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just my intro to toffee talk

Mike Preece

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hi im mike preece evertonian for 39 years,seen the blues play about 400 times,i go when I can,i could lie and say I go every game but hell whats the point,my first game was Bristol city away think it was 1979 we won 1-0 a trevor ross goal.


favourite game ever for performance everton 5 man u 0 oct 84 just sublime most total football ive ever seen.

most emotional fa cup final 84,never thought I'd see us win a trophy ( a lot like now) and I was behind the goal when sharpy scored the first,and another that stands out the Wimbledon 3-2 survival win,cried like a baby,a very emotional day.


my home is an everton shrine have,nt missed a home programme since I was 12 ( im 49 now).iam very very proud to be an evertonian,and never miss an everton game ( watch the lads on computeter or sky if I cant go.trying hard to get a ticket for the Cardiff game ( no luck yet).was due to be at goodison for Newcastle,but sky changed it to a Monday night.so I,ll now be at the hull city game oct 19th. I can only go when there is a trip cos cant afford to drive up alone.i know there is a south wales branch,but I,ll contact them when or if I can go more often.i hate Liverpool football club with a vengeance because the best team we ever had never had a chance to prove how good we were cos of their fans at heysel,and ever Liverpool fan I know my age in my town abertillery,gwent only started following them when they were winning everything.up my local the commercial there are 3 evertonians and the usual mancs and kopites.


im known for never ever wearing red,even though its welsh colour,just cannot and will not do it. my favourite ever player is peter reid cos he was the engine of the best team we ever had,my first idol was Ronnie goodlass,who always held the cuff of his long sleeved shirt when he was playing.pie man joe Parkinson was another favourite what a wholehearted player.over the years nev southall gave me a dressing room and pitch tour.


when I got married kevin ratcliffe and Adrian heath organizied a wedding card signed by the whole team and howard kendall. at present felt strongly it was time for moyes to go,although I'll never forget the atmosphere for his first game v Fulham,the whole 4 sides of goodison were absolutely rocking.delighted with the Martinez appointment,and I for one will not get on his back if we get a bad spell,he,s a football gentleman with a philosophy I admire,iam totally behind him.and for the record the worst everton football I ever saw was under walter smith,even though he was another gent.


I totally love our club,my pride and joy and goodison park is my favourite place on earth.another thing I always wondered,evertbody remembers sharpys famous anfield screamer best ever everton goal,but in the final home game before the 84 cup final sharpy scored a similar fantastic goal v QPR but no one seems to remember it.

well hope I aint bored you all too much all the best to you all mike preece.


ps for some strange reason toffee talk has my member title as toffee lady,god knows how that happened,and I don't know how to change it,very annoying !

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Is the author of this aware of paragraph breaks.


Used to be a player at Luton with this name years ago maybe, or was it David, but other than that, give the usual obligatory welcome and salutations. He mentioned thirty-nine years, a little ahead of here at around thirty-six now, but more mature participants are always encouraged and hope you fit in etc.

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my home is an everton shrine have,nt missed a home programme since I was 12 ( im 49 now).

He mentioned thirty-nine years....

If he works on his paragraphs will you work on your numbers?


One thing you'll learn if you stick around Mike is that Dalziel is a little eccentric....take nothing he says seriously and you'll be fine.

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What the fuck is it now goddamn it, being what to a new member ? All I did was make a reference, that the initial post could have been presented a little better. Didn't warrant any damn insults. Why not read through it again.


Following the direct above, got no need for argument on this and that's the end of it. Discussion closed

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What the fuck is it now goddamn it, being what to a new member ? All I did was make a reference, that the initial post could have been presented a little better. Didn't warrant any damn insults. Why not read through it again.


Following the direct above, got no need for argument on this and that's the end of it. Discussion closed


A twat.


:rofl: You always find justification for your many and often hilarious grammatical gaffes ("I was in a hurry....I can't always check everything") and yet you find it acceptable to comment on mistakes made by others.


New member making an introductory post (particularly such a long and heartfelt one) doesn't need idiotic and pointless comment....just a welcome.

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"my home is an everton shrine have,nt missed a home programme since I was 12 ( im 49 now)".

"hi im mike preece evertonian for 39 years",


maybe its the author who needs to work on his numbers :P


Evertonian from aged ten, started buying a programme at twelve. Makes sense to me.

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Nowhere in the intoduction does he mention 10, the only figures mentioned are 12, 39, 49. they just dont add up, but what the hell. :dont know:


He doesn't need to does he?


He says he's been an Evertonian for thirty-nine years and that he's now forty-nine....we can do the maths ourselves.


The fact that he hasn't "missed a programme" since he was twelve is a completely separate thing.


What we can be pretty sure of with the welcome he's received is that he'll be an active TT member for less than a day.

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Is the author of this aware of paragraph breaks.


Used to be a player at Luton with this name years ago maybe, or was it David, but other than that, give the usual obligatory welcome and salutations. He mentioned thirty-nine years, a little ahead of here at around thirty-six now, but more mature participants are always encouraged and hope you fit in etc.

Is the author of this aware that this is an introduction thread and a simple "Welcome Mate" is totally sufficient

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Hello Mike!


Don't worry about some of the crap on here, the new seasons just about with us and it looks like you like talking about the games, that will be welcome.


Did you see Ronnie Goodlass score from almost in his own half against West Ham.


Just read Latchfords 30 goals in a season book, you'd like that.

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He doesn't need to does he?


He says he's been an Evertonian for thirty-nine years and that he's now forty-nine....we can do the maths ourselves.


The fact that he hasn't "missed a programme" since he was twelve is a completely separate thing.


What we can be pretty sure of with the welcome he's received is that he'll be an active TT member for less than a day.


And the root of this discussion [i refuse to call it an argument] is that comment which Mike had earlier dismissed, sarcasticly accusing DK of getting his numbers wrong. Now all of a sudden the 39 years that Mike had dismissed earlier becomes part of his explanation.


I'd like to know who starts all these warm discussions. :)

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And the root of this discussion [i refuse to call it an argument] is that comment which Mike had earlier dismissed, sarcasticly accusing DK of getting his numbers wrong. Now all of a sudden the 39 years that Mike had dismissed earlier becomes part of his explanation.


I'd like to know who starts all these warm discussions. :)

I made a mistake I admit (in aiming a sarcastic comment at an established member).


You made a mistake also (in aiming a sarcastic comment at an established member and then another one at the new member).


Root of it all was DK criticising the new member's grammar.


So who do think started it?


Jesus :rolleyes:.




Welcome Mike, nice intro. The Toffee lady title will change automatically after you've posted a couple more times....and once you've got ten you can come up with your own.

Welcome :).


Welcome to the board :)


Is the author of this aware of paragraph breaks.

(Is the author of this aware of question marks?)
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Don't worry about the in-fighting amongst the long serving members on here Mike P. Just pull up a chair, read and reply to the bits you want and leave the un-medicated posts to the next fruit loop to reply to. It's funny from the outside, looking in. :)

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He ought to worry....he's going to have to decide which clique he wants to join in the next thirty days or he'll be banned :shaking fist:.



All depends on his knees. Everyone with cliquing knees over here. Anyone with wrinkles but ok knees over to the right. Those that are completely shafted go sit with Bill. Nasty snivellers go sit with the snivellers in the back room, and use your hankies in case matron comes around. :rofl: :rofl:

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