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Everything posted by markjazzbassist

  1. you must be an outlier or their european grade stuff doesn't work well. all my friends here and wife have iPhones and macs and no problems. my computer (that i'm typing on now) is 6 years old, no problems of issues, just works. yeah i get the software thing, apple is basically the simple man's compute, if you want software flexibility, programmability get a microsoft machine. that's what they are all about, compatible with everything. those new surface pro look nice.
  2. Thank you John, wonderful history and really learned something there. appreciate your comment.
  3. for all the howard haters, he's the keeper in the espn team of the weekend. they loved that balotelli save and others. FWIW jags and gerrard also made it.
  4. yeah i searched online and it just said they were assessed before anfield, he and pienaar. maybe they'll both be back for krasnodar or most likely for man united.
  5. another month without ross, ouch. hopefully he's playing in novemeber and not just back to training.
  6. gutted, one of our best players, he will be sorely missed.
  7. You're right mike, maybe we have more of a chance than I thought! Thanks for those facts, very interesting stuff. The most fouls committed and worst pass rating should definately work in our favor. Not sure how Lille couldn't take advantage of that.
  8. But ivanovic rarely play Cb for them anymore. It's cahill and terry. And Mou has stated he likes ivanovic best at fullback cause he attacks well. Yeah I don't see it either. 20m is too low and they need I replace terry, he's ancient.
  9. Can't agree with that one bit. They might not be your cup of tea but they don't suck ass. Have owed Apple, Microsoft, Linux and I stick with Apple. Not the technologically superior item, but I don't get viruses (had a couple PCs actually destroyed and not useable due to them) and it's stupid simple to use. Works, don't have dreaded blue screens and freezes. I can respect that other people like other OS and hardware, but Apple aint shit. Not a fanboy, just an user.
  10. Yeah I don't understand it. Shave the sides and bouffant on top? I've never seen that style before.
  11. Agreed, just wanted to hear others opinions. And romey is right, between he stones and Galloway we have a talented young CB core. Very exciting
  12. Yes and ivanovic rb. Azpilicueta can an does play both.
  13. yep they did moyes dirty and now this coifed van gaal spent all the kitty and they still suck. hope they get relegated.
  14. guess he's not making the transition to centre mid playmaker this campaign. wonder if that was just a pipe dream.
  15. right so my questions earlier is do we groom him to replace jags and be stones partner, or groom him to be coleman jr.?
  16. no way, they just signed felipe luis for 16m from atletico, have ivanovic, cesar aszpilicueta. 4 top fullbacks? ludicrous.
  17. krasnodar won today 3-0, they are playing well recently, this could be a very tough match.
  18. Yeah he was rubbing his arm and consoling him. I saw that too. Was thinking to myself what a classy human being, barely knows kev and had compassion on him. Great acquisition is right.
  19. None yet. I'm terrified. Each season Kev has grown and looked better and better, was really excited for this season. He will be sorely missed, I hope it's not too long. His pace is unmatched in the squad, Mcgeady has some but he's so erratic.
  20. I am excited to have him back, but I think Lukaku gets the game time. He needs time to learn and grow just like ross. Kone can play on the wings as well, and might have to after Mirallas went out.
  21. He's back. Derby goal and a solid performance against an attacking team. Let's hope Phil played like that the rest of the campaign. He and stones looked good together.
  22. Dear ross please come back as soon as possible. We will gladly bench naisy (no disrespect to him). Also please never get injured again, and forget the 50m rumors. Sincerely, Toffeetalk
  23. So now that he's had 1 match as a RB is he still slated to be a centre back, or do you think RM will change it to RB since we don't have any cover there? Be interesting to see what happens with this guy.
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