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5 minutes ago, pete0 said:

Disgraceful isn't it. Businesses are taking the piss exploiting people.

Lad I was talking to was saying his bonus has been indefinitely delayed or possibly cancelled. He was meant to get it this month and the company sent a vague email yesterday. He works in construction and the sales/profits are up thanks to the current tax breaks so they've all been expecting it but the company have said with these 'uncertain times' they aren't going to pay it this month and was vague whether they'll get it at all. For extra pisstakingness the email is signed off with a big smiling picture of the multimillionaire owner.

I did get asked that once actually but they were a small business and my usual wage was way out of their scope. So it’s all relative I guess 


that sounds like pure greed though. 

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13 minutes ago, Matt said:

I did get asked that once actually but they were a small business and my usual wage was way out of their scope. So it’s all relative I guess 


that sounds like pure greed though. 

That's fair enough given the situation. 

With my mates mate, he's a DJ so been out of work most of the year and just needed a 'normal' job to help get him by. Worse thing is they knew his situation.

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29 minutes ago, MikeO said:

Just been looking into the background of one of my guitars (that I paid £150 for second hand two years back). You can buy a new version now for £300 but they're now made in China whereas mine, built in 2003, was made in South Korea. Not just that but it was built in what is regarded as the best factory in Korea (called Peerless) so is now worth around £450 and will only go up! Not that I'm interested in selling it but it's nice to know. Bargain!

Great investment 

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yeah mike i flip instrument pretty regularly for a side hustle.  knowledge like you found is really what you are selling.  you have to do the research on the instruments but if you find a undervalued niche, you could make some money.  i find niche's and sell until the market catches up and it's no longer undervalued.  this is how i filled my studio with all the gear it has.

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2 hours ago, markjazzbassist said:

yeah mike i flip instrument pretty regularly for a side hustle.  knowledge like you found is really what you are selling.  you have to do the research on the instruments but if you find a undervalued niche, you could make some money.  i find niche's and sell until the market catches up and it's no longer undervalued.  this is how i filled my studio with all the gear it has.

Nice one. I felt a little guilty buying it because it was from an ebay ad with very little detail in it because it had belonged to a guy who died suddenly, and it was collection only so his wife had limited her market. I knew I had a good deal but didn't realise quite how good a deal until today. Was about a 150 mile round trip to pick it up but well worth it. 

I'm always scouring ebay for bargains, I got one very cheap from a guy who lived in a remote part of North Wales, that was going to be 270 miles each way (was going to stop overnight in Liverpool) but incredibly, my son-in-law was going on a team building exercise (he's a fireman) in the Welsh mountains the following week-end and it was based literally ten miles from the guy's house so he picked it up for me.

I'm up to nine now and got bids in on another couple currently, it's definitely addictive.

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totally addictive.  i found a good luthier locally, so now i buy broken guitars.  bought a hofner bass (paul mccartney model) from a guy in south africa for 800 US.  paid 200 to have it fixed, will sell for 2000-2500.  it's a rare 1967 model, person didn't know but didn't want it because it was broken.  there is money in it, but like you found out, it's all in the research and valuation.

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Reading an article about the Suez Canal blockage.  It said that ships may have to go round the Cape of Good Hope.  I thought 'what's new'.  In early 1957 the Suez Canal was still closed due to the Suez crisis.  My troopship, returning from Singapore, had to go round the Cape.  Took 42 days to get to Southampton and I had my 21st birthday in the middle of the Indian Ocean.

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1 hour ago, johnh said:

Reading an article about the Suez Canal blockage.  It said that ships may have to go round the Cape of Good Hope.  I thought 'what's new'.  In early 1957 the Suez Canal was still closed due to the Suez crisis.  My troopship, returning from Singapore, had to go round the Cape.  Took 42 days to get to Southampton and I had my 21st birthday in the middle of the Indian Ocean.

I bet you could still enjoy a beer or two with your mates to celebrate 🍻, you couldn’t do that now John so not all bad mate  😀

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I was having an email exchange today with a lady from Macmillan South West because they wanted to put a Facebook post they did about me on the regional site as well as the national one. Picture on it is of me playing a guitar and she complimented me on it and said her husband has a Gibson 335 (the design that mine's based on) that was left to him with others by his father. I explained mine was an Epiphone and thus worth about £450 compared to upwards of £10,000 for a vintage 335, she replied saying that her father-in-law was in fact a guy called Gypie Mayo, who took over from Wilko Johnson when he left Dr Feelgood in 1977, and also later played with The Yardbirds for eight years. She made my day, her FIL was part of my youth! Might not mean anything to most but made me happy😂


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On 26/03/2021 at 14:39, Palfy said:

I bet you could still enjoy a beer or two with your mates to celebrate 🍻, you couldn’t do that now John so not all bad mate  😀

You're right there Palfy. One further story about that voyage was that my mates arranged for a record to be played over the ship's tannoy to celebrate my birthday. The next day, there was another birthday record played and it turned out to be the guy I had sat next to at school. I remembered that his birthday was the day after mine. There were over a thousand troops on board and he took some finding, but I did find him and we had a good chat.  That was the last time I ever saw him. I schooled in Liverpool and we moved to Leeds in 1951.

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  • 2 weeks later...
2 hours ago, MikeO said:

Phil the Greek has died at 99, he only needed to live two more months to get a telegram from the wife, shame.

He was 14 months older than my father who was in the RAF in the WW11, my dad liked him because of his navel record in the war. Got me  thinking when I heard he had died whether Megan will be at the funeral with Harry. 

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6 hours ago, Palfy said:

He was 14 months older than my father who was in the RAF in the WW11, my dad liked him because of his navel record in the war. Got me  thinking when I heard he had died whether Megan will be at the funeral with Harry. 

I really don't give a shit to be honest (though I do wonder what his belly button did in the war). What's pissed me off also is that BBC1 and BBC2 are both showing the same programmes tonight dedicated to him, he was an embarrassment so often with his thoughtless and racist (had they come from anyone else) comments. Big deal being made of him supporting his wife, but who wouldn't on that gravy train? So much hypocricy in the tributes.

I was waiting for the final of Masterchef which isn't now on:shakingfist:.

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40 minutes ago, MikeO said:

I really don't give a shit to be honest (though I do wonder what his belly button did in the war). What's pissed me off also is that BBC1 and BBC2 are both showing the same programmes tonight dedicated to him, he was an embarrassment so often with his thoughtless and racist (had they come from anyone else) comments. Big deal being made of him supporting his wife, but who wouldn't on that gravy train? So much hypocricy in the tribures.

I was waiting for the final of Masterchef which isn't now on:shakingfist:.

Well I’m watching the masters and not a chef insight, I haven’t really got into master chef this season. Although I am watching the great British menu. 

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Love the internet (sometimes). I've just been having a chat with the guy who supplied me with "mary joanna" in the late 1970's, wow. He was a permanently stoned rich kid with a drum kit in his bedroom back then and I'm actually amazed he remembered me, he was the epitome of local wannabee hippy culture. Great (though blurred) memories.:D

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