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Stoke City - Away Game

Dalziel Kane

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3? Violent conduct on the Stoke lad (Shawcross was it?) for the headbutt. I think that FA might let the push go, but we'll wait and see. I'm hoping Moyes gives him a good bollocking for his actions regardless.

Head"butt" and 2 times he pushed Shawcross in the face. Moyes shouldve pull him off straight after the headbutt.


In fact, think Moyes can be blamed for this one. his tactics were absolutely rubbish and didnt make any real attempt to change the game.

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I agree he's been shit this season, I've been saying the same thing. That doesn't mean he's fucking up when a ball loops over him because of a deflection.




I've answered that post many times, if you want a response look in the other thread. I can't be bothered repeating myself over and over to people who don't understand the basics of goalkeeping.

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I love how I got blasted for saying Howard fucked up last week and now everyone is saying it. It's time people just accepted that he's not the goalkeeper he once was and is a total fucking liability. We need to invest in someone new come January because with fuck ups like this Champions League is but a dream.


Not the same Zoo. Last week it wasnt his fault. This week it was.

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Against any other opposition I don't mind Halsey as a ref, but against Stoke you know you're in for an even tougher game. should have had a pen, and should have had more protection. Yet, all the focus will be on Fellaini, not the countless fouls he and the rest of the team endured with no freekick or bookings.

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Fellaini was horrible, both attitude wise and in the game. No need for him to do those things. Credit to Shawcross for not making a big deal out of it.


No excuse for it but the head "butt" was nothing more than a nudge and Shawcross went down like a sack of spuds and stayed there. My granny wouldn't have been hurt by that.

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I did't see the game, I don't have fucking streams, or rivers or estuaries, and no Everton TV so stuff that, and the radio commentary was dead in the water, but it seems the game is over and we got a 1- 1 draw today, maybe we didn't deserve ?


I thought we would win 1- 0 and was a goal out, disappointed we couldn't hold on for the win, but it wasn't even an Everton player that scored today for us.


Got a point today at a difficult venue, on paper it's a fair resut, but we could have done better today. Mixed feelings right now.


Will glean more information on today later.

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I've answered that post many times, if you want a response look in the other thread. I can't be bothered repeating myself over and over to people who don't understand the basics of goalkeeping.

Wouldn't the basics mean he weren't at fault this week. He's in the right position, can't blame him for Jags throwing shit into the fan.

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That's the main reason that the ball went in, he wasn't in the right position at all.

He was, as that ball should have been Jagielka's all day. If Jags done his job and headed the ball forward Howard woud of been wrong sided if it fell to a Stoke player.

Did you see how he tried to save it?

He's wrong footed because his defence didn't do their job right.

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He was, as that ball should have been Jagielka's all day. If Jags done his job and headed the ball forward Howard woud of been wrong sided if it fell to a Stoke player.


I thought you was talking about the mistake he made last week (as that was due to bad positioning). As for this week I coulden't comment.


Edit: Just seen the goal and I don't know how you can blame anyone other than Howard. A pathetic attempt at making a save and to say it's Jagielka's fault is moronic, he was beaten in the air which can happen to anyone.


When something like that does happen you at least expect the goalkeeper to provide some cover.

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I thought you was talking about the mistake he made last week (as that was due to bad positioning). As for this week I coulden't comment.

On last weeks one I don't completely disagree, a better keeper may have got to it, but they'd have needed a lot of luck/expertise to read the flight of the deflection. Many times you see keepers take the step back and tip it over the bar. Howard's leap tends to be suspect imo, it looks like he gets no height half the time. Never been a massive fan of him though as we've been spoilt in the past, have been berated on here over my views on what a great keeper is. However he is a good keeper just not great, he wins us more points than loses (although not this season), but he's no Nigel Martyn and miles away from Big Nev :(.

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the difference between us and the Kopites:


Everton manager David Moyes on Marouane Fellaini: "He deserves to get the punishment. I've seen it, it's a terrible thing to do and I expect him to be punished. It's down to the FA. I've told him it's not acceptable and whatever he gets, he and us deserve it."

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What's clear from today is we need some more options, be it permanent transfers or loans in the window. Another keeper is now looking a must have, and we have to get another forward minded player, Jelavic seems lost at the moment. Also Moyes needs to get it into him that the same tactic very rarely works against every team, we have to mix it up a bit, we are so predictable at times.

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Fellaini was awful and unnerved today, and deserves whatever suspension is coming. Jelavic was also poor today, just seemed very frustrated by not having much support or service, and easily crumbled when physically pressured by Stoke. Gibson was also rather poor today, and Pienaar was absent the entire second half. Barkley looked good though as a sub (I thought we should've brought on Vellios for Fellaini to give Jelavic some more support), and I thought Baines, Coleman, and Jagielka all did well.

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I really was getting animated in the last twenty minutes and will watch highlights tonight (our game and the shite defeat only) if only to see the Fellaini incident today that has aroused so much debate. Was it so bad that he stayed on the field and was allowed to further participate ? I can only wait to see what occured, but sorry to hear he had a poor game after some quite superlative performances in recent weeks.


You have to say again on todays basis, and even with recent games, we were indeed fortunate to get a win with Tottenham last weekend, that in all honesty, a fourth place finish may be beyond us this season, although I was insistent recently we could may well do it. The joys and pitfalls of optimism after liquor. At least we didn't lose today but it's another point, instead of the three each week we could have got in recent weeks and those missed points will prove crucial at end of season, but all is far from lost, but today we could have done so much better, even a number of Stoke City supporters were fair enough to think we would be too much for them today, so it's at least nice to be respected by opposition sides, but today while getting a point at a difficult venue, we lost another chance to grip on to the champions league places and the team didn't perform too well either, you can't fail to see. Sorry to hear Howard was at fault today for the goal, but we are still in a very good place to challenge, but improvements need to be made.


I say respected by other supporters, but maybe some in Staffordshire tonight won't be so benevolent as I got to see the Fellaini incident on their main fan page. Will still try to watch highlights later but from what I can see from that, what was the kid thinking ? Damn stupid.


Moyes should have taken Fellaini to nearby Alton Towers today and let him loose on the attractions and leave him out if he was going to behave like that. Disappointing for all concerned. Of course Ferguson did a similar thing to a player in the SPL years back and recieved a jail sentence, but needless to say, Fellaini won't suffer such a fate, but that was totally unprofessional today.


Here is the incident for those that haven't seen it. (and an opposition perspective)



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They're a gang of jokers.

"Horrible, dirty bastard who somehow gets away with things like this on a regular basis, probably because the media love Everton and don't imagine for a moment a player like that would play for them so it's never highlighted. Hope this time he finally gets his comeuppance and a very lengthy ban."


"mark halsey [ref] was a total waste of space he missed everything i counted four blatant handballs by everton in the first half not one of them was picked up by this moron so its no suprise fellani can commit an assault and the ref misses it"


"Tonight we, as a football club, can hold our heads high and stand head and shoulders above the scum that is the Premier League. Under grotesque and blatant thuggery our players did not flinch. At the end Of the game I honestly expected a blood bath as the players and management left the field. It didn't happen, our players shook hands with their previous adversaries and left the field of play, and that speaks volumes about our demeanour and attitude to the true game of football. We can all laud the way Moyes dealt with the post match interview but, tbh, he had no choice or he would have looked a complete tosser in the face of the video evidence.

I am proud to be a Potter this evening, thank you everybody."


"Tony Bomber Bellew ‏@TonyBellew

Bet my arse that Felli has been getting kicked all day an they got that reaction out of him! Felli is a great player with fire in his belly


Used to like him, now hes a cock"


Bellow's spot on, that deluded bunch think they didn't deserve a single yellow and that Felli has just spontaneously attacked Shawcross.

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Yeah the media love Everton, you can tell that the way we get featured last on MOTD so often, or restricted to small news articles in various publications after a game, while for instance, Norwich against Sunderland may get more coverage.


I don't see either how Stoke City can see themselves as the epitome that is everything right with soccer today, with their unorthodox tactics and frequent long ball frustrations and many have said - more at home with Rugby than anything else.


Can only once again see highlights later for better viewing, as what they showed, didn't offer much.


It's a shame a game with potential was marred today by some unsavory scenes and some hostilities with rival supporters, whereas before there really never was any problem evident. Fair enough, if Fellaini really was provoked, and I mean in a sense with Materazzi and Zidane in The World Cup Final as one possible point of reference, then you can understand to a degree why the player did it, but these kids know the rules, and the consequences of wrongful actions, and the bottom line - should know better.


That must have been some provocation to have reacted like that, but will watch later in any event.

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That is fucking priceless! Like Pete said, it was hardly unprovoked! (im not justifying Felli's actions at all btw) The reason they all think Shawcross is a good defender is because him and Huth get away with shit like that all the time!! Do they remember Huth's Assault on Fellaini at goodison a few years ago? nothing was made of that and i dont think there was a set piece Huth wasnt man handling Felli. They're a joke of a club...

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Have motd omitted the hand ball from today or did I blink? Doing a good job of not seeing Shawcross all over Felli as well.


Half a chance the ref will include Felli incidents in his report as he only booked Begovic. Consistently let them kick shite out of us without a booking, only fair he lets Felli off. I took a similar stance with Barton/Tevez, poor refereeing and opposition should take part of the blame. Felli still deserves a ban, but the others warrant a stern review.

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Ridiculous....Lawrenson saying he could get a "six or nine" game ban while completely ignoring the fact that Shawcross is cuddling him constantly.

Just tweeted on the lines of that to Hamann.



Fellaini could get 9 games here ...headbutt elbow and a punch ...would have made


Shawcross all over him, the ref missed that and so did motd.



Felliani to Marseille on loan?

nope but he give Shawcross a couple of lessons there today.
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I don't follow Twitter much, what they say is of little concern to me, but I saw the 'highlights',(all six minutes of it I think, on an hour and 20 minute program ?) featured last, the pricks, (how did Norwich against Wigan Athletic get to be a more relevant game than ours ?), I always assumed it was done according to teams in league positions, but even if we were top of the league, we'd still be on fucking last each week, even Stoke were getting angry about it, but don't know why it's such an issue to them.


I didn't see much of Stoke City players getting on at Fellaini, (all they showed) it was mostly our player being the belligerent, so it appears there was action cut out that really should have been seen by home viewers. Couldn't look beyond the agression factors sometimes, but there was a game underway today by all accounts, and what I got to see was Osman missing a very good chance, Howard in the wrong position for the goal, and chances at either end in the second half that could have seen either side as winners.


All said, a messy game, poor game, between two sides short on confidence, that will be remembered for all the wrong reasons. I'll have to try and get Everton TV to watch a game or something, as BBC highlights, are a disaster. I didn't see much tonight damn it.

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