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Shouldn't admit but Footloose on Film Four right now. Saw this on it's original release in about 1984, and haven't seen this in years, it is a bit of an embarrassing watch from a 21st century perspective now. Can't decide if it's a bit of a guilty pleasure or I should just change the damn station.

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Watched Safehouse last night with Ryan Reynolds and Denzel Washington, not usually a fan of Reynolds He's played to many jokey parts badly for Me but give him his due he play's a good part & Washington is as per usual a class act.


Worth a watch...


Going to give the latest American Pie a go tonight and maybe sneak Prometheus in if I've time.

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Love the tour....but it was a bit ridiculous of ITV to put the last two stages on ITV1 as well as ITV4huh.png. Don't get that at all.


And I watched Colombo thirty/forty years ago....but the fact that it's the same episode (with different characters) every week wore a bit thin after a whileunsure.png .

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All I hear all the time, everywhere you look, is the new Batman movie, Dark Knight returns of whatever it is, some other forums I use is full of the miserable fucking thing, Batman this, Batman that, Batman something else, I've just about had my fill of this fucking movie. Not to sound flippant, or trivialize what was a serious incident, but this guy in Denver, shooting up a theater premier of this release, may have had similar frustrations. Maybe it was something else, I don't know, but he sure got tired with something. I saw the first Batman in 1989, the second wasn't as good, and just lost interest after that, never been a fan of it, so you can imagine it's been a rough last few weeks with all the hype and expectation, seemed no escape sometimes damn it.


Superman will also be back next year, they're already talking about it, some 11 months before the release. I loved the originals with Chris Reeve, Superman 2 is one of my favorite films, for great escapist comic book action, but the remakes just lately are nothing like I remember, just can't leave originals alone, they're even doing this for The Wizard Of Oz soon of all things..., Garland would be spinning like a top.

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Law Abiding Citizen on Film4, Jamie Foxx's face is annoying, much better singer than actor.


Haha! Just went on IMDB and one of the first threads for the movie is: Did anyone else notice Jamie Foxx's piss poor acting?

Edited by pete0
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I think the last thing I watched was, and I don't feel like saying, but it was a bit of an embarrassing watch for neutrals from 20 years ago, but still a guilty pleasure. Not a program I get too irritated about, apart from the channel that broadcasts it. A nice innocent little show, I was quite content for the most part.

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I think the last thing I watched was, and I don't feel like saying, but it was a bit of an embarrassing watch for neutrals from 20 years ago, but still a guilty pleasure. Not a program I get too irritated about, apart from the channel that broadcasts it. A nice innocent little show, I was quite content for the most part.

which was.......


Continuing the X Files, season 5 :)

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always fancied watchin them all the way through..just started on 24..got so much to watch and get no chance with olympics on right now

the main story line for the X Files is amazingly gripping, but theres plenty of buffer episodes too which are quite irritiating....
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Watching The Professionals, but goddamn commercials on so frequent, hard to keep up with anything.


World Of Sport on 185, British 'Professional' wrestling, I don't know who these two are. Big Daddy is supposed to be featured, but I've never seen him on any broadcast I ever saw.


Between 5pm and 7pm is the absolute worst time for television viewing, without question. I could fucking murder sometimes.

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The Professionals ITV4, First Ever Episode from 1977, Private Madness Public Danger


The least said about this TV station the better, but this episiode has been on about 16 times now this calendar year. Why don't they show something else for a change, they made about 57 episodes and I believe they've missed at least half of those out. Fucking commercials on now of all things...could be a long watch.

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