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Everything posted by markjazzbassist

  1. interesting lineup. looking forward to seeing how barry and besic work together. barkley and pienaar together should creative some magic for Eto'o. with mcgeady's non-defending hibbert makes sense since he will stay home. i like the look of this. would love to see Rom come on and smash one in late in the match.
  2. put the starting lineup out bobby, show those cocks that we don't take lightly the abuse of our fans. hope we win and they are bottom of the table after this, would be fitting.
  3. this is terrible. i hope we beat them 3-0 now.
  4. i'm very excited for this. i really hope we get points. i've got to be at work at 2pm, and the game starts at 12, so hopefully they have the game won by the 60th minute
  5. Great point MC. Another factor we are forgetting is that maybe they offered him a new deal and he didn't sign. What if he wants to go to a team and play every match instead of being a bench/rotation player. Maybe nothing's come out because he is a pro and classy and just wants to leave on good terms. Not saying I think that's it, but just trying to get all the angles covered.
  6. Maybe that's why he's not getting a contract. RM plans to sell big and use the money elsewhere. I love naisy as much as the next guy but depending on how much he was able to swindle a team out of, I woudlnt be that mad.
  7. Yeah newty I see what you're saying. In another article Martinez was critical of how much Dustin works out and said he thought he worked out too much. So maybe that's it, he's fit but gets exhausted easily due to overuse. Makes sense.
  8. we barely loaned out anyone this year. kennedy, a player to blackpool, and maybe a goalie? hoping to get the lads some FA cup and europa throw away matches i guess.
  9. Agreed. Benteke isn't the same player from 2 seasons ago either. All those injuries have taken a toll. Don't think he's fit either.
  10. a little bit of nostalgia for me here. my son was 1 day old when he watched his first everton match with me. happened to be a royal ass kicking we laid to arsenal 3-0 (last season). proud dad and proud little everton fan just thinking about it today. i love these threads.
  11. Yeah I couldn't believe it either. Their luck will run dry this year though with Sturridge out. Sterling looked gassed and wasn't his usual self. I just don't think the players Rodgers bought are going to be that great. Can, Lallana, markovic, Enrique, manquillo, and balotelli haven't done much so far, not impressed with any of them. Coutinho on the bench? Just don't get it, I really don't.
  12. Ffs lets talk about football and not one another. Extremely happy with the win, really think it will help the lads get back on track and could start a nice run up the table. Liverpool don't look great this year and I'm Hoping for a nice win at Goodison. Glad Ross is back and Seamus and James. I really hope the injury woes are behind us and we can push on.
  13. Why have a deep squad if you're not going to rotate? we played weaker sides the first 2 matches and got great results, why would it be any different this time? I agree this is an important match and I think Europa is more important than the league this year, but it's Away and were top of the table. Surely a reserve side can get a point (just like Krasnodar match) and we can rest some starters. It's going to be a long season if we plan to go deep in Europa, we need healthy rested players.
  14. goal by vargas to tie it up, well deserved. i want QPR to draw or win, don't want the shite getting too far ahead of us.
  15. shite and QPR 0-0 at 60'. i hope it holds. EDIT: spoke to soon, richard dunne OWN GOAL. QPR are terrible.
  16. yes but let's be honest steve. the latino population can't afford tickets. they barely attended Chivas USA in LA and the whole team was mexican (maybe 2 white guys) and they did signage and everything in spanish!!! i understand where you're coming from, but the Latinos root for their respective countries. My Mexican co-worker roots for Mexico and Chicharito (was a Man U fan, now a REal fan), he could care less about MLS. My honduran co-worker roots for Honduras and doesn't care about MLS. I have many other Latino friends that know their respective countries, root for their players and the clubs they play for, and probably couldn't even name a single MLS team. The latinos don't really care about MLS, hence why I believe Miami is a bad move. I think MLS should initiate promotion and relegation with NASL and become a real football league where the teams who suck get penalized to go to the lower league. It will never happen because America is a corporate greedy bastard and the owners would never agree to it, but I can dream. That's one of the things i ADMIRE most about UEFA clubs, promotion/relegation. Beautiful system and great concept. MLS has enough teams and cities, it needs to get better players and academies.
  17. I'm very excited for this. I really hope we are able to get points. The Burnley match Sunday is more important though, so I'd like to see a reserve side for this match. I really think we could we this, we have a strong reserve side this season and we have been doing well in Europa. Howard/Robles Hibbert Browning Distin Garbutt Gibson Besic Atsu Oviedo McGeady Eto'o
  18. booya!!! made up more for the win of the match, but this is nice too
  19. retirement people don't go to matches, they stay in their homes and pinch their pennies. florida is a MASSIVE tourist destination, people go there for the beaches not sports. the people who live there are more interested in nightlife (the miami cocaine and strippers, and rappers stereotype) than sports. there is a massive latino population there that would go, but on their salaries i don't know if they could afford the tickets. the dolphins aren't well attended, neither are the miami marlins, neither are tampa bay teams (bucs, rays, lightinging). florida is about the beach not sports. just like how las vegas doesn't do sports, because it's all about gambling and the locals are their for work, most aren't from there (transients) which is the same with florida. florida is mostly transplants from up north so they are NY fans.
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