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  1. Upvote
    dunlopp9987 got a reaction from nyblue23 in Spurs (Away) Monday July 6th   
    Why do I feel like this has 3-0 or 4-0 written all over it
  2. Upvote
    dunlopp9987 reacted to Bailey in Spurs (Away) Monday July 6th   
    It really was. Plenty of chances to win the ball but no-one was aggressive enough. How Lo Celso had the time to chest it down for Son to run at us with that many bodies around him is beyond me. 
    Strange old formation this too, very defensive. Davies playing more like a right centre back when we attack.
  3. Upvote
    dunlopp9987 got a reaction from Bailey in Spurs (Away) Monday July 6th   
    Well that was just shambles. Players looked like they were fumbling around in the dark
  4. Upvote
    dunlopp9987 reacted to AlbanyNYToffee in Spurs (Away) Monday July 6th   
    Mou will have laid into his team after the Sheffield performance. They're due for a response, need to weather the first 15-20 minutes. 
    Also interested to see any/all interaction between Andre and Son. 
  5. Upvote
    dunlopp9987 reacted to nyblue23 in Spurs (Away) Monday July 6th   
    Son always scares the shit out of me. Still think he is one of the most underrated players in the world on his day. Feeling cautiously optimistic we can get a result, though.
  6. Upvote
    dunlopp9987 got a reaction from MikeO in Predict Our Results 2019/2020   
    Can't wait to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Channeling my inner Everton to throw it all away down the stretch.
  7. Upvote
    dunlopp9987 got a reaction from Sibdane in Leicester City (Home) Wednesday July 1st   
    What I wouldn't give to see Iwobi play well in consecutive matches. Afraid that might be too much to ask for 
  8. Upvote
    dunlopp9987 reacted to barryj in Leicester City (Home) Wednesday July 1st   
    Because it wasn’t. I did initially, but then on reply no chance he was looking for it. 
  9. Upvote
    dunlopp9987 reacted to Zoo 2.0 in Leicester City (Home) Wednesday July 1st   
    Someone wake me up, I've just dreamt Everton have been awarded a penalty via VAR. 
  10. Upvote
    dunlopp9987 got a reaction from markjazzbassist in Leicester City (Home) Wednesday July 1st   
    Flying start! COYB!!
  11. Upvote
    dunlopp9987 reacted to Elston Gunnn in US Politics/Biden Presidency (Trump-free zone)   
    Your word “cult” is appropriate.  I have no expertise in explaining cult mindsets, but it strikes me as ironic that Trump supporters claim that Trump opponents are afflicted with “Trump Derangement Syndrome.”  By which they mean, Trump just drives his opponents crazy.  The irony is that, by multiple objective measures, it is Trump supporters themselves who suffer from actual “Trump Derangement Syndrome.”  Trump’s most avid, boisterous supporters are deranged, militant members of a Trump cult.  The most extreme of the extreme are the nutty conspiracy theorists who advance the QAnon nonsense.  
    My working motto, for some years now but especially these days, is: “Willful ignorance is dangerously stupid.”  Trump’s most avid supporters are willfully ignorant; e.g., like Trump, they refuse to “believe” expert medical and scientific evidence, and thus refuse to wear masks or socially distance.  Whenever a vaccine becomes available, many of them will refuse it.  Their willful ignorance is truly, literally, dangerously stupid.  Their cultish, willful ignorance endangers the rest of us.  If the scientific evidence says, “My mask protects you, and your mask protects me,” their smug, but dangerously stupid, response is “FU.”
    Although relatively few Trump supporters wear masks, not quite all of them are necessarily totally committed to his reëlection.  Political and cultural commentators commonly refer to “Trump’s base,” but this is an oversimplification.  Understanding why this is too simplistic is one key to thinking about the 2020 election.  Trump’s “base” is actually 3, sometimes overlapping but nevertheless distinct, bases.  Think of a Venn diagram.
    (1) White evangelical Christians.  I was raised in this tradition, but left it some years ago.  Their fealty to Trump is shocking, as he epitomizes values antithetical to historical, mainstream Christianity.  As one wag rhetorically asked, “Remind me, which of the Beatitudes does Mr. Trump exemplify?”  Many of Trump’s evangelical enthusiasts are sensible enough to be embarrassed by Trump, but they see him as useful to ending abortion and immigration.  In order to justify supporting a man whose character and personality are so patently un-Christian, they have glommed onto a psuedo-theory that “God uses awful men to advance His purposes.”  It’s pathetic, hypocritical, doesn’t pass the laugh test.  But they desperately need some justification, however ludicrous, for supporting someone whom they would otherwise be blasting non-stop.  Their hypocrisy is astounding.
    (2) White working class.  Because neither of our 2 major parties has seriously addressed class issues such as decades-developing income inequality, these people were desperate enough in 2016 to vote for a vague slogan — Make America Great Again.  Millions of this group, too, harbor significant resentment over issues of “political correctness.”  Although Trump promised to help them economically — including building that wall to keep out economic competition from Mexicans — he has generally made things worse for them.
    (3) Come-home-to-Trump-traditional-Republicans.  In the early stages (2015-early 2016) of Trump’s candidacy, most traditional Republicans didn’t take Trump seriously because, as various Republican candidates and leaders openly stated, he was a racist, homophobe, serial sexual predator, reality-tv charlatan, etc.  But as traditionalists were shocked to see Trump’s popularity rise among groups 1 and 2 above, they found themselves fretting that he might somehow win the nomination.  After many months of making fun of him, they shut up, voted for him as the lesser of two evils, assumed he’d lose, focused on the House and Senate.  His minority win via the electoral college stunned them.  They turned to the hope that a man they knew as a liar, narcissist, and fraud would “grow in office.”  The Presidency would surely make Trump presidential.  As Trump destroyed this hope (literally) day after day, month after month, Republican politicians — especially Republican Senators — have mostly withdrawn into their shells, avoiding reporters.  They fear Trump voters and value their own reëlection more than our Constitution, democratic norms, and the rule of law.  
    An important, articulate minority of these longstanding Republicans, though, has become vocal in its criticism of the several ways in which Trump is destroying the Republican Party.  They are actual conservatives, as opposed to the conspiracy-theory mindset of the reactionary right-wingers who dominate the evangelicals.  They retain their self-respect, unlike Senate Republicans.  The most famous of these actual-conservative voices is the (wisely-named) Lincoln Project group, producing an ongoing series of maybe effective anti-Trump ads.  They’ve shown it’s pretty easy to ridicule a ridiculous fraud.
    As to what all this means for the election of 2020, there is some evidence that Trump has lost support — at the margins — of 2 of his 3-part base.  To overgeneralize, in group 2, some elderly white folks think Trump’s handling of the pandemic is killing them, a few years before they’re ready to die.  And Trump’s pathological lying and daily displays of “manly” boorishness seem to have especially offended suburban white women, lots of them.
    No way of knowing about the pandemic by next Fall.  Nor the economy.  Nor whether Biden will look competent.  Nor where Black Lives Matter/defund the police/Confederate flag issues will impact which states.  All indications are that in various swing states now under Republican control, voter suppression will be real.  It is commonly assumed, further, that Russia, China, maybe Iran, who knows who else, will attempt to hack our election.
    Presumably Democrats will hope to run on decency/end the chaos/make America good again.  Trump will run on a revived economy (if it’s revived) and keeping America out of the clutches of atheistic communists (i.e., Democrats).
  12. Upvote
    dunlopp9987 got a reaction from nyblue23 in Norwich City (Away) Wednesday June 24   
    Iwobi MOTM by a mile I'd say?
  13. Upvote
    dunlopp9987 got a reaction from markjazzbassist in Norwich City (Away) Wednesday June 24   
    Iwobi MOTM by a mile I'd say?
  14. Upvote
    dunlopp9987 got a reaction from Palfy in Norwich City (Away) Wednesday June 24   
    Iwobi MOTM by a mile I'd say?
  15. Upvote
    dunlopp9987 got a reaction from Gwlad in Norwich City (Away) Wednesday June 24   
    Iwobi MOTM by a mile I'd say?
  16. Upvote
    dunlopp9987 got a reaction from Sibdane in Norwich City (Away) Wednesday June 24   
    Iwobi MOTM by a mile I'd say?
  17. Upvote
    dunlopp9987 got a reaction from badaids in Norwich City (Away) Wednesday June 24   
    Iwobi MOTM by a mile I'd say?
  18. Upvote
    dunlopp9987 reacted to duncanmckenzieismagic in Norwich City (Away) Wednesday June 24   
    Need a second while we are on top and before they bring their best players on 
  19. Upvote
    dunlopp9987 reacted to Palfy in Norwich City (Away) Wednesday June 24   
    Marks on his third or fourth now don’t mess with Jazzy or you’re history 😄
  20. Upvote
    dunlopp9987 got a reaction from markjazzbassist in Norwich City (Away) Wednesday June 24   
    We look a completely different team out there. Carlo must've torn into them
  21. Upvote
    dunlopp9987 reacted to badaids in Norwich City (Away) Wednesday June 24   
    Fixed that for you.
  22. Upvote
    dunlopp9987 reacted to nyblue23 in Norwich City (Away) Wednesday June 24   
    I noticed this. Ruthless.
  23. Upvote
    dunlopp9987 got a reaction from Zoo 2.0 in Norwich City (Away) Wednesday June 24   
    @markjazzbassist and I watch Tom have a mare of a half, both immediately erase him from our profiles.
  24. Upvote
    dunlopp9987 got a reaction from nyblue23 in Norwich City (Away) Wednesday June 24   
    @markjazzbassist and I watch Tom have a mare of a half, both immediately erase him from our profiles.
  25. Upvote
    dunlopp9987 got a reaction from markjazzbassist in Norwich City (Away) Wednesday June 24   
    @markjazzbassist and I watch Tom have a mare of a half, both immediately erase him from our profiles.
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