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The Once A Year Takeover Rumour

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agree with everything except the bit in bold - Arsenal are in the capital which has maaaaany more alternatives yet they still pull people to the Emirates.


i know what your saying, but the capital doesnt have a "centre" in the same way as liverpool does. about a five mile square radius in town and everything is there, London has maybe 20 different centres. London also has many many more businesses than Liverpool. No northern club could pull off corporates in the same way a London club can.

Also Woolwich is much much nicer than Walton, sorry to anyone from Walton, but Woolwich is really nice.



'If we don’t leave Goodison soon the place will lose its safety certificate'Bill Kenwright, December 2007.

In which case, I agree with you SteveO


thats all that matters yay.gif

Edited by StevO
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rofl.gif cant help yourself can you?


Can you define soon?


I would say that over the past 4 years it hasn't declined as such, it's solid but old and that's pretty much it. I've been round the nou camp and to be honest structurally it isn't probaly that great but will do for a good while.

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I would say that over the past 4 years it hasn't declined as such, it's solid but old and that's pretty much it. I've been round the nou camp and to be honest structurally it isn't probaly that great but will do for a good while.

Scary in comparison with Goodison isnt it, size wise!

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amazing - my Mrs can't stand football but was impressed with that tour.

my wifes 1st live game was Barca vs Stuttgart last year, 4-0 win. We were up on the back row where there isnt much there to stop an excited fan falling to their death! A few weeks later, took her to see Everton vs Wham and it was such a contrast :lol:

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my wifes 1st live game was Barca vs Stuttgart last year, 4-0 win. We were up on the back row where there isnt much there to stop an excited fan falling to their death! A few weeks later, took her to see Everton vs Wham and it was such a contrast laugh.png


That said, my first trip to goodison was the most impressed i've been, upper bullens as an 8 year old 5-0 win versus Forest

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That said, my first trip to goodison was the most impressed i've been, upper bullens as an 8 year old 5-0 win versus Forest

Straying off the topic still but Wembley (old one obviously) was staggering as an eight year old...first big stadium I ever went to (funny enough that was a 5-0 win too, v France)..


Bernabeu was amazing couple of years back.

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sorry pris but thats rubbish. if it wasnt safe it would not get the certificate, they havent had to do any strength work on the buildings or anything like that to suggest there is a safety issue. football grounds are heavily scrutinised on safety after the terrible events, so there is no way any safety issues can be there.


the thing people dont seem to understand is that yes, we do have limited corporate facilities, but they are still empty. we dont have the pull of some of our neighbours to bring more in. we can go and build a stadium, put in loads of corps, fill them for a couple of season with the "new stadium effect", then after the hype has died down, we go back to not selling them.


the restricted views, fair enough, its rare they get sold out. but thats only around 5,000 seats, that wont make great in roads into the finances. say we build a 50,000 seater, with no restrictions that would be an extra 15,000 seats when sold out, at £40 a ticket thats £600,000 per game extra, but more supporters means the police want more money, the security firm want more money, need more stewards, the catering company want more money.


we wont be able to work like Arsenal with the emirates used to capacity every day, companies have a lot of alternatives in the town centre, how do you convince them to come away from that to walton, or edge lane, or the lancs?


a new stadium anywhere might help a little bit, but its not going to help a lot.

if thats such rubbish then, why is it that most people well in the know seem to be saying its the stadium that is holding up any possible takeover attempt then? personally id like to stay at GP, but i know we cant.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Bill Kenwright has repeated that he hopes the day will soon come when he can hand over control of the club to someone with more financial muscle than himself.

Writing in the annual accounts for the year ending May 31st 2011, he said, ”Probably like most of you I spent the summer wondering what might have been….if only we had gathered together those early points, and had the success that we had in the second half of the season. If only we had done better in the two Cups….when in particular the FA Cup was looking good! If only I had been able to help more…. “If only’s” are nearly always around in football….




“Once again, try as I might, I was unable to accomplish the task which has dominated my life for these past few years – finding the man, or the institution, with the finances to move us forward. Hopefully the day will come soon when I will happily – even enthusiastically – hand over control of our beloved Club to a substantially wealthy individual or well-funded investment group.

“Until that day, it goes without saying that, as ever, we will do everything within our power to fully support the ambition and vision of David Moyes, a man with few peers in football. David is fully aware of precisely where we are in terms of available funds. He is appreciative of the fact that every penny we can find moves to his transfer kitty, and whilst he would obviously like more, he has a sound sense of business and accepts the parameters within which we must operate.

“Of course, we all wish to see those parameters pushed outwards and made less constrictive by way of a substantial injection of funds but, until then, we continually appraise all options open to us, though we cannot and will not do anything which might cause short or long term damage to our Club. That is both our way, and, many would argue, our greatest strength.

“I know I don’t have to tell most of you how proud I am to be Chairman of what I shall always consider to be the greatest Football Club in the World. Our Club. It isn’t always easy to be the man in my position. I have no magic wand – but, until the day comes when I leave my seat in the directors box I will continue to work tirelessly for Everton, and its fans. This Football Club deserves nothing less.”


Over to you haf...

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I'm no Kenwright basher but then I'm not a big fan either but how many times are we going to hear the same old story?


As with others I think it's plain to see somthing doesn't sit right somewhere with all this what that may be I have no clue, but if it's not addressed and we just keep getting this same old spin how many season's would the club last in today's game?

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I quite like the "every penny we can find goes into his transfer kitty"


It reminds me of the days when some spectrum 48k games were £1.99 and I would be searching the gaps in the sofa for the extra 14p I needed to buy a budget code masters game.


I think we all know when it comes to Mr Kenwright that talk is cheap.


I don't think he would know a good buyer if they slapped him with their black American express card. I do believe his price and terms is the issue.




Well done Mr Horne, clever fella that man. Looks like he will have to start buying his tickets like the rest of us..... Wait there Ross has gone...

Edited by Hafnia
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I quite like the "every penny we can find goes into his transfer kitty"


It reminds me of the days when some spectrum 48k games were £1.99 and I would be searching the gaps in the sofa for the extra 14p I needed to buy a budget code masters game.


I think we all know when it comes to Mr Kenwright that talk is cheap.


I don't think he would know a good buyer if they slapped him with their black American express card. I do believe his price and terms is the issue.


Oh my god Haf thats just taken me back to 1987 and trying to get the money to buy Manic Miner for my Spectrum 48k what a computer that was took about 2 days to load a game haha!!


Ive goto agree with a few points here and yes im sick of hearing the same old crap about the day he finds investment infact you can usually set your calender by it, just before season tickets are up for grabs!! And also i do believe the price is to high then again god only knows what debt hes gotton the club into that we dont know about!! Im not sure its all BKs fault im wondering what kind of payout the rest of the board are after aswell.

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'Reliable source' from GOT...


i have not posted on the subject in about 2 weeks now,the truth is he wont lower his asking price and they cannot believe he wants to make £120 mill plus profit . so there you have it .1 of my good mates was talking to one of wolves directors who told him he cannot believe what kenwright was asking for the club cause no one in there right mind is going to pay it.looks like barry horne was hearing the same thing ,kenwright will take the club to the wall if his price is not met FACT


Wasn't Barry Horne saying something to that effect too? I'm not jumping on any band wagon but I'd be disappointed (to say the least) if the above statement is true.

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'Reliable source' from GOT...


i have not posted on the subject in about 2 weeks now,the truth is he wont lower his asking price and they cannot believe he wants to make £120 mill plus profit . so there you have it .1 of my good mates was talking to one of wolves directors who told him he cannot believe what kenwright was asking for the club cause no one in there right mind is going to pay it.looks like barry horne was hearing the same thing ,kenwright will take the club to the wall if his price is not met FACT


Wasn't Barry Horne saying something to that effect too? I'm not jumping on any band wagon but I'd be disappointed (to say the least) if the above statement is true.


THEBLUEFOX is the poster, he is usually 100% spot on with his posts. Go look through his history, he is sourced.

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For me Kenwright is waiting for the right person to buy the club. I personnally wouldnt want Kenwright to sell the club to people who will do what the Glazers & the owners of the redshite have done & put all the debt on the club. At the same time I think Kenwrights price for Everton is too high. He paid (I think) £30m for the club & when we were last in Europe I believe we were valued at £130m.


Were not in Europe anymore and valuable players have left the club so I cant see how Everton is now worth £150m to Bill.


I like Bill and I appreciate he has Evertons best interests at heart & I trust him to find the right buyer for the club.

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For me Kenwright is waiting for the right person to buy the club. I personnally wouldnt want Kenwright to sell the club to people who will do what the Glazers & the owners of the redshite have done & put all the debt on the club. At the same time I think Kenwrights price for Everton is too high. He paid (I think) £30m for the club & when we were last in Europe I believe we were valued at £130m.


Were not in Europe anymore and valuable players have left the club so I cant see how Everton is now worth £150m to Bill.


I like Bill and I appreciate he has Evertons best interests at heart & I trust him to find the right buyer for the club.


Kenwright only owns a percentage of the club. What he paid for that percentage is irrelevant. Surely he is entitled to expect a profit, or do we expect the guy to devote his lkife to our club at a loss, and write off millions upon millions?



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Avin, hasn't BK always maintained he would only want his initial investment back?.. I appreciate he would expect some profit, thats realistic, but, to expect massive returns for a business which is struggling financially doesn't make a profit has sold its assets and has zero investment from board members is just plain wrong. I agree he was the right choice when PJ owned us, I agree he is a devoted Evertonian, he had already devoted his life to the club before borrowing the cash to buy it. To me me he's loosing his immense credibility by being greedy. If he only had the clubs best interests at heart he would sell cheaply allowing the new owners more flexibility.. We have no money to invest in players, i'm amazed Fellaini signed a new contract which just maintains his value so when we sell him the banks say thankyou.

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Avin, hasn't BK always maintained he would only want his initial investment back?.. I appreciate he would expect some profit, thats realistic, but, to expect massive returns for a business which is struggling financially doesn't make a profit has sold its assets and has zero investment from board members is just plain wrong. I agree he was the right choice when PJ owned us, I agree he is a devoted Evertonian, he had already devoted his life to the club before borrowing the cash to buy it. To me me he's loosing his immense credibility by being greedy. If he only had the clubs best interests at heart he would sell cheaply allowing the new owners more flexibility.. We have no money to invest in players, i'm amazed Fellaini signed a new contract which just maintains his value so when we sell him the banks say thankyou.


Hypothetically speaking, unless I'm wrong, Kenwright owns around a quarter of the shares. What is for sale? Just his shares, or everybody's shares? If his shares were worth 30 million, surely that then makes the club worth £120m at the time of purchase. If it sells for £150m, is that not only a profit of 5 million for Kenwright? I can understand it if it's only his 25% for sale, and he wants £150m, but that isn't the case, is it?

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