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What Grinds Your Gears...


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I could never watch anything like that, just another banal late night Channel Four program, these things are a dime a dozen, although strangely enough Carr doesn't get on my nerves, in that I can tolerate him, seems like a decent enough sort etc


The weather still remains an issue, as do the most belligerent piece of shit tabloid publications that always seem to have a front page story regarding what the sky resembles or how many people are on Bournemouth beach etc. I.e. this week for example -


(Daily Express) - 'Temperatures in the 80s, a month of summer and Sri Lankan proportions, everybody go to the beach etc'...... last week - 'Temperatures in the 50s, a month of rain, snow, blizzards and weather of biblical proportions etc, everybody stay at home etc'


Gets on my fucking nerves no end, these people don't know what the damn hell is going on sometimes, by Monday next week it will be 'Freezing cold, a month of snow and hypothermia alerts', - fuck these Idiots and all weather personnel. dry.png

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"Five-for" becoming accepted cricket terminology (as in "Karma owes Anderson a five-for here").


Why can't people just talk properly? "Karma owes Anderson five wickets here" even has the same number of syllables so what's the f'king point?

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"Five-for" becoming accepted cricket terminology (as in "Karma owes Anderson a five-for here").


Why can't people just talk properly? "Karma owes Anderson five wickets here" even has the same number of syllables so what's the f'king point?

No need to watch cricket this year, the off season has been sorted: French Open, Euro's, Wimbledon, Olympics. With F1 every other week and football rumours to keep busy in-between, then preseason friendlies to fill the gap and build up this seasons football in August. Good times :)

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So we have the objectionable street party on 4th June.....bad enough.


Now, low and behold, we get a thing through the letter box for "coffee & cupcakes" on the front lawn of number 4 on the 3rd.


"In celebration of the queen's jubilee" and "Giving you an opportunity to meet your neighbours."


I've lived here for six years and if I'd wanted to pal up with the neighbours I'd have done it by nowdry.png .


Thing is it's the same family who are organising the party on the Monday....why do they hate me so muchshaking fist.png .

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For anyone with Hayfever trouble - take Loratadine tablets, I couldn't recommend anything better


I couldn't give a fuck about the Queens little celebrations, will probably escape over to France next weekend to get away from all that crap, I couldn't care less.


And anybody who seriously takes issue over some cricket terminology, well I can only hope they never have anything serious to worry about in their lives etc


I hope this goddamn weather doesn't last, makes me feel ill sometimes, I don't have the luxury of just sunning fat fucking asses on sunbeds or lazing around like some complacent tourists, these people just crawled out from their ass the last week or two somewhere, and I can only hope it won't be long before they make a return, never have been able to tolerate the heat, just get more fucking Idiots out and about and the anger and frustration just rises etc, it won't be long before October and dark evenings etc, the time will soon pass, that's what we're shooting for.

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I can see where you're coming from but I wouldn't get irritated over a cricket game, it just seemed a bit trivial and I stand by my thinking.


Then again, my frustrations and genuine emotions seem justified, I get upset over everything and nothing sometimes, it's just the demeanor, just harder by the year I feel, these meetings each friday seem a waste of time sometimes, even if the guy is of good character.


In any event, we're off pretty soon, having a night out, could fucking well do for getting out of Town for a few hours to a better location, put a mention in the 'good behavior' section or whatever it was called about 11-30 this night for me, will have a good time etc, but it could well be apathy above all else, the liquor should be of some use, need to get away for a time etc.



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I can see where you're coming from but I wouldn't get irritated over a cricket game, it just seemed a bit trivial and I stand by my thinking.


Then again, my frustrations and genuine emotions seem justified, I get upset over everything and nothing sometimes, it's just the demeanor, just harder by the year I feel, these meetings each friday seem a waste of time sometimes, even if the guy is of good character.


In any event, we're off pretty soon, having a night out, could fucking well do for getting out of Town for a few hours to a better location, put a mention in the 'good behavior' section or whatever it was called about 11-30 this night for me, will have a good time etc, but it could well be apathy above all else, the liquor should be of some use, need to get away for a time etc.



That's not cricket!

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For anyone with Hayfever trouble - take Loratadine tablets, I couldn't recommend anything better



I believe they all have different properties so whilst Loratadine may be best for one person it doesn't necessarily mean they'll be suitable for another! However, every year I forget which one works for me, so I'll try those first on your recommendation ;)

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I believe they all have different properties so whilst Loratadine may be best for one person it doesn't necessarily mean they'll be suitable for another! However, every year I forget which one works for me, so I'll try those first on your recommendation wink.png

Asda cheap ones tend to be good.


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I can see where you're coming from but I wouldn't get irritated over a cricket game, it just seemed a bit trivial and I stand by my thinking.


Nooooooo, it takes something much more serious for you Dalziel, maybe something like... i dont know... somebody not posting in the Off topic section all day!?!?!?!? major%20overreaction%20alert.giftongue.pnglaugh.png



Im sure it's been mentioned before but.. Adverts on TV! Piss me right off, so i end up switching channel to find literally ANYTHING that isnt currently showing adverts, and end up missing half of the programme i was watching in the first place! shaking%20fist.png

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Nooooooo, it takes something much more serious for you Dalziel, maybe something like... i dont know... somebody not posting in the Off topic section all day!?!?!?!? major%20overreaction%20alert.giftongue.pnglaugh.png



Im sure it's been mentioned before but.. Adverts on TV! Piss me right off, so i end up switching channel to find literally ANYTHING that isnt currently showing adverts, and end up missing half of the programme i was watching in the first place! shaking%20fist.png


do that all the time...adverts get on my nerves...radio ones are the worst...there's one for we want any car and it's two blokes pretending to be police men and pull over this guy(the old pullover cardigan joke gets a showin) and they have a go at this guy for posting a for sale sign in his car...i don't know what dick comes up with them but they're fuckin pathetic

Edited by marcopaulo
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Girl in the library has just walked past in cut denim shorts, actually see a bit of arse cheek. She was fit as well wub.png . Too distracting shaking%20fist.png


What grinds my gears is when fat birds try that look. Fat arses have no place in short cut denim shorts.

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