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Liverpool's Troubles

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Oliver Kay in today's Times:


Scandal-mongering of internet gossips a shameful practice

Oliver Kay, Football Correspondent


You have probably heard the rumour. Shocking, isn’t it? Shocking that so many people are happy to lap up a series of malevolent lies about one of England’s leading footballers and to spread them like wildfire in the belief — and, far worse, the hope — that they must be true.


It seems that the English public is more than happy to believe anything about footballers these days. Perhaps that is the consequence of the John Terry affair, in which the kind of improbable scandal dreamt up by the scriptwriters of Footballers’ Wives turned out to be true, but the most sickening thing about this latest sadistic rumour about another player is the unbelievable number of people on internet message boards writing things such as: "Please let this be true! LOL!"


Please let this be true? Please let this decent man see his family life ripped apart because he happens to be a footballer playing for a club other than your own? Is that how far we have sunk? As a football-loving nation, have we actually reached the stage where we hate footballers?


Not every footballer is a walking, talking egotist with regard only for himself, his libido and his bank balance. That breed represents a very small minority. The player at the centre of this rumour is renowned as a family man — or at least he was until some loser with a vivid imagination and nothing better to do with his time decided to dream up a scenario, post it on a message board and wait for it to spread like wildfire across the internet.


The internet has become a dangerous place for those in the public eye, particularly those in football. Rumours — Player A is gay, Player B is having an affair with Player C’s wife, Player D is a cocaine addict, Manager A was caught in bed with the chairman’s daughter — are peddled gleefully and without restriction. This latest rumour could even be found yesterday morning on the message board of a rival club’s official website. It has been removed.


Next time you hear that the newspapers are intent on undermining England’s players in a World Cup year, though, cast your mind back to the scandal-mongering of the internet gossips and pub bores over the past week or so.


Certain newspapers do very well out of publishing unpleasant truths about the private lives of footballers, stating that they are doing so in the "public interest", whatever that might be. What they do not do is make up or spread malicious gossip of the type presented as truth on the internet. If they did, they would be closed down.


As for the player in question, he has no choice but to ignore the rumours and hope they go away. A World Cup is looming. England expects. And what a hypocrisy that is becoming.


i don't know who oliver kay is, but as soon as i read that i laughed and stopped reading thinking this can only be the writing of a kopite gobshite...if he's a decent bloke john terry is a saint...not to mention frank ribery, my new idol

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RAFAEL Benitez planned for Liverpool's future yesterday by buying a petri dish full of human DNA for £2m.


The Romford-replicated nucleic acid has impressed scouts recently by spreading across his dish in record time, and Benitez feels that without a set of genitals it will have a far more stable home life than Gerrard.


Benitez said; "We've been tracking the petri dish since it was just a collection of sand and algae, and despite telling it that Phil Collins was banned from the Liverpool dressing room it’s never tried to punch anyone in the face, which is promising."


The petri dish said: "Despite being a loose collection of amino acids I think I'm already more resilient than Aquilani and better-looking than Kuyt.


"I know the Premiership is a big step up from a genetic research lab but I think if I keep my head down, when I eventually develop one, and really work on improving my mitochondrial shooting skills, one day I could replace Gerrard as the Liverpool player that runs around a lot but never really achieves much."


Charlie Reeves, head of the LFC supporter's club, said: "Spending millions on raw lumps of protoplasm shows there's no end to Benitez's innovation when it comes to toeing this club right up the shit-hole.


"Although a static piece of laboratory equipment might be more mobile than Carragher, this is probably his most ingenious brainfart since suggesting the player’s boots should have the studs on the inside."


But Benitez denied sabotage ahead of an anticipated move abroad this summer after several continental clubs completely lost their collective minds, adding: "If I really wanted to ruin this club I would open the cellar door below the Kop End and let loose Doudot, the ravenous stadium-eating mongoose of Mars. Bong!"

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Page 59 of tonights Liverpool Echo, right after last nights match report is a nice advertisement for "Hamburg 2010" Europa final, with details of flights, rooms, booking details etc etc. Rather irrelevant now. :lol: Some fans have already booked and applied for tickets. Rather irrelevant now. :lol: They where moaning last week that they had only been allocated 12,000 tickets for the final. Rather irrelevant now. :lol:

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Page 59 of tonights Liverpool Echo, right after last nights match report is a nice advertisement for "Hamburg 2010" Europa final, with details of flights, rooms, booking details etc etc. Rather irrelevant now. :lol: Some fans have already booked and applied for tickets. Rather irrelevant now. :lol: They where moaning last week that they had only been allocated 12,000 tickets for the final. Rather irrelevant now. :lol:



They think it was Evertonian's who put that advertisement in the paper.

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Parry paid £4.5m to leave :o


Imagine the compensation Benitez is asking for - MikeO's BBC article says "Benitez, who could receive somewhere between £10m and £15m in compensation were he to be sacked by Liverpool" - no wonder they don't sack him.

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Mark Lawrenson...


"It could be Rafael Benitez's last game in charge of Liverpool. I certainly feel the time is right for a change. He has been there six years, but the team is no better, if not worse, than the team he inherited from Gerard Houllier."

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Guest Reg Reagan

price on the rs players


Ladyboy Torres - £70m

Stevie Me - £20m

Javier Mascherano - £40m

Papa Reina - £15m

Ryan Babel - £10m

Daniel Agger - £12m

Yossi Bena-useless - £9m

Martin Skrtel - £7m

Glen Johnson - £15m

Alberto Aquilani - £12m


Total - £210m

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price on the rs players


Ladyboy Torres - £70m

Stevie Me - £20m

Javier Mascherano - £40m

Papa Reina - £15m

Ryan Babel - £10m

Daniel Agger - £12m

Yossi Bena-useless - £9m

Martin Skrtel - £7m

Glen Johnson - £15m

Alberto Aquilani - £12m


Total - £210m



..........? are you mental?

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