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Wall Writer

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Everything posted by Wall Writer

  1. Holgate gives a slight tug on the shirt and it's a free kick. Brentford almost pulling Richarlison's shirt off is ok.
  2. Not a great game or performance. Not gonna try to justify it, but it's a point away from home, so I'll take it. Two home games coming up now, both winnable in my opinion, but I'll take 4 points - I would like to think that that would be enough to see us safe.
  3. A win for us tonight and Leeds losing to Chelsea will leave is with 4 points and a game in hand over Leeds. We'll then just need 2 points from our last 3 games (2 of which at home) and we'll be mathematically safe. Sounds simple, but I'm sure we'll do it the Everton way!
  4. To put this to bed, I think what we all need to realise is that it is not the modelling itself that is the problem, it's the knock on effects of severe decision fatigue and dehydration. He obviously struggles every morning to decide what he's going to wear that day - especially on match days where the cameras are on and he wants to look extra special. By the time 3 o'clock on a Saturday comes around, he's had to make so many decisions already, having changed his outfit at least 2 or 3 times, that it's no wonder he's so inefficient in front of goal. Also, any one who has been in front of the camera's will know that it is extremely hot under those lights, which is the cause of the dehydration. Key signs of dehydration are listlessness, fatigue and confusion. And those symptoms have been clearly obvious in his recent outings on the pitch, and probably why when he has played he's been dragged off early. Another reason why he's probably been omitted for the last couple of games is that he's not been able to pass urine for the anti-doping test, so to be on the safe side he's been left out. I've got no problem with him continuing his "modelling career" (I believe that's what we're calling it), but only on the condition that he hires someone to choose his clothes for him and he can only do photo session either outside or in the dark. I think that's only fair.
  5. I've watched the last two Liverpool games, and I have to say they are lightyears ahead of us. We'll be lucky not to get mauled to death. A point would be massive, anything less than a 3-0 loss, I would consider a decent result. I just don't see how we beat them. Our play is too slow, too inaccurate, we make way too many mistakes, and we struggle to score. Probably not even gonna bother watching this one as I cannot see it being pretty in anyway.
  6. That was a horrible watch. Don't think I'll bother tuning in for the derby.
  7. Hope that gives us a boost for the away cup game at the weekend
  8. Decisions going against us that are gonna put us down.
  9. We look like a bunch of school boys on their lunch break.. lots of running around but absolutely no quality.
  10. Not long before one of these Toon corners goes in.
  11. I don't know whether we will go down, but we are certainly shit enough to.
  12. Don't see us getting anything away from home to be honest.
  13. Didn't see the first half yesterday. How did he do?
  14. Going with Iwobi, not oly cause I thought he played really well. Coud have gone for Gordon or VDB. But after the stick Iwobi's got, I think he deserves the recoginition today.
  15. Spot on performance. To echo @Hafnia: have a great Saturday night everyone!
  16. Most entertaining half of football I've seen from us for a long long time
  17. Not sure myself - I think he's gotta go for the ball. I'd want our players to in that position. What pleased me most though, was the reaction of our players - as if to say "don't try that again". That's good enough for me.
  18. Great atmosphere. I can feel it through my laptop speakers!
  19. I thought he was rather inconspicuous yesterday. A few touches and passes here and there, but overall non-existent. I don't mean that to belittle the guy. It's obvious he has quality. But I think he needs to find his confidence and his wavelength in the team. That'll come with time I think. I do believe, and sincerely hope, that he has found a home here. He needs time to settle in, and I think once he does he'll become a really important player for us.
  20. I was just watching ToffeeTV, and one of the points I agree with from them is about the effect that the fans can have on the players for the remainder of the season (at least, and especially, the home games). We all know how fragile this team is. So the best thing we, as fans, can do is get behind the team as much as we can. If we go behind or players make mistakes, the worst thing we can do is turn Goodison into a Groan-Drome. We really need to get behind the players, not only because I think they are 'weak' in this regard, but also because I think that they can and will respond to positive encouragement. To put it in other words: They are a sensitive bunch! But we have to find a way to (I hate to say it) avoid a relegation battle. As I read elsewhere (and agree), I don't believe these players have it in them to go out on the last day of the season (against Arsenal, by the way) and have the fight to stay in the league. We as fans, between now and the end of the season, can play a role in making sure that we get behind the team no matter what and create an atmosphere that lifts our team, and makes the visiting team feel that pressure. (We saw a good example of that from the Newcastle fans yesterday! And I think we also saw it from our fans at the weekend). We're all in this together, we need to secure safety for next season; and as soon as we do that, we can start thinking about restructuring for next season - players in/out, DoF, etc. The fans can play a huge role in how the rest of the season plays out - that's what Goodison is famous/infamous for! A disappointing result last Tuesday, but nothing we haven't seen before. We know we can do better (and I suppose that is where the frustration comes from). So, lets remember: the fans make Goodison a fortress, not the players. If they can't keep us up, we must!
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