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What Grinds Your Gears...


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been to budapest...wonderful place



as for misbehavin children why wait til the manager says summat...go and tell the parents to control them before they get a fork in the head

haha, my mums friend who was with us was just about too i think, then fortunately they got up and left, it was so bad, ive never been an angel, but i would never have been allowed to behave in a restaurant the way those 2 kids did. id have had my arse kicked
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Jeremy fucking Kyle.


I've been sat here doing college work since around 11am and he has just popped onto telly with his show. So far I've written around 15 pages for my college project (which I asked for help with a few weeks ago) and I keep being interuptted by smelly teenagers in track-suits screaming about who's baby is who's. I can't believe how fucked up some people are in the UK.


Oh, and because of the Liverpool result midweek;



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Jeremy fucking Kyle.


I've been sat here doing college work since around 11am and he has just popped onto telly with his show. So far I've written around 15 pages for my college project (which I asked for help with a few weeks ago) and I keep being interuptted by smelly teenagers in track-suits screaming about who's baby is who's. I can't believe how fucked up some people are in the UK.


Has your TV not got an "off" switchhuh.png ?

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Has your TV not got an "off" switchhuh.png ?


I find that TV/Music in the background helps me concentrate when working on something. I never was one for the 'do your homework whilst facing a blank wall' scenario. It's just me I guess!


15 pages in 4 hours is good going, well done


Cheers mate! :)


Fifteen pages of "post-it notes"tongue.png .


Piss off! Fifteen pages of A4 more like :P!!

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the people who watch jeremy kyle are idiots just as much as the people on there...just my opinion


I watch it if nothing is on but I woulden't wake up in a morning and run to my television to watch him. If anything it annoys more than entertains me because of the bellends that are on there. They are all claiming benefits, doing drugs and hiding from work and people like that get right on my tits. Like I said if he happens to come onto the telly I'll stick around and watch but I woulden't exactly go out and buy the boxset.

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the people who watch jeremy kyle are idiots just as much as the people on there...just my opinion




I can undwerstand your logic to a certain extent bud but come on have you seen the monstrosities that go on it how they manage to catch the correct bus to the studio is beyond me, you can't compare "normal" people to those things....


Saying that it's the first time I've switched it on in god knows how long as I'm usuallt grafting or seeing to the little en.


It is a shite show but I get fascinated with some of the munters and cretins on it.Anyhow piss of Chorleyite your town is like living in the film The Hills Have Eyes smile.png 

Edited by EFC-Paul
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it's like narnia crossed with the brothers grimm where i am from i know...and infact there have been some people from chorley on jeremy kyle...it angers me that the people on that show are allowed to vote and breed...we need to be stricter...and if the people didn't watch it these idiots wouldn't go on there...it's like x factor...idiotic telly for idiots

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it's like narnia crossed with the brothers grimm where i am from i know...and infact there have been some people from chorley on jeremy kyle...it angers me that the people on that show are allowed to vote and breed...we need to be stricter...and if the people didn't watch it these idiots wouldn't go on there...it's like x factor...idiotic telly for idiots


This. All people from Chorley are inbred. :lol: Joking.


But i agree with the tv idiots stuff, they go on just so they can get on telly and show their mates...

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Quite right Mr Paulo


If there's one thing guaranteed to get my back up, it's all this constant fucking leather faced celebrity crap there seems no escape from just lately


I would rather look directly into the sun than watch any of that horrible shit they put on such as X Factor, Britains got Talent or Big Brother etc, I realize there are those who indulge in these broadcasts, but for me it just represents some boring, trivial, immaterial, plastic faced chicken litter dry.png


It was only 30 years ago in the Uk that There was three channels only that shut down by midnight if you'll remember, and now there's like thousands of the damn things coming at you from all angles going on 24/7, more often that not just showing the above belligerent garbage


No wonder I attend fucking anger management classes

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I hate that bint the only time that bucket fanny has those kids is when she is on telly and even then for the most part they are looked after by child minders.


Falling out of cabs with you cavern on show sextapes and all the rest of the shite she gets upto she really is clearly a just and deserving candidate let alone winner -_-

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Jordon (Katie Price) winning mum of the year.. for a second time. If the people who vote think thats what a good mum acts like I feel sorry for their kids.


I've just had one of those signs pop up saying, 'You are the 100,000th visitor today - claim your prize'.


That's when I decided to pull Katie Price's knickers up and go home.

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I make no secret of the fact I have a genuine animosity for weather people, what qualifications or talents do you need to do become one of these people anyway, as from what I've seen for as long as I can remember, the majority are simply five fifths of useless


Was told yesterday there would be heavy rain today, did they slip it out the back door or something, and last night, 'plummeting temperatures of near icy proportions', lo and behold it was hardly below double figures dry.png


And they get paid a handsome sum for just standing there for about 45 seconds a time, twice a day, getting everything wrong and smiling away, horrible fucks. I'd like to round up some of these weather people in a room with no windows. It wouldn't be anything pretty, it would be flat out brutality


well I take some comfort at least that I'm not alone with my impressions of these individuals -



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