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London Blue

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Everything posted by London Blue

  1. I imagine Thelwell is doing what he has been told, which is to prepare for life in the Championship. If we sign nobody today then it is clear to me that the board have accepted relegation and that Dyche has been bought in to get us promoted next season.
  2. Bill. you could well be right, for some reason I think Dyche is a good fit, allot will depend on what transfers we can get done and who stays fit. Time will tell.
  3. Or the canteen I imagine. Good job Rhino has gone, the canteen wouldn't of known what hit it
  4. Sean Dyche headbutts punching machines. Saw it on GOT, made me laugh.
  5. As an Everton fan you can have both waking and sleeping nightmares about our club. It's very efficient, unlike the club itself.
  6. Not my choice, by any means, just my fear.
  7. Great win by the ladies team, leading the way for the Blues.
  8. It sows a seed that the fans demonstrating are violent. It takes airspace and column inches away from reporting on the reason for the demonstration. It engenders sympathy for the board in general and gives them cover for not attending games.
  9. Well if the board are facing demonstrations by the fans calling for their sacking. Then getting the press to describe them as violent thugs removes validity from the cause and sympathy for the fans. If people like Ian Wright are told by senior people at Everton that this happened, which he then talks about on his show. It shows their was a coordinated attempt to get this story out there. When Ian Wright questioned this following Liverpool Police's statement and is given no answers to his questions he tells everyone what has happened and apologies to Everton fans. Clearly Ian Wright a football insider believes something dodgy has gone on and he has been played. He is not alone.
  10. https://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/everton-shareholders-no-confidence-breaking-26009843
  11. Honest answer is I don't know. When I Police festivals, large 50k events, in the SLT I would insist that all incidents of violence or of note were reported to Police so that we have an accurate picture of what is going on inside the stadium. It helps form our policing plan and the way we deploy resources. I would be royally fucked off if something happened let's say in the VIP area and the Police were not informed. It would damage trust. If there was any requirement to report it either as a report of something that happened or as an allegation of crime I just don't know. The truth is that we don't know what happened, but what's been reported by the club does not make sense and leaves way more questions than answers. If there was an assault then you think the club would have a duty of care to report it and see the offenders dealt with by the legal system. As an Everton fan if someone was assaulted, spat at, threatened then I want those responsible arrested, and banned for life. At the moment the sequence of events and they way it has been handled, it just does not make sense.
  12. I think the surprise is that they chose not report this to the Police. I imagine the match day commander would want to know, as would future match day commanders as it would affect their risk assessments and security plans. I would imagine the club would have to log incidents of crime and disorder, as well as ejections etc. There is so much about this that does not make sense.
  13. Moshiri has to sack the board now, I cant think of anything else that will clear the toxicity in this club and give Frank and the players a fighting chance to battle against relegation. That plus a couple of new signings and we can start again. I've backed Bill and Denise in the past but that is gone now. This can't carry on, for the sake of the club.
  14. It smelt wrong when I first read about the alleged incidents, now it stinks. Sack the board.
  15. You could submit a Freedom of Information request to ask the number and type of crimes committed at Goodison on a date. The information would be redacted, if granted.
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