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What Grinds Your Gears...


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i preferred the freedom of not havin a job for a couple months after education and just wastin all my money i'd made durin college gettin smashed laugh.png


I'm one of the oldest in my 'year' at college and it's getting to the stage where all my mates are 18. This month alone I've got three parties and I'm having my 'birthday night-out' at the end of the month at Blackpool.


Life is just getting good! rofl.gif

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i was always the same man...born in september..most of my mates in mayish time so i was a good 7-8 months older than most


November for me but all of my mates are born in March/April so I've had to wait a little while to get to go out and have some fun as an 'adult'. Looking forward to it though, the first taste of life I guess!

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You kids make the most of your early years, you're only young once


It's when you get to the stage where you realize that there are less days ahead of you than behind that the time comes to worry


Now I need to find something to get angry about for the purpose of this thread



James Bond clique members, fucking favorites and all that


Weather Forecasters, I'd damn well burn them


Getting light 43 minutes earlier in the morning than three weeks ago


Kids 'working' in stores or retail establishments just standing around looking lost or just fraternizing with each other


Library workers getting paid £9.00 an hour (allegedly) for standing around and doing fuck all, save stamping books or drawing curtains, oh and turning off monitor screens at end of day. I thought about applying but apparently you have to undertake some course or need some 'special talent'


Getting angry about trying to remember what else it was I supposed to be getting angry about


That will do for today shaking fist.png

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Here is something that Grinds my fucking gears;


Not being able to get a tattoo even though you're 18 because your parents are 'against the idea' and believe that I may 'regret it when I'm older'. So long as I'm not getting a giant Gary Glitter tribute on my forehead I think it's fair that I have one.


shaking fist.png

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Here is something that Grinds my fucking gears;


Not being able to get a tattoo even though you're 18 because your parents are 'against the idea' and believe that I may 'regret it when I'm older'. So long as I'm not getting a giant Gary Glitter tribute on my forehead I think it's fair that I have one.




To be honest mate It's a very serious subject even though to most it isn't or doesn't seem so.I was about 15 when I got My first one done I went to Blackpool to a side street jobby and gave it the old Frank Butcher voice "you 18" YEAAAAH!!A year or two later when You grow up abit you think what a tit it looks awful and will have to spend a fortune either covering it or having it removed!It all depends on what and where your having it done but trust me make sure it's somthing and somewhere you will not regret down the line bud.....

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A few things to consider Zoo


- is is what you really want? Does it having a personal meaning to you that will never change? Never tattoo a brand, or a name that could, at any point, change (gf, football related etc).


- think about where you're having it and if you get one, will it hinder possible job opportunities or potentially put suitors off? Can it be hidden?


- a good tip I was taught is to get your "design" and print it on some paper. Look at it for a good awhile, for that whole time do you still love it? If so pop it in a drawer, wait a fortnight and get it out again, do you still love it? Repeat for a couple of months. If you still love it, then go for it but I can assure you that on many occasions I've left initial tattoos in the drawer after a while. Your moods and tastes change quicker than you think, waiting a few months for something that lasts a lifetime is recommended :)

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never had a tattoo...fancied one when i was younger but my dad was the same...'if you were meant to have them god would have given them to us'(religous type)...sometimes think of gettin an everton one but if i did it would be where it wasn't on show all the time...don't think i will ever bother to be honest cos the older i get the dafter i think they look :lol:

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Got a fair few, and large ones too, 3/4 sleeve on my left arm and lower right leg. just make sure it is something you want, laser removal is expensive and does'nt always work either, and cover ups are custom work meaning you will be charged by the hour rather than a fixed price, so you have to be happy with what you get, and wherever you decide to get it done, always ask to see examples of the artists previous work.

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I never understood the appeal of Tattoos but if that's what anybody wants..


Some parents talk common sense so it pays to listen, they invariably know best, and if one should disapprove then I think that's fair enough, although 18 is an adult age and a time to be indivdiual, I guess it works both ways

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I know it's late but I just wanted to say thanks for the advice regarding tattoos. I'll do what J said and get a solid design and stick it in a draw, I'll keep getting it out and seeing if its what I really want. I like the thought of having a sleeve but obviously that will need a lot of thought going into it and I'll obviously want it to be right first time so I don't have to fork out a few hundred quid to get it removed.

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ive wanted a tattoo for ages mate, but then never do anything about it. I would say only get one if you wake up thinking of it, go to sleep thinking about it and doodle the designs all day long. If not, you probably dont want it but like the idea.

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ive wanted a tattoo for ages mate, but then never do anything about it. I would say only get one if you wake up thinking of it, go to sleep thinking about it and doodle the designs all day long. If not, you probably dont want it but like the idea.


I really, really want one but I've not actually got a perfect design fit and ready to go - so you're probably right. I'll spend the next couple of months planning what I may or may not have and after a good, long think I'll get something done.

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badly behaved children in restaurants, went out last night, and on the table next to us, there were 2 little kids climbing all over the tables and throwing things everywhere, driving me nuts, so loud they were that i think the manager was actually scared to go over and ask them to leave.


Badly behaved children drive me nuts full stop. I was never a badly behaved kid so I know that it's not exactly hard to just be normal when you go out to a resteraunt, it's just that their parents don't have the balls to pull them in line and they turn into absolute terrors.


Well I've got an Everton tattoo. Never regretted it for a second, I still find myself looking at it and think wow.


Where mate? :)

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Why would anyone want to go to Hungary unsure.png


I'd even tell Zsa Zsa Gabor that - if I ever got to meet her


Something that's getting on my nerves and has been lately is all this , and I decided not to elaborate, but people, governments as well, changing this, changing that, dictating what we can and can't do, i.e. some miserable cunts decide to do something, and anyone who feels different can't do a damn thing about it. Oh it's time for a change, let's alter this, let's change that, gets on my damn nerves it does. I'd ideally like to meet some of these individuals and have it out with them, I'd tell them what I think of their ideas and theirselves and I wouldn't pull any punches dry.png


It's not really on when people can dictate how we live our lives and poke their fucking noses in and alter things just for their own ends and to hell with eveybody else. Really not pleased

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