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Everything posted by markjazzbassist

  1. yeah i watched the first season and some of the second. seemed to be the same episode over and over again. make meth, almost get caught, crazy getway/get deeper into shit and then get out next episode. rinse repeat.
  2. 27 and 7m got to be better than Kone right?
  3. Lol don't do that either. Do the forums and Facebook, that's it. I don't need strangers berating me and my family over the Internet.
  4. Honestly that's why I don't do twitter. Bunch of keyboard warriors acting bigger than they are because they hid behind the Internet. No need for me. Can you just post stuff and turn off the comments?
  5. neither do i but it doesn't hurt to try
  6. andros townsend to newcastle for between 10m and 14m? i didn't even think he was worth half that. thought lennon was always the better of the 2 and he was what 5m? ramires 25m to a chinese club? the guy is quality surely we could use him as a 10, not for 25m but 10-15m i'd pay, he's only 28. the money is making things get out of hand.
  7. yep that's the stuff mike! the local guys at the clubs we played kept telling us about it and we had read about it before heading over. we were all very excited to have a night getting hammered on scrumpy but alas it wasn't the real deal i guess. the London Pride was nice though i do remember that yeah we had heard those kinda stories about it too. like the real stuff if you drank enough you'd go blind cause it was so high alcohol and fermented. basically english moonshine i guess?
  8. i think the Cups are important and also league position is important due to the new TV deal. Each place is milions and millions of pounds more than the last, so it would be best to finish as close to top 6 as possible.
  9. when i was in when i was in london i drank a lot of london pride, good stuff. also drank that stuff you call "scrumpy". supposed to be like drinking rubbing alcohol but it didn't mess me up.
  10. pato is sealing his deal to chelsea, loic remy headed on loan. being rumoured to reunion with pardew at palace. we need to be in for him, could be a solid loan for us.
  11. teared up mike makes me so happy to know the club values the less fortunate.
  12. i keep mulling this over and over and i think this is it MC. He will want Lennon to defend and Pienaar as well. We won't go to attack and take it to them, well sit back and pray. Hence lennon and Stevie P. I think Gerry starting would offer the most in attack but he's a liability defensively and i think we're going there for a draw.
  13. i think so too, he's waiting in the wings, already had a word with SAF about it i'm sure. i don't know how to feel either. on one hand steady the ship and bring about some consistency at home. Plus our speed players Lennon Mirallas Lukaku Ross Gerry would be perfect in a defensive first counter attacking style. But on the other hand it's almost like admitting we'll never be a big club again, just accept mediocrity an don't try and exceed expectations.
  14. barry isn't a sprinter though, different style of exhaustion. barry is steady through the whole match whereas lukaku is start and stop the whole match. different workout. i think he could use a rest but RM wouldn't play naisy there and Kone is shot too.
  15. would make sense if this was MLS where there is no relegation and you're building for the future, but clearly points do matter as we are not yet to 40 this year. though i do wonder if it will be 40 this year, could see it being 32-35 with the likes of sunderland newcastle villa. but we're not to that many either yet!
  16. back to this. yes true he did leave but i believe it was transfer dealings, he said don't sell the top players and they did so he left. i don't think he'd have that issue here. but yes he can be a bit erratic. doesn't play a 4231 either which would be a welcome change. 3331 his creation.
  17. yeah the amount of goals he gave up from not leaving his line or near post is astounding. makes me angry just watching it.
  18. Matt I speak in the present. I didn't know the glory days and I know everyone here rightly or wrongly thinks of us as a big club. But currently we are not. Te bridge is bigger than Goodison, attendance as well, euro success and cup success and league success. I'm not talking history. It's not disrespectful it's the truth. Ask any neutral who is the bigger club and its unanimous. we need to start living in the present and not holding onto the past.
  19. Pete you're crazy mou would never come to a club this small. Sherpa Hughes is at a club the same size with better standing why would he leave that to move down? Neither make sense. I looked back lowesenda to old posts i made about this. I recommended Bilic (gone and doing well), laudrup (not doing well), pardew (doing the same as Roberto with a smaller club). Don't think any of the 3 are available or would take the job. Favre is a decent thought. Although he didn't start the season so well and got canned. I loosely follow BM cause they have us international Fabian Johnson on the wing. But you're right he did build that club to qualify for CL and recruited class players on the cheap (xhaka, hazard, Raffael, Fabian, etc) I'd add Marcelo Biesla. Tough guy no softy, attacking football, did well with Bilbao and Marseille. Koeman would be great but I think that's more a lateral move he would probably want to move to a bigger club. So it's not realistic in my opinion.
  20. Well this will be on the heels of the league cup semi but I fully expect a somewhat reserve side for this match since we have Newcastle the Wednesday following this. Strong enough for a win I hope. We need to advance here. Robles Oviedo Stones Mori Galloway Gibson Barry Lennon Osman pienaar Kone
  21. Just watched, yeah he nails it. The home form is frightening considering teams used to hate playing at Goodison. Now it's a free 3 points for away sides.
  22. Wife wants to watch Jessica jones. I couldn't get through daredevil, the scene where the baddie is beating the shit out his wife and kid was enough for me, just not able to tolerate that stuff anymore now I'm married and have a son. Call me weak but just hurts me to see that kinda stuff. So I guess we'll give Jessica a shot and hope for a better outcome.
  23. I think you're right Pete forgot about pienaar. He might be better on the left than Lennon in bobbys eyes.
  24. Wow. Sad. He better win one of these cups or those said fans will have banners flying and chants galore for him to be canned.
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