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Wall Writer

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  1. Funny
    Wall Writer reacted to Romey 1878 in Weirdness Abounds (or the Idrissa Gana Gueye Thread)   
    I wish he'd done something truly worth of getting offended by like modelling for a magazine in his own time, then I'd understand why there's a big discussion.
  2. Upvote
    Wall Writer got a reaction from Sibdane in Weirdness Abounds (or the Idrissa Gana Gueye Thread)   
    The question about what his beliefs are with regard to homosexuality is rather here nor there. Homosexuality is a fact, a biological fact that has been proven in many scientific studies, not just in humans, but in hundreds of species.
    I don't know what his real actual position is, as all I have heard and read is hearsay on forums, social media and newsites. However, I will say this, there are unfortunately many people who still need to be educated on the difference between fact and belief.
    He may not like it, he may not want to participate in it, and that is fine. In fact I'd go as far as to say that that is normal. Whether he wants to promote it, well, I guess that's up to him.
    On the question of whether a person's employers, or anyone else for that matter, can tell someone them what to support or believe or promote. Well, I don't think they should have that right. People should be free to make their own educated decisions about which causes/movements they want to participate in. 
    As for whether I'd have him back... No, but not for the reasons stated above. For me his age is the dissuading factor.
  3. Funny
    Wall Writer reacted to c1982 in Ross Barkley   
    My IDK says we may or may not be signing Ross or someone else on loan or permanently - he/she is very well misinformed.
  4. Upvote
    Wall Writer reacted to SpartyBlue in Weirdness Abounds (or the Idrissa Gana Gueye Thread)   
    It is a right wing talking point, at least where I live. It’s also dumb. Most everyone agrees “All lives matter”. I can only speak for how it’s used in my country but the intent is often for it to dismiss the grievances of the group in question. Police disproportionately arresting/shooting black people? Oh hey man all lives matter, this shouldn’t be a race thing. LGBTQ rights under assault? Why are we focusing on them? All lives matter! 
    I understand the intent of saying hey we are all the same etc.. but when you use that reasoning to justify ignoring groups that have legitimate issues I find it ugly.
  5. Upvote
    Wall Writer reacted to Matt in Weirdness Abounds (or the Idrissa Gana Gueye Thread)   
    I think the point is its become a right wing motto in the US, because mottos and catchphrases are catchy. Its more about emphasis on a subject, not one or the other. It's also a great example of how forcing equality is creating division as people are more defensive about the phrase rather than thinking about the cause. 
  6. Upvote
    Wall Writer reacted to Hafnia in Weirdness Abounds (or the Idrissa Gana Gueye Thread)   
    The amount of virtue signalling now is actually becoming a joke.
    “oooh let’s take the knee to support Black Lives Matter”……  referee blows a whistle to instigate it. what does it solve? Black players miss penalties and get abuse.  English players get abused on the pitch but are expected to play on? The governing body give a slap on the wrist. 
    EE do an advert showing womens football and then getting abuse with needless footage of a woman having a period on the pitch. I wonder what percentage of their senior workforce are female?  I wonder if they do anything to prevent teenage kids ending up in psychiatric wards due to online bullying…. Most often girls at the hands of other girls. 
    Abuse of any type should not be tolerated, mysandry is on the increase as a biproduct of the fight against misogyny, girls abusing girls in only the way they know best. But yeah let’s focus on blokes saying womens football isn’t very good.
  7. Upvote
    Wall Writer reacted to Matt in Weirdness Abounds (or the Idrissa Gana Gueye Thread)   
    You can't force equality. That only creates division and resistance to change. Wearing the rainbow colours shouldn't be seen as an obligation, it should be a choice of the individual. Otherwise it loses meaning. If those individuals don't want to, then understand why and engage in the discussion. Education and engagement is how progress is made. I'm surprised employers have been allowed to fire employers based on the employees beliefs - that must be close to constituting unfair dismissal and discrimination (fired for different views) and is only going to create further division.
    Not wanting to wear it doesn't mean they  necessarily disagree with supporting the campaign. Maybe they think that approach is pointless, maybe they're just indifferent and don't want to get involved, maybe they have family and friends that would react negatively to that and they can't openly support, maybe they live in a part of society that will threaten their safety if they openly support. 
    Personally I think treating people as equal is more powerful and important than a brand so I don't buy the merchandise/use online themes etc. because I don't believe that helps. Then again marketing is a powerful thing so why wouldnt it I guess, just raises the question of marketing for what (its not as simple an answer as you think). That said I have bought rainbow hat and gloves, travel mugs etc because my daughter likes rainbows, knowing what it could be perceived as and hopeful that it does make a difference even if I don’t really believe it will. If that inspires people to support then great, if it causes conflict then I'll challenge and educate the aggressor that equality is important and to re-evaluate their stance.
    The exception to this rule is when those people/beliefs threaten peoples lives (yes, I'm aware that the rainbow movement is to promote protection as much as equality. I dont see a sticker helping protection). Then I very much get involved where I can.
    Personally I'd like to know why these people don't support it. If it's because of a religious stance, there's not much you can do other than explain why it's contrary to their fundamental beliefs (pretty much all religions preach the same message of love and equality, its the interpretations of the message that cause issues). But good luck arguing with a devout follower and knowing in the ins and outs of dozens of religions. If it's because the individual thinks they're superior, I remind those people of history and make direct comparisons to them and Hitler et Al. (Yes, I've been swung at for this approach, no I won't stop it).
    I'm actively for equality and I actively promote and teach it in how I live my life. I get in people's faces when I see dickheads or dangerous people and I put myself in harms way to defend equality. I believe that's a much more active and effective method of furthering the message than slapping a pride sticker in my LinkedIn profile and thinking I support the cause now. 
    I'm an extremely tolerant person with two exceptions. The actively intolerant and the dangerously willfully ignorant.
  8. Upvote
    Wall Writer reacted to duncanmckenzieismagic in Ross Barkley   
    There will be plenty chomping at the bit to lay into him, he won’t need to down tools for them to be on his back
    He will become the new whipping boy the second he signs. I get what you are saying about him being able to win fans over but unless he gets a hatrick against Chelsea first game of the season the knives will be out, and even then he will probably get slated for not getting 4
  9. Funny
    Wall Writer reacted to Romey 1878 in Dwight McNeil   
    His last PL goal came against us so at least his next one can't come against us.
    I've just jinxed him to score an own goal on his debut now, haven't I? Sorry.
  10. Upvote
    Wall Writer got a reaction from Matt in Weirdness Abounds (or the Idrissa Gana Gueye Thread)   
    Interesting point of view...The following situation springs to mind.
    If your employer implemented a Red T-Shite Friday at work*, where you had to come in jeans and a red Liverpool t-shite, you'd say no, right?
    Why? Well, for similar reasons as the guy stated above; that it would go against your beliefs - everyone knows that Royal Blue is the best colour of t-shirt.
    * probably for some charitable reason like supporting people who have made terrible decisions in their lives.
    On a more serious note, and way off topic, I feel this whole issue of equality creates more division that it aims to solve. I don't see how separating people into groups solves the problem of equality for the individual. As long as we divide ourselves into groups, it will always be us against them. I think, more fundamentally, people, and we as a society, need to be more accepting of the fact that everyone is different, has different beliefs, opinions and ways of expressing themselves, and that is ok.
    This is also, btw, why I think this forum is the best on the planet, as its members constantly show these qualities and are a true beacon for humanity. 😄
  11. Upvote
    Wall Writer got a reaction from AlbanyNYToffee in Weirdness Abounds (or the Idrissa Gana Gueye Thread)   
    Interesting point of view...The following situation springs to mind.
    If your employer implemented a Red T-Shite Friday at work*, where you had to come in jeans and a red Liverpool t-shite, you'd say no, right?
    Why? Well, for similar reasons as the guy stated above; that it would go against your beliefs - everyone knows that Royal Blue is the best colour of t-shirt.
    * probably for some charitable reason like supporting people who have made terrible decisions in their lives.
    On a more serious note, and way off topic, I feel this whole issue of equality creates more division that it aims to solve. I don't see how separating people into groups solves the problem of equality for the individual. As long as we divide ourselves into groups, it will always be us against them. I think, more fundamentally, people, and we as a society, need to be more accepting of the fact that everyone is different, has different beliefs, opinions and ways of expressing themselves, and that is ok.
    This is also, btw, why I think this forum is the best on the planet, as its members constantly show these qualities and are a true beacon for humanity. 😄
  12. Upvote
    Wall Writer reacted to Formby in Weirdness Abounds (or the Idrissa Gana Gueye Thread)   
    Personally, I would question the deeply-held religious beliefs if they were not promoting equality. 
  13. Upvote
    Wall Writer reacted to StevO in Summer 2022 Transfer Window   
    Life’s too short lads. He won’t be the first or last player to put his own interests before the club, we’ve had players, managers and owners all do it. 
    Hatred will age you and your better halves won’t like what that does to your pretty faces! 😂
  14. Funny
    Wall Writer got a reaction from Shukes in Dwight McNeil   
    Come on Mike! We're entering a world where words don't have common meanings anymore. Each word means something different for everyone and there is no right or wrong way to self-define any word (or combination of words). 
    Imposing your narrow-minded, ideological, political, toxic-masculinity system of defining words on other people is wrong, hurtful and hateful. We live in a culture where lots of people have lots of different beliefs and definitions for all kinds of words. We cannot say 'I have this definition system and so therefore, I'm going to impose this on everyone.' You can't do that! This is 2022 and we have to be much more inclusive.
    Btw... to join you on the bandwagon, that comma after 'at least' 🤦‍♂️
  15. Funny
    Wall Writer got a reaction from MikeO in Dwight McNeil   
    Come on Mike! We're entering a world where words don't have common meanings anymore. Each word means something different for everyone and there is no right or wrong way to self-define any word (or combination of words). 
    Imposing your narrow-minded, ideological, political, toxic-masculinity system of defining words on other people is wrong, hurtful and hateful. We live in a culture where lots of people have lots of different beliefs and definitions for all kinds of words. We cannot say 'I have this definition system and so therefore, I'm going to impose this on everyone.' You can't do that! This is 2022 and we have to be much more inclusive.
    Btw... to join you on the bandwagon, that comma after 'at least' 🤦‍♂️
  16. Funny
    Wall Writer got a reaction from Romey 1878 in Dwight McNeil   
    Come on Mike! We're entering a world where words don't have common meanings anymore. Each word means something different for everyone and there is no right or wrong way to self-define any word (or combination of words). 
    Imposing your narrow-minded, ideological, political, toxic-masculinity system of defining words on other people is wrong, hurtful and hateful. We live in a culture where lots of people have lots of different beliefs and definitions for all kinds of words. We cannot say 'I have this definition system and so therefore, I'm going to impose this on everyone.' You can't do that! This is 2022 and we have to be much more inclusive.
    Btw... to join you on the bandwagon, that comma after 'at least' 🤦‍♂️
  17. Funny
    Wall Writer got a reaction from Matt in Dwight McNeil   
    Come on Mike! We're entering a world where words don't have common meanings anymore. Each word means something different for everyone and there is no right or wrong way to self-define any word (or combination of words). 
    Imposing your narrow-minded, ideological, political, toxic-masculinity system of defining words on other people is wrong, hurtful and hateful. We live in a culture where lots of people have lots of different beliefs and definitions for all kinds of words. We cannot say 'I have this definition system and so therefore, I'm going to impose this on everyone.' You can't do that! This is 2022 and we have to be much more inclusive.
    Btw... to join you on the bandwagon, that comma after 'at least' 🤦‍♂️
  18. Funny
    Wall Writer reacted to duncanmckenzieismagic in Kevin Thelwell (Director of Football)   
    I get the impression KT is still in a WhatsApp Group with the Wolves players and our new transfer policy consists of him asking if anyone fancies a game at our place
    Its almost as though we’re a man down for 5 aside so he is trying to ring all his mates to try and get someone to make the numbers up
  19. Upvote
    Wall Writer got a reaction from AlbanyNYToffee in Martin Terrier   
    If we could get Jacques Russell on the right and Gordon Setter in as DM, we'd have the dogs of war back.
  20. Funny
    Wall Writer reacted to dunlopp9987 in Martin Terrier   
    There's all these great dog puns in this thread and then @Newty82comes in with the subtlety and nuance of a wrecking ball
  21. Funny
    Wall Writer got a reaction from StevO in Martin Terrier   
    If we could get Jacques Russell on the right and Gordon Setter in as DM, we'd have the dogs of war back.
  22. Funny
    Wall Writer got a reaction from Shukes in Martin Terrier   
    If we could get Jacques Russell on the right and Gordon Setter in as DM, we'd have the dogs of war back.
  23. Upvote
    Wall Writer got a reaction from dunlopp9987 in Martin Terrier   
    If we could get Jacques Russell on the right and Gordon Setter in as DM, we'd have the dogs of war back.
  24. Upvote
    Wall Writer got a reaction from MikeO in Martin Terrier   
    If we could get Jacques Russell on the right and Gordon Setter in as DM, we'd have the dogs of war back.
  25. Upvote
    Wall Writer got a reaction from dunlopp9987 in André Gomes   
    If he goes then we'd better have a replacement lined up!
    With him gone, we'd have absolutely no one in the 'player with decent hair' department.
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