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Posts posted by duncanmckenzieismagic

  1. 31 minutes ago, Palfy said:

    Man Utd under Ferguson were a counter attacking side at pace what they didn’t do is like Leicester give the ball away cheaply, I’m not criticising our performances I’m saying if we want to improve further we need to keep better possession the ball instead of giving it away cheaply.  

    Yeah I would agree with that , we definitely give up possession far too cheaply at times, just pointing out that teams can be successful and win trophies without dominating the ball

  2. 3 hours ago, Palfy said:

    Could you tell me a team in the top flight that have been successful by having no more than 20-30% of the games they played, and what honour’s if any they won playing that way because I can’t think of one usually the opposite happens and they remain in the bottom half of the table. We all enjoy winning but if you want to be successful you have to at some point stop giving the ball away cheaply. 

    Probably had more than 20 - 30% but Leicester won the league as a counter attacking side that allowed the opposition to dominate possession on a regular basis

  3. 1 hour ago, Palfy said:

    Okay fair enough Dunc you are obviously of the same mindset as him in the fact that you don’t want 777 to buy the club, so let’s say you both get your wish what then, where is our chance for the future. It’s easy to pick holes in any new potential owners like I said it’s been going on for months. If this deal goes through that proves they have passed the stringent test set down by PL and the FSA as credible owners. They may not have the funds to do everything that’s required but throwing money about like confetti is what has got us into the position we are in now. My hope is that they start running the club as a business in a sustainable way and steadily get us back on a sound financial footing through good business practices and allow the football people such as the DoF and the manager to make the football decisions within reasonable parameters a good example being like Brighton but on a bigger scale being that we are a bigger club with more potential if run correctly. So let’s not just look at 777 financial clout let’s look at whether they have what it takes to turn us around. 

    Well yes the fairy tale ending is that they come in and run the club superbly and get us back to where we belong but that doesn’t mean we should all just bury our heads in the sand, ignore the many red flags associated with 777 and just hope for the best

    I wouldn’t even say that I don’t want the deal to go through, as you say if they pass all the regulatory checks then fair enough if they are effective checks then they would indeed be credible owners

    But calling it rubbish to highlight concerns before it is too late is beyond flippant to me


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