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Police warn all male clubbers, partygoers and unsuspecting pub regulars to be more alert and cautious when accepting a drink offer from a girl.


There is a date rape drug going around called “beer” and it appears in liquid form. The drug is being used by female sexual predators at parties to persuade male victims to have sex with them.


“Beer” is available virtually anywhere. All girls have to do is persuade a guy to consume a few units of “beer” and simply ask him home for no-strings-attached sex. Men are rendered helpless against such attacks.


After several “beers” men will often succumb to performing sex acts on horrific looking women who they would never normally be attracted to.


Men often wake up after having “beer” with only hazy memories of what happened to them the night before, just a vague feeling that something bad occurred. At other times these unfortunate men might be conned into a familiar scam known as “a relationship” - apparently men are easier victims for this scam after the “beer” has been administered and they have already been sexually attacked.


However, if you fall victim to this insidious drug and the predatory women administering it, there are male support groups where you can discuss the details of your shocking encounter in an open manner with a bunch of similarly affected guys. For your nearest support group just look up ‘Pubs’ in the yellow pages.


Free beer!


Show me the way home hunny :P

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The only lad ive ever bought a drink for in my life is my little brother cos hes too young to get served!!! And i dont plan buying the drinks for men!


Funny how all women want equality as far as voting, jobs, pay scale, cooking & cleaning are concerned but when it comes to buying the ale, paying for a taxi home, doing the garden, fixing the car & decorating (thats doing not picking the colours) a vast majority seem to think thats the mans responsability!!


Seens the ale in your uni bars proberbly cost less than £1 a pint you realy have no excuse Claire!!



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Funny how all women want equality as far as voting, jobs, pay scale, cooking & cleaning are concerned but when it comes to buying the ale, paying for a taxi home, doing the garden, fixing the car & decorating (thats doing not picking the colours) a vast majority seem to think thats the mans responsability!!


Seens the ale in your uni bars proberbly cost less than £1 a pint you realy have no excuse Claire!!




Yes I do want equality but I pay for my own drinks thanks very much I didnt say that I expected men to buy them i do my own repairs and gardening so I am quite capable I may come across as some dizzy blonde who is scared to break a nail but in reality im a tough cookie


Ive just had a lecture on womens rights actually it was called 'Did the definition of a female orgasm change socitey?' And the lecturer opened the lecture by saying firstly I will use a powerpoint presentation to define a female orgasm!!!!! But what made me laugh was the way she kept callin a bra an instrument of torture!!!!!!!!!!

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Yes I do want equality but I pay for my own drinks thanks very much I didnt say that I expected men to buy them i do my own repairs and gardening so I am quite capable I may come across as some dizzy blonde who is scared to break a nail but in reality im a tough cookie


Ive just had a lecture on womens rights actually it was called 'Did the definition of a female orgasm change socitey?'  And the lecturer opened the lecture by saying firstly I will use a powerpoint presentation to define a female orgasm!!!!!  But what made me laugh was the way she kept callin a bra an instrument of torture!!!!!!!!!!


So are you now saying you dont mind buying a lad a drink or you only buy your own?

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Ahh i'm starting to understand you a little bit more what your saying is you pay your way. I thought you were saying you were a tight arse who wouldnt buy someone else a drink!!


Oh course not I do rounds with my lad mates and that what i meant was if i went on a date with a lad id never automatically expect him to pay

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My nan was queen of food stealing, you could never be sure where the food she was trying to feed you came from.


We went to Pontins when we were kids and we all had to get a barm from the breakfast hall so we could make chip butties with our portion of chips on the way home, awww bless  :lol:


awwwwwwww how sweet!!!!!


and doggy bags!!!!!!!!!! :lol:

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Its nice to see with the smell of Duncans feet still wafting around the dressing room we are all being positive about the close season and our assult on the league next year :D


A very big welcome back to fozzie Mr Positive himself and all the other doubters and although i'v said it before with very little comment back - we are 10 times better off now than under Royal (when we had no money), Kendall the third time (when again we had no money) & Smith (when we had no money, an ancient squad and in all reality very little clue)!


This is Everton with a skint chairman and a manager who has at least stopped the ship from rocking what are our options, sack him and bring in?????????


Reid didnt he get his last club relagated!


I'm reserving judgement as i dont want to have to eat any humble pie :D


Posted this here because there were sooooooo many negative threads i didnt want to respond to all of them!

Edited by GoldfishMemory
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