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What Grinds Your Gears...


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Oooh ooh oooh....are we starting on Americanismsyay.gif ?


Saying "herb" with a silent "h".


"Aluminum" and "nucular" (if your president lacks the wit to accurately describe the war he has at his fingertip then there's something wrong).


There are so many more but off the top of my head those will dotongue.png (and I didn't even mention "back to back").

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That's a good one.


"DyanowhadImean?" at the end of every sentence is another angry.gif .


Also people saying "back to back" when they mean "consecutive." Even the BBC do that now ffs....we are not fucking Americans!


Before long people will be calling their car boot the "hood," taps "faucets" and men will be pulling down their "pants" and showing their "fanny" major%20overreaction%20alert.gif .


no...you didn't wink.png

Edited by marcopaulo
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What gets on my nerves?, Computers and accessories and connections and all that fucking nonsense


Spent an hour on the phone today to a company technician and even then they were not able to resolve the problem, will have to take it in again to one of their shops with the USB and see if they can do anything, getting really hacked off with it now, I think I will have to change networks, keep having problems just lately, prefer to go to libraries or something as at least then you can just get on with your work with no hassle, pay as you go is really getting on my nerves just lately, a lot needs to be sorted out is all I know

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Quick google says Boston is the most similar to cockneys over there so that would be Ben and Casey Affleck, but knowing the American studio bosses they'll probs get the jersey shore crew to do it

Rodney you plonker --> Randy you douche bag

Lovely jubbly --> Fist pump

Nelson Mandela House --> Malcolm X Avenue

The Nags Head --> ??? no pints just a bottle bar

I just cant see how they can think americanising it can work

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Being in a black hole broadband wise...


Telephone salesman: "Good afternoon Mr O, do you realise we can give you calls, broadband and digital television for the special offer price of £3.50 a month?"


Me: "No you can't."


Salesman: "Certainly we can Mr O, we'll throw in a free router, no set-up fee and a monthly blow-job!"


Me: "You can't you know."


Salesman: "I assure you we can Mr O....just let me ask you a couple of questions and we'll set it up for you. Can you give me your postcode please."


Me: "EX15 4&%"


Salesman: **silence**


Me: "I did tell you."


Salesman "I'm sorry Mr O but you're not currently able to upgrade to our top package, but I can offer you our alternative super-slo service with a 20GB download limit for £35 a month."


Me: "Bastard."mad.gif

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What gets on my nerves?, Computers and accessories and connections and all that fucking nonsense


Accessories are cool, it might seem like a girly thing but accessories and electronics go hand in hand for me, even though my Blackberry is still without a foam cover around it after about a year of owning it.


To add some input to this thread however;


1) Dub-step (in general its a pile of wank and it's even worse that I'm having to go and watch this stuff live).

2) When ex-girlfriends get back in touch with you to discuss health problems that they may or may not have.

3) The black bits around sausages (they taste fucking awful so pigs need to sort themselves out).

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what the fuck's dub-step?


A load of wank is what it is. I've got tickets for Lostprophets on their Weapons Hot Tour and unfortunatly the band that are supporting them are called 'Modestep' who are a Dubstep/Rock band, here is one of their singles 'Sunlight' - enjoy...


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Ey lay off the Dubstep chaps... there's a fair few variations of it and tbh some I don't like but others I do more so remixes of popular songs.



This is (chilled) Dubstep Marco coupled with one of the best dancers I've seen



Now music that does get on my tits is that mosher shite like Slipnot....bollocks

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I've been trying to get into them, I like most genres of music so I probably will and they will no doubt be better live than they are in the studio. To tell you the truth I'm not well up on Dubstep so I can't compare them to any other band out there with a similar sound, I'll just have to keep listening and hope something clicks!


Is it just me though, or is Dubstep really easy to do? Providing you have the equipment... I mean once you've created a beat all you have to do is loop it so that it lasts for four minutes.


Edit: To The Stars is quality.

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Sorry matey I can't the stuff is just pure untonned noise to me don't get me wrong alot of Dubstep is shite well same goes for most music really but I have a wide variety of music I listen to tbh anything from The Who (Love, Reign o'er Me classic!) the Clash to stuff like Dubstep D&B and so on.

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what the fuck's dub-step?

Shit music from the 90's that manks rediscovered and took some drugs and think its the best thing since drum and bass which (the majority) is also wank. Basically dance music with a dirty drop, so you get 3 minutes of awful looped creme de bollock followed by a drop then a sample speeded up and looped. Cant believe DJs get paid for being a broken jukebox

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i don't like any music were the fella sounds like he has a ferret up his arse...my rule is if you can't understand what they're sayin it's shit..





Pete don't talk shite if your going to bash something at least have a clue what your ranting about.It came from South London and has never been rediscovered? It's a genre of it's own that was coming into fruition at the end of the 90's and as said has many versions not just the looped shite that is what people knock up on their PC's

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