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Everything posted by MikeO

  1. Coleman scores . That's ten points from twelve since he joined them, doubtless all down to Seamus (they only had three from the previous twelve)....on the verge of the play-offs now.
  2. But big time kudos if it turns out to be true and you broke the story . Up there with the person who broke the Heitinga rumour....whoever that was .
  3. Sad thing is there's a version 2 here and I played all fifty levels of it . Think I need to find a hobby
  4. Don't know....hope so. It's too low for me anyway, if you break it down as roughly £20m for Jack and £12 for Pienaar. If they both asked to go I'd want at least £40m.
  5. Some great stuff on the OS for the fortieth anniversary of the 1970 title... http://www.evertonfc.com/match/report/6970/everton-2-west-brom-0 Can remember getting the result (I was just short of ten), and going up to my bedroom with a marker pen to add "1969/70" to the league champions section of the list of honours on the pennant I had on my bedroom wall. Also had an FA Cup wallchart which I'd confidently put up the previous summer before we lost to Sheffield United 2-1 in the third round (great final that year though).
  6. http://www.caughtoffside.com/2010/03/31/chelsea-set-for-mass-exodus-to-fund-32m-premier-league-duo-swoop/
  7. Impressed.....by the "spoiler" code as well as the answer. Didn't know you could do that .
  8. MikeO

    West Ham (home)

    Some more available....you shouldn't have any problem . http://www.evertonfc.com/news/archive/2010/03/31/great-seats-released Seems Wet Spam fans aren't overly bothered about the game . Bit of a stretch to call the Upper Bullens in that corner, "...some of the stadium's best views."
  9. Shame he didn't take the right option, if he hadn't have taken the touch he'd (probably) have scored, not been injured, been a hero (again) and fit to park his arse on the bench again next week-end. Shame for him though.
  10. At last! I've found out how to crack it ! http://www.mabuhaynet.com/games/easiest-game.html
  11. What a stupid post, never heard anything so ridiculous . (Sorry, couldn't help myself )
  12. Would be brilliant but if continues to develop like he is that contract would need to be negotiated up fairly quickly to keep him for more than one more season.
  13. He could sit on the bench at Chelsea, be on standby "...in case of injury to the excellent Aaron Lennon..." at Spurs or he could stay with us and make a serious assualt on the top four . Hope he stays but if he goes £13m's not bad for someone with only a year left on his contract....if he doesn't want to play for us then he can f'ck off .
  14. Can someone translate the following for the...er...more mature members... Ill Sick Gash I know what they mean of course but some may not .
  15. First one was for sure but Melbourne was much better. Lost interest in WRC because of the lack of British drivers....can't really get excited about something when I don't give a stuff who wins it. Problem with (British) touring cars is that the coverage is on ITV, and consequently shite. I'll still watch either if they're on (and I have control of the remote....which is a pretty rare occurance ).
  16. Looking very much an also-ran....seems he made big mistake coming back, he's not even the fastest driver in his team. Good race Sunday though .
  17. MikeO

    West Ham (home)

    It could happen . Was less than €1 actually....€0.99 for an OJ style carton of Don Simon Vino Tinto. I've become a bit of a fan of the odd cheeky red recently and normally go for quality rather than price...but amazingly it was really quite nice . In all seriousness we should win this at a stroll and I think we will.
  18. All true...but (extreme example) Nazism was the number one most popular political ideology in Germany in the '30's. Did that make it the best? Biggest and most popular isn't always best...totally flawed logic. And what came first, the chicken or the egg? Are vast swathes of the population functionally illiterate because they've read the S*n for so long or were they already that dim and the S*n just talks down to their level? It is the most popular paper in the country and that depresses me a lot.
  19. So if you saw someone on a forum claiming to be mates with Ferguson/Wenger/Benitez you'd just straight out believe them? Fair enough. Thanks for the spelling correction.....my mistake. To return the favour...in, "your a bigger muppet" the correct spelling is you're (it's a contraction of you are). Paul is a proper noun, needs a capital letter. If you're using exclamation marks you don't need a full stop as well. First letter of a new sentence (Double) needs a captal letter also. Give Davey my regards .
  20. MikeO

    West Ham (home)

    4-0....it'll still be 0-0 after an hour and we'll all be panicking then Ossie, TC and Rodwell settle the nerves. Hibbert comes on after 85 minutes and scores with a tap-in after a Cruyff turn past Parker and leaving Upson on his arse with six stepovers . He lifts his shirt to reveal the message, "Jags for England" painted on his chest in blue lipstick. The riot commences.
  21. Has to be said that given the usual nature of posters such as yourself on football forums I'd say that there's probably one chance in 10,000 that Paul's the muppet and 9,999 chances that you are (I'm being kind to you in that asessment I think).
  22. If they offered me free flights I'd see if I could get the same for £50 from easyjet, and if I couldn't I'd stay at home. Not true exactly....I'd use them if I was flying by myself but taking kids or anyone slightly older/infirm/impatient forget it. You need physical fitness and the patience and tolerance of a saint.
  23. Flying Ryanair makes Easyjet feel like Cathay Pacific first class. Unbelievable <_< .
  24. "This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by FA Premier League." Bloody ridiculous when you think anyone can have recorded them off the TV and watch whenever they want .
  25. In terms of what? Fourth place I agree but in terms of Europa qualification it's still very much on. It's a kick in the teeth not to take three points but if we'd have been offered four from today and the City game most of us would have taken it. Villa have taken a huge knock today and Liverpool continue to be shite, we could easily take one or both of those.
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