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Longest Thread!


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I think the longest thread is dying  :(


See...I go away for a couple of days to get a bit of culture...




...and the Longest Thread is suddenly in terminal decline. Then Sven has an epileptic fit while he's pointing out his squad to his official pen operative, everyone on here is suddenly afflicted with post season stress disorder and begins to mutter darkly about relegation and Pat's researching the chemical reaction of a fart when it passes through bath water...just can't leave you alone for a minute can I!?! :lol:

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He's not back yet Claire..he went Monday morning then we went straight off, just for one night...got back late last night, he's not home til Friday. Was a nice little break though..thanks for asking. My kid brother lives there and went to uni there so I know it quite well.

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How come the jollies took you to Bath Mikeo? Do you have family there or were you just soaking up the culture?


I have family in bath and have spent many a long summer day running roit around Victoria park and watching the shows they have in the gardens down by the wier on the River Avon. In fact i think i have some photos somewhere of me with my floppy blond hair cut aged about 10 up on the stage with a magician, if i had a scanner i would post them up so you could all have a laugh at my little late 80's early 90's shorties & bum bag :lol:

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Ok i'm sat in work and i'v just hit the wall i really need to start going to bed early rather than watching shite on the TV. I was tired last night at 9 but i sat up and watched some film with bruce willis in it and never went to bed until close to 12.


Wanted to watch that footy drama with ray winston in it on channel 4 tonight but i dont know if i'm gona be able to keep my eyes open :(


Ahh just rememberd i'v got some pro plus tablets in my drawer, i'm off to fill my system with caffine mite have a cup of coffee too and realy race my tits off for an hour or so.



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Been the same GF.


Been tired for about the last 3 months.


Moved back into my Parents home 6 months ago (with my other half) while doing work on my house until it is livable. Anyway I have sky in my room so where I used to go to bed at about 10ish and there was crap on the tv now I have about 900 channels (that normally all have crap on) but takes longer to scrool through them.


Bloody Sky

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It all started last week for me when i watched 3 hrs of lost and went to bed at 1 in the morning, i start work at 8 so thats not good.


What happens to us with age? when i was 18-21 i worked all day trained all evening and partyed tuesday, thursday, friday, saturday & sunday now if i go on the ale when i'm in work the next day i'm a write off and i have to go to bed early on a "school night" otherwise i'm tired all day.


I'm a lightweight, gutted i was a trooper once!! :(

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How come the jollies took you to Bath Mikeo? Do you have family there or were you just soaking up the culture?



...my brother lives there (in Oldfield Park..which is quite cool 'cos our surname is Oldfield :D ..his address makes him look like aristocracy :lol: ) but I didn't see him this trip. Just went as it's not too far away..70 odd miles..and wanted a night away and a change of scenery. It's nice where we live but the majority of the locals are in-bred, conservative, stag hunting (what law? They just ignore it), racist, up their own arse bigoted Range Rover driving self satisfied prats!!! So it's nice to get out from time to time :P .

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