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i would think lescott would be a bit more professional and loyal to moyes than to go to the likes of news of the world but who knows whats going on behind the scenes . this is the biggest fear that lescott will demand a transfer do believe the club is trying to hold onto him afterall we not in a great position with jags out and with 2 weeks to go getting a suitable replacement and a decent 1 !!! if lescott demands a transfer then think deal is done lets hope and pray he doesnt .

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Been told today tha lescott is going for around 20 mil and the only reason the deal ain't done yet is because we haven't found a replacement but he's definitely on his way out. An i also hear that michael owen was supposed to be a done deal for us but man u came in just before he signed an he changed his mind.



£20m is disappointing, if they will pay over £30m for John Terry we should be looking at £30m no less. Play hard ball with them, let's face it, English defenders, who is left for them to buy? The lot acrss the park paid £18m for a right back and they are not exactly rolling in cash are they? If we get £30m, spend £15m on defensive replacements and go after Moutinho.

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Ominous on the OS....


Joleon Lescott will miss today's pre-season friendly with Coventry because of a "hip injury"...


...Jack Rodwell is expected to step back into defence to fill the gap left by Lescott's "enforced" absence.


The "..."'s are mine, but they may as well be there :( .

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I think he will be on his way out sadly <_< If we sell Lescott and only spend a quarter of the money as per fuckin usual I am personally going to send a letter to Bill mentioning how much of a joke this club have been this summer and considering they always go on about the fans they dont seem to give a shite and only want our money. We havent signed anyone of quality or even of use to the squad this season except Jo who we already had last season and isnt costing us much. The stadium has went out the window and one of our best players look set to leave, no one decent wants to join unless they have no other option. This club seems in a mess behind the scenes I just hope moyes gets everything right in these next few weeks.

Edited by Blue4Ever
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I hope the deal somewhere includes Jo. say £20m and Jo. He looks very very sharp today and has done in pre-season, i'd be happy with that. Lescott is prone to the odd mistake aswel, and he only look unbeatable when he's along side Jags. Same with Yobo. I think we should take the money, but thats me. I never thought we'd have another £20m+ player in our ranks since Gooney went! with the money touted, imagin what Moyes could do!? one player isnt irreplacable but a team is...go buy young, talented players, improve quality all round the pitch and increase the numbers. With cup-runs and all, our youngsters could easily sit in for our seniors.

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Here's a quote from bluemoon


Its ironic how "we're" the ass's? they're throwing money at anyone we are after. Do you think Mancity have said, if you don't llet us speak to Lescott, we will make approaches for the players you have reportedly had an interest in? If you let us, we will pull out of the Elm/Delph deals? Hence why Moyes has said that City's transfer policy is disrepectful? i think they're playing mind games to get who they want. Hughes did say that he wont take 'no' for an answer??



Edited by tenaciousj
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Emm not playing this afternoon - says a lot - £22M is a lot of Money. I would guess Lescott would find it hard not to want to go and earn crazy money at Man City. You are talking millions a year more than he would get at Everton, not the odd couple of hundred grand, but millions. Very difficult to expect that sort of loyalty from any player these day.


I am afraid I expect him to be a Man City player come season kick off and so do the bookies!!


It's the way of football, Everton do it to teams with less money than them and so on. However, I get the feeling Everton try and conduct there business with a little more discresion.

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Angry...and a bit sad.... :(


What's going on at this club?!


If we sell Lescott, we only have Yobo and Jags left! and Jags is out injured for a few more months!....that leaves us Yobo and Rodwell at the back? what a mess... let's slide down to 15th place,then.


I say rather keep Lescott than buy a new player.

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The thing that pisses me off about the Lescott scenario is that if we were willingly to sell him for around 20m, why did we not convey that to city when they came in with their first offer. Instead of messing around until the season has nearly started, meaning that any new players will have no pre-season.


I hope he stays.

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Angry...and a bit sad.... :(


What's going on at this club?!


If we sell Lescott, we only have Yobo and Jags left! and Jags is out injured for a few more months!....that leaves us Yobo and Rodwell at the back? what a mess... let's slide down to 15th place,then.


I say rather keep Lescott than buy a new player.


I don't think you're to far off. If lescott goes and no one else of quality comes in we'll probably end up mid table. Lescott needs to stay AND we need 2 defenders and another mid. Give those defenders a year to develop under moyes and then, maybe, sell lescott.

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I have to say, that story coming out that he was injured was a lot more reassuring that he won't leave, rather than them just announcing the team line-ups and him not being there without a reason. I'm going to hold on to faith for the meantime.

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I have to say, that story coming out that he was injured was a lot more reassuring that he won't leave, rather than them just announcing the team line-ups and him not being there without a reason. I'm going to hold on to faith for the meantime.


Suppose it could be a dirty tactic on our part....pretend he is injured to put city off for the nxt four weeeks...we could have said it was a cruciate though...a minor hip injury would not be enough and would only serve to drive the price down....

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If he's going then he's going, no one can argue that £20m+ would be a good deal. As long as we have all the money to spend (and hopefully some more besides) then I don't have a problem with it. We have Rodwell coming through, we just bought another young CB, we have Yobo fit and Jags to return and if we can bring in another decent CB for somewhere in the region of £5m then we have £15m to spend. I'm not Senderos' biggest fan but if we get him for £6m then spend £14m on a really classy RW and RB then I don't think anyone could argue that we have dramatically improved our team - like we did when we sold Rooney. If I was Moyes though, I would be taking City for everything I could get as I think their transfer strategy has been anything but subtle.

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The thing that pisses me off about the Lescott scenario is that if we were willingly to sell him for around 20m, why did we not convey that to city when they came in with their first offer. Instead of messing around until the season has nearly started, meaning that any new players will have no pre-season.


I hope he stays.



Because this way Lescott won't go til the final day and we won't have time to bring a replacement in and the money will have disappeared come January, it's happened before.

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I'd rather it happened sooner rather than later so we can identify our targets and start moving forward, being in limbo is horrible and its what happened at the beggining of last season with DM's contract. I had come round to the fact that Lescott was going, i'd be slightly dissapointed if he doesnt...crazy world ey?

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