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Posts posted by SpartyBlue

  1. 16 minutes ago, markjazzbassist said:

    his parents are ivorian immigrants, he's first generation italian.  simply trying to live life with ivorian parents in italy woudl be hard enough as a kid, he's now in a completely different country and culture.  your insensitivity speaks  volumes

    Not to mention that he’s at a club having a poor season who just sacked their manager. He needs to be more professional, of course, but the kid is 19. This is one of those situations where I think throwing an arm around him and offering encouragement would go a lot farther than the sink or swim treatment. Young players need to be allowed to make mistakes without the fear that they will get immediately yanked if they have a bad spell. DCL, Davies etc.. have certainly made their share and I don’t think either has Kean’s potential.

    A lot of this has to do with relegation. If we were in a more comfortable position I imagine he’d be given more leash but right now points are vital so he’s given much less of a chance. I hope that when we do get a new manager in he’s mature enough to see it as a fresh start. Certainly if it’s Ancelotti you’d think he’d have no choice but to listen and learn.

  2. 6 hours ago, Shukes said:

    Not rating them the same, just pointing out that stat wise, they pretty much even. 

    I have no doubt that Kean will surpass DCL goals and ability wise. But the discussion and the question asked was about comparing their stats.... and they are virtually dead set even.

    I hear ya I just don't think it's fair because neither sample size (particualrly Kean's) is meaningful yet. I don't know if you follow baseball but it would be like commenting on a players average after his first 50 at bats.

  3. On 02/09/2019 at 05:28, Shukes said:

    They look pretty much dead even.

    Though I think Kean looks more likely to create a chance for himself, whereas DCL is part of a build up. 

    Two different options.

    I think it's way too premature to say this. Kean is adjusting to a new country, new teammates, new manager and hasn't had a run of games. While DCL is still young and can develop we have a much better idea of what we are getting with him. Let's give Kean some time before we start making determinations.

  4. 17 hours ago, Heath said:


    If I'm honest I never wanted Marco Silva, but couldn't really think of who I would've wanted instead. Apart from feeling he hadn't done enough at Watford, I found it worrying that we were continuing to pursue a manager who appeared to fall to pieces after having his head turned. But when he got here I gave him my full support and thought 'No matter how he starts, he needs at least 18 months to get things right and put his own players and system in place. Then we can see how things are'

    We had a good strong finish to last season, and we've started decent enough this season. But we all know how quickly a situation can turn, how easily the wheels can come off and have everything come crashing down. So I'll wait until the end of the year before I start criticising or praising the guy. By then we should be in a far better position to judge him, the foundation he has laid, the players he's brought in, his system and tactics, and also how we appear to be progressing with him in charge. Hopefully Silva will turn out to be the man to take us to where we want to be, or at least put us on the next level... because we can really do without the Managerial merry-go-round. Including Silva, we've had four Managers in about five years plus two stints by Unsworth. That type of disruption to the Club, players, and staff, just isn't good at all.





    I think the real test will not be this year but next. Would love to get into Europe and I think we will but Silva/Brands have done almost a complete overhaul of our squad over the last couple seasons. The team we have out there is nearly unrecognizable. By next year we should have most everything in place and those guys will have experience with the club. Brands has mentioned he wants to model our approach after some of the big clubs where we are only bringing in 2-3 quality signings during the summer window. That lack of turnover should really help stabilize things and by next August we should have a  talented group with good experience together and be ready to really mount a challenge. I think we are building the right way.

  5. On 18/08/2019 at 14:18, MikeO said:

    You colonials will never "get" the concept of the very regular cup upsets over here I don't think because your top level sport is all self contained so the big guys never come up against "lesser" teams.

    Lincoln are on a high and it's 11v11 in their back yard; I'd call it 50/50, no "should" about it.

    Does Lincoln City have a single player that would make our bench? These can be tough games for a variety of reasons but it's absurd to say it's 50/50. If you really believe that then I've got quite a large wager I'd like to propose.

  6. 4 hours ago, StevO said:

    I get the rules Sparty, it just looked to me like he brought him down without winning the ball. If you bring a player down without winning the ball it’s a foul. 

    My whole point being that VAR was to be brought in to make decisions right, to sort out the black and white, but now it seems like it’s there to just for the sake of it. They don’t want to over rule referees, they don’t seem to be telling the ref to go and look at the screen themselves. I know it’s early, but from the last two weekends I’m losing faith already. 

    Mina has kept two clean sheets though. 

    I hear ya. They definitely need to do a better job of explaining the protocol to the fans. In this case I think whichever call the ref made in real time was gonna stand as it was close enough to not be “clear and obvious” either way.

  7. 3 hours ago, Shukes said:

    That’s the sign of a good manager bough isn’t it? 

    If your on a run of wins, you dont just change it to bring in a bigger name as that could disrupt the results.

    Personally I would play Niasse in goals if he didn’t concede a goal all season. Or would you rather play a big name keeper that conceded a shit load? 

    I know that’s exaggerating a bit, or a lot, ok  loads. But the point stands. If we’re on a good streak of results, what’s more important? Keep it going or play a different striker because he isn’t scoring, and risk ending that run?

    what if we drop DCL and play Tosun for example. Tosun scores three games on the trot, but we lose each one 1-2. So then we try Kean. Kean bangs in a hat trick each game in thoroughly exciting 3-4 losses. 

    Im all for Kean starting... when he is ready. For the moment I would be happy with DCL as long as the results keep coming. This is real football, not FIFA 2020.

    It has nothing to do with anyone being a “name”. A manager should play the team he thinks gives us the best chance to get the points.

    I’ve never bought into this idea that you shouldn’t change a team if you are getting results. It’s a simplistic view. For one,  it ignores that different opponents may require different set ups. For two, it’s arbitrary. If a striker misses several easy chances and we win 1-0 it’s madness to say that he needs to stay in there because of the result. 

    You seem to be making an assumption that if we are getting good results than everyone who is starting is equally responsible and so their individual performances can be overlooked. It is possible for us to win games with DCL (or anyone else) not performing well just as it’s possible to lose and still have certain players do a good job. I would hope Silva takes a more nuanced approach and doesn’t stick to an inferior lineup because of what amounts to superstition. 

    Your example is baffling. If you were manager you’d take out a striker who was scoring a hat trick every game because we weren’t getting wins? Why on earth would you assign blame to the striker in that case? You’d create an environment where whether a player starts or not has little to do with how he performs. Beat Lincoln City 5-4 and everyone stays. Lose @ Man City  1-0 and change out the whole squad. 

  8. 1 hour ago, Aidan said:

    By logic you would compare Moies Kean to Ronaldo. 

    You’re making a point that if a team gets good results you shouldn’t change the players. I’m giving you an example of why that isn’t necessarily the case. It’s great that DCL does a job for the team but his 1st responsibility is to score. If he can’t do that regularly and we have a better option than I don’t think he deserves a spot regardless of how many points we get. Besides, I don’t think anyone is arguing we are playing great at this point, particularly up front.

  9. On 18/08/2019 at 07:25, Bailey said:

    If Richarlison should have scored 1 of his 2 then that is already 0.5 for each attempt taking us over 1 expected goal even forgetting about the other chances. 

    I think people overestimate how likely a goal is from the positions Richarlison found himself in. Those were good chances but no way is he supposed to score 50% of the time from there. 

  10. 2 hours ago, Aidan said:

    Look at our form over the last 10 games, there is no viable reason to drop him.

    I like DCL but this isn't a good argument. By this logic you wouldn't play Ronaldo over DCL because we've gotten results with him in the team. It's possible to consider individual performances and not just look at a scoreline. 

  11. 14 hours ago, StevO said:

    I watched MOTD from last night and it really didn’t look like Mina won the ball on the penalty incident. To also have VAR look at it and not give them penalty doesn’t give me much faith in VAR. Dont get me wrong, I’m glad they never got the penalty but just doesn’t give me faith that the right decisions are being made. 

    He doesn't have to win the ball if they determine the contact wasn't enough for a foul. Also, I believe there is a "clear and obvious" bar that has to be met. Very similar to american football where it has to be obvious or the call on the field stands. It's possible that if a penalty had been given it would not have been overturned either.

  12. 3 hours ago, Romey 1878 said:

    Showed more in his cameo than DCL had for the whole time he was on the pitch. 

    Hopefully we give him a few more cameos to build him up and then he takes the slot permanently. 

    I agree that Kean looks a bigger talent and will eventually be our guy up top but it’s a little unfair to judge by today’s game. DCL, for his faults, is working hard all game and then Kean gets to come on for the last 20-25 w/ fresh legs when Watford are stretched trying to equalize. Let’s see how it looks when the roles are reversed. 

  13. On 08/08/2019 at 14:52, Ghoat said:

    I don't know if I agree, disagree - I think both - but I laughed at regardless!

    I'm aware most of y'all here loath Trump, and will disagree with whatever he does or says, and that's totally fair.

    But I am also certain most of you would be pretty shocked at the discussions and opinions of the administration in private among Trump voters. By in private, I mean in person or messages boards, when we're not be called racists or Nazis by someone before a word is said. Almost everyone that I know who voted for Trump has very similar thoughts about him - and none of us have MAGA hats, and try to avoid conversations with those who do...

    The interesting thing, for me, will be what happens when he's gone. As you've pointed out, there is a big difference between people who voted for Trump because of a Republican ideology or for a single issue like abortion and the true MAGA's. While it is not likely to result in a true third party I do think there is going to be quite a wide fissure between these two groups. If this isn't reconciled and you get a situation where MAGA voters won't support traditional conservatives or vice versa it's a potential disaster for the right. You could argue that this is also true of the democrats (progressives vs moderates) but I think the left is going to be more cohesive, at least in the short term.

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