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Congrats, Mike!


Just had the call that he's arrived safely....got a bit panicky earlier at the hospital because his heart rate was about 175 so they had to do an emergency caesarean (was always a likely situation though); which means we won't get to see him today :dry:.


Called Marcin (pronounced marchin), which is a Polish name. Very happy.

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congrats mike! the little un in our family will be here a week today! a lot of new blues around these parts!


Saw a bloke at the hospital with an Everton hoodie and hat running out to his car and bringing back the baby seat this afternoon (weather down here is armageddon like). Would've had a chat with him but he was in a serious hurry.....definitely another new blue added today though!

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My head hurts :(.

for the first time in a week, mine doesnt! Took the night off last night, every other night my father in law and I have polished off multiple beers, bottles of red wine and at least 5 bottles of single malt with several fine cigars in the space of 8 days, all this during the nights and ive had to work during the day! Got a feeling I will suffer tomorrow though!

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Thats the second time now ive lost all my work with someyhing going arong, cant even spell properly with this but tried to say staying up in birmingham over the christmas prriod and into new year, just a stones throw from the aston villa football ground, if i go outside i can clearly see it. Had an opportunity to see the crystal 0palace game today for ssome impartial soccer action but decpined. Going into the city center tomorrow, a short distwncek to seesome sights. Not many english speakers around here or accents you simply cant comprehend, not to mention a rough neighborhood, but at least its a change of scenery


Best wishes again to forum participants, and aapologize for the poor spelling and general layout of presentations today.

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Still cant comprehend these damn tablet devices and tried to log in yesterday but either didnt recognize names and passwords or when finally through, could get no further than the main page. After about five attempts simply gave up. Managed to enter through chrome eventually as site was unresponsive to google. What would usually take two minutes now takes up to fifteen. Complete novice at these goddamn android things and tried looking for an internet cafe to makes things easier or more accessable, but it seems while Birmingham has over a million people, not one internet shop you can use anywhere in the city .. ?


Getting back to a pc in due course but until then, and overall, there,s a device thing you can use on these pages it would seem to improve things, but skeptical about adding things to a new device i don,t fully understand and getting by with trail and error for the time being. Not all up on these fucking latest technologies and everything where the unspoken belief is, that everything is for the better or a great improvement than anything that came before it - tell you know - it isnt. Got to undsrstand, still finding the feet on this and still a very new experience. This alone has taken what seems 30 minutes what would usually be dons in three. How the fuck do kids or people in general get by with these devices ?


incidentally had a 'murder tour' of birmingham today, and its only twelve pounds to leicester on the train, which thought was a very reasonable price. The thieving bastards of southern railways - take notice.

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....its only twelve pounds to leicester on the train, which thought was a very reasonable price. The thieving bastards of southern railways - take notice.


That's because nobody wants to go to Leicester.....last time I went there you went to the station you were setting out from, asked for a return to Leicester and the ticket seller would give you a ticket and £7.50 as a gesture of thanks. Honest :P.

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Wanted to go to manchester also which was a good price at 24 pounds from new street but decided against it. Plan to visit coventry tomorrow for only THREE pounds ?! - as havent been for years and they,ve got a fine cathedral, but will have to start back early due to trains closing early for new years eve. May as well make the most of discount prices while we,re at it etc.

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