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What Grinds Your Gears...


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Little one has a horrible cold. Such a harsh cough and I am completely helpless. Usually I'm shunned attention wise but tonight she put together her first real sentence which was "papa, m'bed and dummy and tired". There's bigger problems out there I know, but that broke me


yeah they are awfully cute. i fix things around the house (simple things, usually with as screwdriver) and take my son with me to watch and learn. He now thinks i can fix anything. We usually drive past these fountains on the way to the pool and one weekend they weren't on, he said "papa fountains are broken, get your screwgriper (how he pronounces it) and fix it?" . i was so proud :)

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On kids (not sure why it's in "grind your gears") I was left in the car park at B&Q the other day looking after the the youngest grandkid while wife and daughter went in to buy paint and stuff; she started to cry so I got something for her to play with from the window, did the trick. Another one hooked at eight months!



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The generator was switched off last night and it was all peaceful and quiet.......................too quiet, :dry: I couldn't sleep :crying:

Love the kid stories, cheers me right up.




Christmas songs getting some hammer in work...... if they don't stop, the music system will be getting the bloody hammer. :shaking fist:

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When I lived in Leeds we lived in a semi on a very steep hill. We were the 'lower' of the pair which meant that there were steps up to the front door and the ground floor was about 8 feet above the drive at the side of the house. This meant that the gutters were normal height plus 8 feet. One Saturday, the wife had gone shopping and left me in charge of 3 year old son. I had borrowed an extension ladder and was doing some work on the high guttering. Son was riding his bike up and down the drive. I was half-way through the work I was doing, about 30 odd feet from the ground, when I felt a movement of the ladder. I looked down and my three year old son was on the ladder immediately below my feet and 30 feet above the concrete driveway. I looked around to see if there was anyone about who could help but there was no one. I had to talk him down, rung by rung, which seemed to take a lifetime. I finally got him down safely but had to go indoors and sit down for an hour, talk about cold sweat. Kids are an absolute joy but can cause you some heart stopping moments too.


He is 56 this year and can climb as many ladders as he likes. :D

Edited by johnh
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yeah they are awfully cute. i fix things around the house (simple things, usually with as screwdriver) and take my son with me to watch and learn. He now thinks i can fix anything. We usually drive past these fountains on the way to the pool and one weekend they weren't on, he said "papa fountains are broken, get your screwgriper (how he pronounces it) and fix it?" . i was so proud :)

im a bit scared to be honest, she's growing up so fast it's unreal! She'll be 2 in less than a month, I don't really know how to react
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im a bit scared to be honest, she's growing up so fast it's unreal! She'll be 2 in less than a month, I don't really know how to react


just enjoy it, take it all in and take mental "snapshots" of things they do/say. i'm trying to just enjoy spending time with my guy, took him to the park yesterday and kicked around the soccer ball. he was saying "soccer ball, soccer ball" he'd then kick it while yelling "hi YAH" like a karate kid. hilarious. good right peg on him though. he's big, so i'm hoping a centre back :)

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I was 56 this year and can cope with 8/10 rungs of a ladder before the acrophobia kicks in; thirty feet up you'd have to talk me down John.

Young pup ...


Last time I was on a ladder it was up on the roof of this house I now live in. bloody laqdder fell over and my foot slipped on the roof as I nearly took a high dive. (Luckily my foot caught in the guttering so I was saved. A mate was walking up the road and and saw my predicament, so he picked the ladder up for me. the fingermarks down the roof tiles were there for years.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just picked the car up from a service and the mechanic has:


Changed the spark plugs (only done 6 months ago, $600 for 6 plugs plus one new coil)

Changed the brake fluid (had the entire brake system done 4 weeks ago at a different mechanic because this guy couldn't fit me in, $1500)\


How would he have determined those things needed doing?


Today was $850 for what was essentially an oil change and some items that didn't need doing, unless I was ripped off last time.



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People who don't flush the toilet after use in communal buildings.


I work in a building with several other businesses and people who use the toilets/bathroom/restroom closest to us, who just don't flush. These are grown, adult men who seem incapable of basic hygiene and ultimately, it's a pretty simple concept. How is this so hard for some people?


Then you hear some people leave without washing their hands either. I mean, seriously? What is wrong with people.

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People who don't flush the toilet after use in communal buildings.


I work in a building with several other businesses and people who use the toilets/bathroom/restroom closest to us, who just don't flush. These are grown, adult men who seem incapable of basic hygiene and ultimately, it's a pretty simple concept. How is this so hard for some people?


Then you hear some people leave with washing their hands either. I mean, seriously? What is wrong with people.

People who don't scrub the loo either. If you've made a horrendous mess, pick up the brush and sort it out!

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Just picked the car up from a service and the mechanic has:


Changed the spark plugs (only done 6 months ago, $600 for 6 plugs plus one new coil)

Changed the brake fluid (had the entire brake system done 4 weeks ago at a different mechanic because this guy couldn't fit me in, $1500)\


How would he have determined those things needed doing?


Today was $850 for what was essentially an oil change and some items that didn't need doing, unless I was ripped off last time.






Got a great garage around the corner from me (run by Liverpool fans but good guys so we have good banter). Whenever my car goes in they call me with the cost before doing a thing, and won't do a thing without my say-so....unless it's a bulb for an MOT (compulsory test we have over here every year for cars over three years old to check their roadworthiness for those that don't know) or similar.

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Got a great garage around the corner from me (run by Liverpool fans but good guys so we have good banter). Whenever my car goes in they call me with the cost before doing a thing, and won't do a thing without my say-so....unless it's a bulb for an MOT (compulsory test we have over here every year for cars over three years old to check their roadworthiness for those that don't know) or similar.


yeah i've got a great garage where i'm at too. it's all latin american immigrants as the mechanics, the front desk lady speaks english and spanish and just translates the problem to them, and then translates from them to the customer. cheapest shop in town and their turnaround is so fast, wherever they learned their trade they sure do a great job.

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Had a pipe burst in the house today had to get the emergency plumber in. Phoned work three times to keep them updated. Told them what had happened and that I had to take the day off. At 5pm they phoned me to say they wanted me in at work as no supervisors they were all off work. I went in reluctantly to find we had a full compliment of supervisors.


Lying scumbags. :shaking fist:

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