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2 hours ago, Romey 1878 said:

Very nasty one there. Could be broken bones with them taking their time even getting him out of the car. At least he's conscious though.

Seems like he's fine though will certainly be sore for a few days. Thank God - that's the sort of crash that could've killed a driver 20-30 years ago...

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7 minutes ago, Quinn31 said:

Seems like he's fine though will certainly be sore for a few days. Thank God - that's the sort of crash that could've killed a driver 20-30 years ago...

Not a question of could've I don't think, almost certainly would've.

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Huge credit must go to George for what he’s managing to do with that Mercedes.

They never seem to build a car that is just easy to drive (like Red Bull) but have always gotten away with it because they had such a good power unit. Now they’ve lost some of those power unit staff to RB that advantage has obviously gone and it’s biting them.

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11 hours ago, MikeO said:

Might be early days but the gap is huge; Ferrari and Red Bull out of sight already, they won't turn that round.

For the sport it’s a shame really if it turns into another 2 team season, this season was meant to have changed that scenario with the new set ups introduced in bringing car performance closer, I’d love to see a season where we have 3-4 teams going for it, but as you said looks very much like 2 teams are already way in front of the others and won’t be caught. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Good so far from McLaren in Oz, Lando in particular; also Merc closer plus Alonso in the Alpine bar his misfortune.

Screw a two man fight being an exciting season, a four/five team one would be infinitely better.

Alarm set for the morning, didn't get up for quali after late night last night due to a funeral and much champagne. On last night's/this morning's evidence I'd have to say that the story that champers doesn't give you a hangover is spot on, woke up with a completely clear head!

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This season is brilliant, even races like today were not that much happens are great just because we've had such a shuffle in the standings. Charles Leclerc already looks dialled into his Ferrari and will take some beating, yes it's only three races but when you consider that Mercedes are on the back foot and Red Bull clearly have a car that can't last a race distance he's only going to get faster and pull further away. Ferrari have just nailed this season after a few years of being seen as an absolute banter team and to be honest I'm excited for them.

Just on Red Bull too and for me they have massive problems, a few years ago they were really a bit of a joke as they had a fast car that just had a knack of exploding every other weekend. When you consider that we've just finished Round 3, and they've already had as many retirements and it doesn't bode well for a team that's expecting to be fighting at the front. I'm sure they'll sort it out to an extent, but it's just not the best start in the world, especially as Ferrari seem so far up the road already (and with Mercedes no doubt creeping closer).

Made up for George Russell too, looking really comfortable in that Mercedes and as with Charles, he's only going to get better the more he gets to grips with it. Hamilton in P4 was nice to see, but him being a little bitch on the radio hit a nerve with me - I can't be arsed with him being a nob-jockey while the Mercedes is slower than expected (especially when there was literally nothing his team could do about the situation). To be honest was pleased that he came in off the podium as he'd have probably just moaned in the interviews about ''dIFfiCulT sITuAtiONs''.

At the back of the field, that Aston Martin is a bag of shite - I honestly think Seb will call it a day after this season. The team is well documented as being toxic and I just don't think he can be arsed fighting with a shopping trolley for another year or two.


2 hours ago, Btay said:

Been enjoyable so far.

Lovely to have a bit of sport on at decent time hey guys…

Bottas Sent A Spicy Team Radio Message After His “Best Race Ever” – WTF1

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  • 2 weeks later...
25 minutes ago, Gwlad all over said:

Martin Brundle will love that since she cut him dead on the gridwalk!!

She gave it the big "I am". Can't abide the woman myself, but £10m is really chump change when it comes to the value of Chelsea; she and Hamilton will be pretty much insignificant minority stake holders if their consortium wins.

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