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I found I have been watching bits of Dragons Den recently, on the awful piece of shit Dave channel on Challenge TV (Commercials every five minutes) ... not an easy watch and it does my temperament no favors but-


I don't understand some of the ideas sometimes, yesterday these two kids came in with a device in the shape of a magic wand (it's essentially a remote control) that turns up volumes and sets switches off and on etc and the fucking Idiots gave them the £200,000 they asked for, - madness.. I've seen it before (they always put on the same damn repeats) and never quite understood what is so unique or wonderful etc


My favorites would include the two fools who came in with a - dividing line for a bed, i.e. it's a mattress with a line drawn down the middle - to stop couples taking up each others room, and they tried to get about £70,000 for it ?!


Also, the Foghorn Leghorn type and his partner from Wales who looked like they had just arrived from Glastonbury and wanted about £100,000 to promote their new brand of potato chips. You had to see it, to believe it.


And also watch out for, whenever Paphitis drops out of a deal, the nauseating Deborah Meaden follows suit and says I'm out as soon as he's gone - and vice versa.


A most annoying program on a most annoying channel but worth a watch every now and again. dry.png

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I watched The Godfather Part II earlier tonight, not as good as the original but way better than the awful third they did about 16 years later


Some hours later, Bullseye and The Krypton Factor on Challenge TV, that army assault course they go through looked like murder, far too tough for most people dry.png

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Does anyone watch The Walking Dead (TV Series)?


I read the Graphic Novel, waaaay before Kirkman decided to go into directing/producing and I have to say, it makes me very angry. The series is meant to follow the storyline of the novel, which it doesn't.


So now, the media, refer to it (series) being "loosely" based on the novel but i watched an epidsode the other night (6 i think it was, series 2) and a main character from the book (who, in the novel, goes on to be a rather integral part of the WHOLE GOD DAMN STORY) has been killed off. I literally wanted to throw the remote at the TV....how can they claim its "loosely" based as well, that pisses me off. The loosest (I know thats technically not a real word) comparisons are its called "The Walking Dead", it has Zombies in it and theres some names from the novel....thats it.


"TV Series based on the award winning Graphic Novel by Robert Kirkman, The Walking Dead"....It's not the same f*cking thing. I understand that some little changes have to be made because they are both being presented to different audiences (those who can be arsed to read, and those who can't) but to go and not only change characters (including some new ones and not the old ones) but change full story arc's, that really does my bollocks in.


At least Harry Potter or Lord of the rings tried to be as close as possible, to their original media. Yes, they cut certain, little, insignificant bits out but thats because it a) wouldn't have been presented properly in the media format and B) it would be too f*cking long...The Walking Dead on the other hand is a whole bloody series....seriously, you have time to present complex characters. You have time and licences to roam 'places' and 'situations', do it, don't be scared that there's not enough "action" to keep audiences hooked, look at Homeland. That was fantastic, yet in 80%, nothing really happened.. I wanted it to be amaze balls (based on my views of the novel) but they've truely gone and f*cked it up.

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At least Harry Potter or Lord of the rings tried to be as close as possible, to their original media. Yes, they cut certain, little, insignificant bits out


Lord of the Rings had some huge changes....a lot of them unnecessary.


Leaving out Tom Bombadil/Old Forest was omiting a big part of the story but understandable.


The one that really annoyed me was Faramir keeping Frodo/Sam in custody when in the book he let them go....so totally misrepresented his character.


Loads more examples but can't be arsed just nowmellow.png .

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Graphic Novel

Rick Grimes

Lori Grimes

Carl Grimes



Dale Horvath




Carol Peletier

Shane Walsh

Sophia Peletier







Full story arc missing, Tyreese is hands down the best character in the novel (only bested) by the person "teased" at the end of season 2...His replacement (I think) is supposed to be T-Dog but is arguably one of the biggest waste of spaces for a character, I have ever seen in a TV series, genuinely. Tyreese is absolutely brilliant as a character and develops into one of the greatest characters ever written in a graphic novel (IMO).



Missing....full family. Non-existant. Crazy.


TV Series

Rick Grimes

Lori Grimes

Carl Grimes



Dale Horvath

Carol Peletier

Shane Walsh

Sophia Peletier









Who the f*ck are these? The only person who i actually like out of the "new" characters is Daryl, brilliantly complex charater who adds a new dimension to the group, the only 'positive' of the whole series in my eyes.

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they said that daryl wasn't gonna have a major part but he was so well received and portrayed really well they wrote him in for the rest of it


Daryl's not been an issue for, I agree with you and what others have said, I think he's a great character and slightly gutted he's not in the Graphic Novel.


Pete0...not sure it was a diversity thing mate. Looking at the two characters below. But in both media formats, they are completely different. TDog may as well have been white, still a shite character.


Tyreese in the Novel:



T-Dog in the Series...


Edited by tenaciousj
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Daryl's not been an issue for, I agree with you and what others have said, I think he's a great character and slightly gutted he's not in the Graphic Novel.


Pete0...not sure it was a diversity thing mate. Looking at the two characters below. But in both media formats, they are completely different. TDog may as well have been white, still a shite character.


Tbh I havent read it was just basing it on the current trend over there. Not just the 1st one on the list but Morales and Jacqui as well, mostly Morales as shows over there are trying to please the population by adding more Hispanics. Adding 5 new characters of which 3 are non-white, seems a bit forced as the cast was predominantly white. From a quick look at the characters in the novel there doesn't seem to be many Hispanics. Theres many blogs about wether the show is racist or not as well, but mostly about racial order with the biggest moan being about Tyreese was a strong leader character and the show has replaced him with T-Dog who is more of a side-kick. As I've not watched it so cant really argue wether it is or is not, so just commenting from the outside looking in.

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Theres many blogs about wether the show is racist or not as well, but mostly about racial order with the biggest moan being about Tyreese was a strong leader character and the show has replaced him with T-Dog who is more of a side-kick.


Exactly, Tyrees is brilliant. Just to add to the pisser, here's (for those who haven't read it) an image of the compendium front cover. It emphasises the 'main characters in my eyes....Rick, Lori, Carl, Tyrees and Glen... which is spot on.



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Tbh I havent read it was just basing it on the current trend over there. Not just the 1st one on the list but Morales and Jacqui as well, mostly Morales as shows over there are trying to please the population by adding more Hispanics. Adding 5 new characters of which 3 are non-white, seems a bit forced as the cast was predominantly white.


In regards to 'strong' black characters, both Tyreese and Julie, are a MASSIVE story arc, which would have worked well. And that they have the new Daryl and Merle story (redncecks) in the series, it could have been more interesting between the two 'parties'....


All i will say is a very interesting character will be revealed to the 'Series' watchers come season 3...and hopefully you'll be introduced to a right c*nt.

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I've seen all the movie releases with the original cast at theaters and over again from 1979 to 1994, but just lost interest after that once it became The Next Generation with Stewart and all the new faces. For Me, Star Trek IS or has to be, Kirk, McCoy, Spock etc (originals), nothing else comes close

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Can't stand Star Trek...J.J Abrhams update is the only ST that I've actually enjoyed.


Looking forward to the sequel.

you need a slap young man! Star Trek is epic. 1st film is crap, 2 and 3 are good, 5 and 6 too.... First Generation ones are poo but I love First Contact. Abrahms version is excellent too and creaming my pants over the sequel - I want the Borg back!!!
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I've watched all the originals, all Next Generation, all Deep Space Nine, all Voyager and all films. Watched the first few Enterprise episodes but it was poor.


Still watch an occasional episode if I see one on TV but not from the Kirk era....just too dated now for me.


Abrhams film I watched the first half hour or so and got bored.

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