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The Honda's were always going to win in Texas. They've been 1 & 2 all weekend so it wasn't really a surprise so see them finish in the same positions come race-day. I think with the dominance that they showed it was vital that Lorenzo finished 3rd (which he did) so I'm not too sad.


It's good to see Crutchlow up there too. I really hope he gets a factory ride soon when Rossi calls it a day.

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He's looking like he deserves it at the moment for sure.....bit disappointed with Bradley Smith, shouldn't be so far off the pace.


I expected him to be down there to be honest. He's not come into MotoGP as a World Champion like Marquez did (i.e. - Moto2/Moto3) so I didn't really think he would jump on the main bike and start winning races. I think he just needs to do what Cal has done, he needs to understand the bike's limits and adapt his riding style to suit. Once he gets a season under his belt I think we can start to judge whether he's good enough for the top class. It's all just a learning process for him at the moment.


If he's still shite next season then fair enough he should be dropped but at the moment I think he's doing alright for himself.

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He's reminded me of James Toseland to be honest. So much potential and expectations beforehand only to be let down. I don't think he's going to set the world alight either - behind a CRT today and a DNF in Qatar isn't exactly brilliant but it's inevitable that a new rider is going to have trouble when they step into MotoGP (unless they are World Champion material like Marquez).


I'm just hoping that this is just him learning rather than him being totally out of his depth. I have some faith in him and hope he turns into a brilliant rider I'm just not convinced seeing as he never managed to win anything brilliant in Moto2 or 3.


Time will tell :).

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Is the European Cup (I don't like the terminology Champions League as it's a fucking embarrassment to the (once proud) integrity of the competition) still scheduled for a Saturday game this year ?


What I mean is, it was nearly always held on a Wednesday night for years as I remember it and then they moved it to a weekend game, and I never could get quite used to it. Similar to having FA cup finals played before the season ends, as a mere frustration or anger. European Cup final night should be mid-week with an evening start, not played on fucking weekends. Even the Europa League Final (I don't like that name either) is still played on a mid-week night, so why change one and not the other. It's simply banging heads against walls, but they really should move Europe's biggest club competition and game back to it's rightful place.

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Bayern against Barcelona is being played tomorrow and Dortmund against Madrid is being played the next day. The return fixtures are scheduled for the 30th of April and 1st of May so for the time being the Champions League will remain a week-day occurance.

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Bayern against Barcelona is being played tomorrow and Dortmund against Madrid is being played the next day. The return fixtures are scheduled for the 30th of April and 1st of May so for the time being the Champions League will remain a week-day occurance.

I think he was meaning the Final.

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I should have put European Cup Final, and missed the all important word out. Apologies


But Yes, the Final itself. Played on a Saturday now, it's not right really. This started around 2009 or 2010 as I remember the Chelsea / Manchester United final from 2008 was on a mid-week night and we were out that day, and all the ones before that as far back as most will recall, were played on mid-week also. It's simply not on having the biggest game in Europe club competition played at the weekend, once again.


I do hope they can put it back in it's rightful place - as with the FA cup Final. (at end of season, and not before)


Too much tampering and fucking around just lately with these important dates.

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Norwegian club Ny Krohnborg IL returned from the off-season to find something a little bit different about their pitch. They now have a road running through it.




I cant get the full link but its part of the BBC gossip column today!

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Not sure if its been mentioned elsewhere but Gotze has joined Bayern! :( such a shock and im gutted.


Really dislike Bayern as they are similar to

Madrid and they just hoover up anyone with a good reputation (see Sahin, modric, Callejon) and if they dont like them, they just cast them aside, Hummels for example was wasting away in Bayerns reserves, went to Dortmund and has become one of the best CB in the world. I hope Gotze goes there and is great but i have a horrible feeling he will flop and probably wont be the same player. Would post a link but on my phone

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