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Everything posted by Wiggytop

  1. I think that’s really disrespectful towards Naismith, Maupay has shown virtually nothing so far, Naismith proved his worth, and many have commented on how we missed him when he moved on.
  2. I’m not arsed about the score at Chester, it’s the ones in the PL that concern me, along with hopefully getting DCL towards match fitness as he changes the dynamic of the way we play, for the good that is BTW.
  3. Agreed also, Iwobi always used to chicken out of tackles and never win aerial challenges, then during his improved period at the end of last season he started to put good tackles and win headers, now he’s back to square one, which really frustrates me as he’s shown he can play more intensely but isn’t.
  4. I think it’s more the opportunity missed that’s hurting, to pull away from the bottom 3, overhaul Leeds and West Ham, and keep pace with Bournemouth and Palace. Is all still in our own hands, every game is potentially 3 points, we need to turn potential into reality.
  5. Leeds pushed the self destruct button tonight, 11 conceded at home in two games won’t do their confidence any good at all. Not getting a result on Saturday could have been worse, 3 points would have been wonderful.
  6. I have to agree with Haf on this, he was awful on Saturday, and two good opportunities to score, if he had I think the game result would have gone our way, also he ran about half hearted, waited for balls to come to him and the defender just nipped in ahead on many occasions, so even taking the build up to the goal out, he was shite.
  7. Horrible game to watch, apart from the last 20 mins of the first half, where we should have won the game, Maupay really does seem to be vying for the accolade of the worst forward player to pull on an Everton shirt, the amount of times he waited for ball to come to him, only for the defender to step ahead of him was shocking, Simms might be raw but at least he puts some effort in. Huge game coming up next weekend.
  8. Yep There wasn’t much competition for him today !
  9. Your comment seems to indicate you think he was guilty, he’s been cleared and will have the smear with him for the rest of his days, imagine being in that situation yourself.
  10. Where about on TB? I’m there and see a few different people around me each week
  11. Pickford, saved us from a battering, may well be crucial by the last day.
  12. Without Pickfords heroics we would have been battered and drawn our GD closer to the teams around us. Take it on the chin and get a win next weekend.
  13. If he is starting we need to get the ball to him in a better way than his last start, he was isolated most of the time, and once again he will be up against experienced CF’s.
  14. I thought the deal was only complete after 20 games for us, which he hasn’t done. Either way we need to extrapolate ourselves out of this.
  15. Don’t dismiss the lethargy, not being fit, and not knowing how to score
  16. I love the closing shot across the dock, it’s going to be magnificent.
  17. I’ve said it elsewhere, the resilience Dyche has instilled in such a short time is nothing short of miraculous given his starting point, and think we will be ok, hopefully well before the final day, teams will be looking at us and thinking “ they will get a result somehow”
  18. Me neither, his strengths are hard tackles and breaking out from defence with the ball, which usually ends up with a back pass as he runs out of ideas near opposition goal, and weakness is passing sideways, always seems scared to make a forward pass, granted his sideways pass last night to Keane was acceptable
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