion taking over.

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Don't know what you're talking about Mark :huh:.






Hardest part for me is the footage of his 15 y.o son booing his eyes out and crying "I want my daddy" on TV, whilst his mum makes a statement. Heartbreaking.


I felt sick to my stomach, and then rage set in. Those officers will more than likely get away with it too. Get away with cold-blooded murder. It's so fucking wrong.

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Guy I met a few months back has commissioned a framer to make me a bespoke frame from his companies sample cards.


I originally asked if I could have some of the free samples for me to cut up and frame myself. He said he'd do it for me at no cost. The framer went above and.beyond what was asked and has come up with this....


Take a look at @Foilco's Tweet:


I received it today and can honestly say it's blown my tiny mind.


Take a look at @Foilco's Tweet:


It's incredible. Absolutely love it.


Acquired taste I'm sure. But me....I adore it.



Edited by Lowensda
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I felt sick to my stomach, and then rage set in. Those officers will more than likely get away with it too. Get away with cold-blooded murder. It's so fucking wrong.


And there was another killing by police today in Minnesota. Whereas the first murder (which is what it was) made it to headline #28 yesterday at Fox News, today's murder made it to #19. At this point, I'm beginning to think that "liberty and justice for all" is no more than a cynical marketing slogan. Where's the outrage? This should be headline #1 on every US news site until the problems of racism and police brutality are acknowledge and properly addressed.

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And there was another killing by police today in Minnesota. Whereas the first murder (which is what it was) made it to headline #28 yesterday at Fox News, today's murder made it to #19. At this point, I'm beginning to think that "liberty and justice for all" is no more than a cynical marketing slogan. Where's the outrage? This should be headline #1 on every US news site until the problems of racism and police brutality are acknowledge and properly addressed.

Agree Steve, this country has been headed in the wrong direction for a while now.

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matt there is a lot of racial strife in america. black folks feel they have an unfair lot as they were enslaved and are still treated like second class citizens. some white folks (myself included) recognize this and want change, but sadly the majority of white folks do not. they believe the lies told to them by Rupert Murdoch (fox news) and other media outlets and think black folks just "play the victim". they think blacks have brought this on themselves and are mostly thugs and drug dealers and whatever other stereotypes come from a movie.


the vast majority of americans are uneducated and unintelligent. the southern whites are predominently racist which i can say for a fact because i'm a northerner and was for the first 26 years of my life. living and working down south for 4 years i've heard things said at work (of all places) about black people that i've never heard before in my life. it's like the civil war never ended down here. that's why i always refer to myself as a northerner to them so they don't think they can pull out their racist jokes and comments and i'll be cool with it, cause i ain't.


sad, but true. that's why donald trump is so popular.

Edited by markjazzbassist
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from my perspective as a Belgian person.. I just see a lot of 'us' versus 'them' and escalated to a level that's way out of proportion for what it really is. Maybe it's the distance that does that. But I think Beyoncé is a downright criminal for her role in this, since she is one of the most privileged people in the world. She's pretty much calling for a racial war.

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from my perspective as a Belgian person.. I just see a lot of 'us' versus 'them' and escalated to a level that's way out of proportion for what it really is. Maybe it's the distance that does that. But I think Beyoncé is a downright criminal for her role in this, since she is one of the most privileged people in the world. She's pretty much calling for a racial war.


Mirallas, I had to look up what I thought you were referencing. If this is indeed it, it seems as if she's urging anyone who reads that open letter to go through the correct channels and demand change. I don't know what race war you're talking about. In fact, I'm not even a Beyonce fan really, but she has stood up and used her platform responsibly.


Police reform is the next step, or a next step, and the public can be instrumental in making that happen.



Edited by nutmegwolf203
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Agreed nutmeg. The police reform is needed very badly. I don't have a problem with Beyoncé or any black person making a call to action. As the old saying going "you can only kick a dog so many times until they bite you". White Americans can't continue to stereotype most black men as thugs and women as hoes and bitches just because of their skin color and dress code.


For instance. Twerking was a vile disgusting type of dancing when black folks did it. White kids started doing it and white people called it performance art. Same shit, just viewed differently and to be honest, wrongly. It was performance art both ways, not sure why it wasn't classified as such the first time.

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