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Posts posted by Newty82

  1. 25 minutes ago, Hafnia said:

    he's been on a drip for years getting a drug called "mediocrity".   Side effects are the need to watch dvds celebrating 7th place finishes.

    continued abuse can leave the recipient believing that anything other than relegation whilst watching turgid shite is a good thing. 

    Only one drip round here pal.

  2. All sorts of stories now that MSP will step in etc. Stories coming from an angle that we are having to 'beg' MSP to come back.

    Reality is, MSP have always been around.

    They wanted a 25% stake in the club, cash for equity, before 777 came along. That deal was only vetoed by the shadow that is Rights and Media Funding (the company with no employees, no physical office, no assets and no apparant cash flow).

    I have a feeling, I'm pretty sure many of yous have had too, that this 'shadow', Rights and Media Funding, has a firm grip on this club through guarantees against assets that potential buyers are finding difficult to navigate.

    We've known for years our finances are a tangled Web. Moshiri, judging by his running of the club, was the only 'rich' guy willing to take on the mess. And make it messier. Whilst the others said no thanks!

    Half my speculation, half 'reportedly fact'...who really knows!!!

  3. 8 minutes ago, Goodison Glory said:

    Yeah I think people are mixing up the 2. Media Rights are the ones who need to give blessing…unless the person willling to buy pays off their debt outright. Then it’s a non issue. For anyone wanting to buy the club but not pay off the debt immediately then Media Rights can veto. That was my understanding before 777 process started.

    Yeah. And Media Rights did veto the original MSP approach, didn't they? MSP where first to the table...but it was something to do with converting debt to equity which would have knocked Media Rights 'down the pecking order'...or something???

    Something along those lines. Either way, MSP were willing to buy the club.

  4. 9 hours ago, Palfy said:

    I think it was reiterated about 2-3 weeks ago and that was the reason they gave an extension on the loan repayment. Andy Bell as a supporter would be worried, as a business man he may not let his heart rule his head. 
    I guess we will have to wait and see but I don’t think we have much time to wait before Moshiri decides to put us in voluntary receivership if he has no one to pay next months overhead’s. 
    MSP won’t be concerned with that because there loan is tied to the Stadium and not the club. 
    Business too these people is calculated whether an Everton supporter or not, I don’t think they will let emotions dictate their decisions. 

    Unless, all theory of course, they're such smart business people that they know 777 have no chance of getting the club, and they'll step in 'on the cheap'?

    Same could be said of several potential buyers who we have no clue about.

    I've no doubt, though, there'll be vultures circling, watching on.

    Amongst it all, I still find it hard to believe there's lack of interest in taking this club on.

    Most likely, as you guys have touched on, Moshiri has gone with the deal that best suited him...offered to him by guys who don't actually have the money. Whereas more astute business peeps maybe offered a more 'realistic' price based on the debts etc...which meant Moshiri would lose out.

    All guess work though.

    The Premier League...fuck me. I swear these guys are making up as much as they can as they go along. They really do not know how to control this beast the PL has turned into.

  5. Yeah...this 777 chat is becoming more than just a bit of bad press.

    The odd story here and there, maybe. But, globally, this feels like they've taken a step too far.

    I'm sure fans of the clubs they already own are looking on and feeling uneasy about where they may raise the cash from etc.

    I dunno...it just feels off now.

  6. 5 hours ago, Palfy said:

    No you don’t have to be millionaire to run your own business, was just curious how many we had compared to those who say they know how to run a business, or as you Newty who have always been interested in business and it’s intricacies since a young entrepreneur. 
    After all a successful business is its bottom line, my business has won numerous NHBC awards over the years which is valued by the company’s we work with and let’s them know that we aren’t cowboys, and helps us become preferred contractors if we are comparable on price with our competitors. 
    But the most important thing is the bottom line, I can see no point in running a fantastic business that isn’t making money. 

    Yeah, problem was I never had the bollocks to do anything! Until a couple of years ago. I'm defo not an entrepreneur...just glad to be free from the corporate world!!!

  7. 17 hours ago, Palfy said:

    Just a quick count how many millionaires who own their own businesses do we have on here, a fair few I should imagine with all business acumen and advice flying around 😎

    Do you have to be a millionaire to run your own business?

    Is what your worth in 💷 directly linked to your worth in 🧠?

    I suppose you could also say there must be a fair few pro footballers and top level football managers on here?

  8. 43 minutes ago, Cornish Steve said:

    One of the first things I learned when taking MBA classes was the importance of debt and of balancing equity with debt. Companies usually lose out if they don't use debt since they leave tax benefits on the table. Of course, there are many variables, and we don't know all factors in the case of 777, but I'd be amazed if they didn't leverage debt.

    I was obsessed with business stuff in my 20s to early 30s. Used to buy all sorts of books. I do have a thick MBA one...never actually read it.

    I know it's only TV, but I'd be glued to every episode of Dragons Den and The Apprentice...I'd buy all their books too!

    Not sure what happened or when I veered away from it. I always wanted to work for myself from being a teen. Finally took the plunge a couple of years ago at 40...only to realise I was quite rusty! Haha. Thank fuck for mentors!!! It's gone well and, honestly, I can't see myself ever being employable now 😂😂👍

  9. 3 hours ago, Palfy said:

    I get what everyone is saying that everything is built on debt and that’s the way of the world, but debt has to be paid back and as soon as you stop paying it back the people you owe the money to will call in their loans and that’s when you become insolvent, there’s a limit to any business where you’re debt becomes bigger than the business, and we seem to be flirting very closely to the debt being bigger than the club. 
    You try borrowing 200k on a house valued at 170k you’ve got no chance 

    I get you mate, I do.

    It's just, well, you seem to be a bit of an alarmist. Sometimes!

    In previous posts you've mentioned the levels of debt as a whole. Taking in stadium costs, Moshiris money, 777 money all into a oner.

    But as said...777 won't be debt. Moshiri has, I'm pretty sure it's been stated, said he doesn't expect his money to be paid back just yet and its interest free, and the stadium money is...well, building a nice big income generating asset.

    By no means do I think it's all good and smelling of roses. I just think, if you break it down into it's individual pots, a big chunk of the debt is kind of 'safe'.

    The worrying debt it owed to sharks like that mysterious Cheshire based finance company who are charging a fortune in interest.

    Less concerning is the debt owed to the Evertonian lads, who, to be honest, I kinda wish hadn't been blocked by the afore mentioned lot.

    (Sorry, get the 2 companies names mixed up. They're pretty similar!).

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