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Pleased to see this guy removed from the gene pool...




Amongst his "testimonials" (many of which are equally sickening)...


"I wanted to thank you, your dog handler, Witness, and especially your great pack of tracking hounds for a hunt of a lifetime. It certainly was an adrenaline-charged number of hours as we chased the leopard and finally shot it at 4 meters. The hunt is definitely not for the “feint of heart”. I thought your coordination with my Professional Hunter, Naftali, made for superb teamwork. Equally, I appreciate everyone’s concern for my safety, yet allowing me to be at the forefront to take the shot. All in all, I give you my highest recommendation and look forward to hunting with you again. Please feel free to use me as a reference.

David J. Cordes. M.D"
Shoot a big cat from four meters? Brilliant achievement, you must be a great shot Doc.
I'd also be a bit worried by a doctor that doesn't know how to spell "faint" :rolleyes:.
These people must be so proud.
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You should have picked it up and took it out the road.


Er...yeah :unsure:.


There were actually a couple of local guys slowing the odd car that came past down (it's a quiet road) and pointing it out to them while another guy was trying to coax it off the road with a stick. First few cars avoided it but then one just ignored the signals and squished it. Unfortunately didn't kill it outright so it suffered for a bit; googling it it seems it was a Balkan Whip Snake, non-venomous but capable of a nasty bite (plainly why the locals didn't fancy picking it up). When we first walked up they were pretty insistent that trying to walk past it was a bad idea.

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Er...yeah :unsure:.


There were actually a couple of local guys slowing the odd car that came past down (it's a quiet road) and pointing it out to them while another guy was trying to coax it off the road with a stick. First few cars avoided it but then one just ignored the signals and squished it. Unfortunately didn't kill it outright so it suffered for a bit; googling it it seems it was a Balkan Whip Snake, non-venomous but capable of a nasty bite (plainly why the locals didn't fancy picking it up). When we first walked up they were pretty insistent that trying to walk past it was a bad idea.

Ha ha- don't blame you, I was just testing how stup- I mean brave you were.

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Can get an extremely drinkable bottle of wine here for less than €2, just shows how much duty we whack on in the UK :dry:.


Beware the cocktails though, not a spirit drinker at all but wife had a tequila sunrise last night which she didn't like so I drank it. Apparently (I have no memory) wife and Josh had to take the apartment door key off me as I wanted to go out for a walk at stupid o'clock and then they poured me into bed, not a hint of a hangover this morning luckily :unsure:.

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Can get an extremely drinkable bottle of wine here for less than 2, just shows how much duty we whack on in the UK :dry:.


Beware the cocktails though, not a spirit drinker at all but wife had a tequila sunrise last night which she didn't like so I drank it. Apparently (I have no memory) wife and Josh had to take the apartment door key off me as I wanted to go out for a walk at stupid o'clock and then they poured me into bed, not a hint of a hangover this morning luckily :unsure:.

You and money :lol:

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Nice to see your enjoying yourself Mike.


Thanks Bill, brilliant time here. So quiet but just 100 yards from a beautiful little beach with a bar/restaurant up a flight of steps off it, run by a couple of brothers who are brilliant hosts. "Resort" about a mile up the road if we fancy something different but just chilling and doing bugger all is great :).

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Came across an unusual sight today out for a walk here...




Sadly literally five seconds after I took the pic a car ran it over and killed it :(.


In our area (Atlanta), there's been a big increase this year in the number of snake bites Copperheads, in particular, are becoming a big problem. It's most likely because of the unusually mild winters we've been experiencing recently. My son killed a snake the other day when mowing our back yard - not sure what type it was.

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In our area (Atlanta), there's been a big increase this year in the number of snake bites Copperheads, in particular, are becoming a big problem. It's most likely because of the unusually mild winters we've been experiencing recently. My son killed a snake the other day when mowing our back yard - not sure what type it was.

They can do some serious damage if they bite you can't they?

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When I was on patrol in the Malayan jungle, we used to walk with a heavy tread. There was a danger the Commie terrorists would hear you coming but it made sure the snakes did and they would slither away.


They would've called themselves freedom fighters trying to rid themselves of an imperial occupying force, just a thought ;).

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  • 2 weeks later...


They would've called themselves freedom fighters trying to rid themselves of an imperial occupying force, just a thought ;).


Malaysia today is a beautiful and successful country with a multi-cultural population. If we hadn't sorted the Commie uprising it could have been another North Korea.

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Malaysia today is a beautiful and successful country with a multi-cultural population. If we hadn't sorted the Commie uprising it could have been another North Korea.


And I salute you for that John unreservedly. Problem is that sometimes when the west goes in to "sort out" domestic issues things don't go so well: as in Korea.


Was in no way belittling what you and your colleagues did, just (devil's advocate) saying that the people you were fighting against would've described it differently. But that's the same with all conflict I guess.

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And I salute you for that John unreservedly. Problem is that sometimes when the west goes in to "sort out" domestic issues things don't go so well: as in Korea.


Was in no way belittling what you and your colleagues did, just (devil's advocate) saying that the people you were fighting against would've described it differently. But that's the same with all conflict I guess.


At that time (1950's) the population of Malaya was made up of mainly: Indiginous Malays, Indians, Tamils and Chinese. The Communist terrorists were almost totally Chinese. Almost all of the population, excluding Chinese, supported the British. The CT's were hiding out in jungle camps and raided villages for food. Many hundreds of villagers were murdered for refusing. Many villages had their own 'Home Guard' units and on one occasion a patrol I was on was joined by such a unit.

So it wasn't a situation of a total population being subjugated by the British, it was a minority element trying to take over the country by force.

A short time ago, the Malaysian government issued a medal available to British and Commonwealth troops in thanks for what they did to keep Malaysia 'free'.

It was a relatively small number who 'would have seen it differently'.


Incidentally, my local fish & chip shop in Maidenhead is run by a Chinese couple from Malaysia. How weird is that! They do excellent fish & chips (unusual for down here) and I always have a good natter with them when I go in.

Edited by johnh
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If anyone gets half an hour to kill, watch this.



I don't particularly like Zuckerberg but a lot of what he says makes sense. He talks about Universal basic income and how people like him (the more fortunate and the super rich) should pay for it. To allow people the freedom to concentrate on education and start up businesses.

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