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Spent an hour in the gym today (hospital gym with a physio but still top notch equipment); first of sixteen sessions. So out of shape; enjoyed it but I'm going to be fucked in the morning :(.


I played a billiards match in the knock-out competition this afternoon. Won and am now in the semi's. I then played two frames of snooker and I am cream crackered. Back aching, knees aching, neck aching. No fun getting old. :(

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  • 3 weeks later...

Saw a strange sight today....a Lamborghini Countach in an Aldi car park (you'd think if you could afford to run one you'd be shopping at Waitrose at least), wish I'd taken a picture. Was the ultimate super car in its day but have to say looks very dated now, even though still worth hundreds of thousands.

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I just got myself a bottle of beer from the fridge, sat down in front of the laptop and went to take a swig. But I hadn't taken the cap off :unsure:.


Age is a terrible thing (though better than the alternative); the other thing I keep doing is trying to unlock the front door of the house with my car-key zapper.

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From the BBC...


"While the Pope and the archbishop (of Canterbury) have called on Christians to listen to the Easter message of the risen Christ today and forgive their persecutors, Pope Francis has made it clear for some time that he believes military force is justified to halt the advance of IS militants."


How does that work then? Forgive them but shoot the bastards. Hmmm.


:dont know:

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  • 2 weeks later...

In my experience that is the complete opposite

Okay so here we use stoves or a range. I have owned an electric one and a gas one. Electric takes long is less efficient and doesn't heat evenly. Gas does all of the above and is dirt cheap (maybe that's a states thing though). I have a French press in the morning for coffee and boil a pot of water. Takes 1-2 minutes to full boil on gas, used to take 10-15 with electric.


Gas has real flames heating it, electric is just an element that gets super hot.


Matt not to mention any commercial restaurant uses gas since it is superior for cooking as well.

Edited by markjazzbassist
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Okay so here we use stoves or a range. I have owned an electric one and a gas one. Electric takes long is less efficient and doesn't heat evenly. Gas does all of the above and is dirt cheap (maybe that's a states thing though). I have a French press in the morning for coffee and boil a pot of water. Takes 1-2 minutes to full boil on gas, used to take 10-15 with electric.

Gas has real flames heating it, electric is just an element that gets super hot.

Matt not to mention any commercial restaurant uses gas since it is superior for cooking as well.

well aware of the heating differences mate :) however, you lose a lot of heat with gas going into the air; an element has not heat loss. If you mean electric stove top, in that case I completely agree. But (thanks Mike for the stats) an electric kettle is quicker, cheaper and more efficient. Not to mention safer (I nearly burnt my sister in laws house because I turned the wrong hob on).


Over here, restaurants will use a kettle occasionally for hot drinks, but more often than not, the coffee machines have a hot water function (also electric).

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Yes I'm talking stove top. Not sure we have those kettles here, probably do somewhere but the tea drinkers are far and few, most people are into coffee and just have a little electric job.


That was the point Louis was making :).


Just timed how long mine takes to boil enough water for a decent sized coffee and it was eighty seconds from cold.


Gas cookers are without a doubt a better option than electric for cooking but if you just want to boil some water for a brew an electric kettle is certainly the best option. I'm amazed (like Louis) that you don't use them over there, it's one of the first essentials you get if you're setting up home over here. Having said that I've not drunk a tea or coffee for over a year personally so the things wasted on me :lol:.

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That was the point Louis was making :).


Just timed how long mine takes to boil enough water for a decent sized coffee and it was eighty seconds from cold.


Gas cookers are without a doubt a better option than electric for cooking but if you just want to boil some water for a brew an electric kettle is certainly the best option. I'm amazed (like Louis) that you don't use them over there, it's one of the first essentials you get if you're setting up home over here. Having said that I've not drunk a tea or coffee for over a year personally so the things wasted on me :lol:.

Yes I think everyone drinks coffee so they use a little electric coffee machine. I only do French press cause I'm cheap and got one from a job I had a while back .

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We have a kettle that sits on a gas ring and heats and whistles like fuck when it boils because my daft missus thinks it looks "nice" in the kitchen.


I fucking hate it it takes ages to boil and if you're having a shite in the morning and forget it's on and it starts whistling and there's no one else in it whistles like a demented demon referee blowing for a million pens against us in the derby until you finally manage to get doenstairs to turn the gas off.


I literally despise the bastard thing.

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My cousin's dog died suddenly at the age of seven. She, her partner and two sons are devastated. It's sad, he was a lovely dog, I've took mine with him and gone to West Kirby beach on a few occasions in the summer. His death wasn't something that was expected. I was thinking about how the boys had gone through secondary school with him at home to return to at the end of each day, to talk to and walk with, and now he's no longer there. I later learned that my cousin's niece (9) was inconsolable, she took a day off school. I remember being a similar age when my auntie's dog died and being upset about it. You don't think about how much an animal can have an impact on your family 'til they're gone.

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I learned today that many Americans don't have electric kettles. Instead they prefer to use microwaves or use a stove kettle to boil water. Odd people. :fishing:


The lack of butter on sandwiches, I can sort of understand.

It's because of the lower voltage. It takes about 3x longer to boil a kettle of water here. I notice it every time I return to Britain.


Mind you, it's a small price to pay for not having deadly voltage. I grabbed a live wire once and it was no problem. My cousin did that in Britain and it killed him.

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My cousin's dog died suddenly at the age of seven. She, her partner and two sons are devastated. It's sad, he was a lovely dog, I've took mine with him and gone to West Kirby beach on a few occasions in the summer. His death wasn't something that was expected. I was thinking about how the boys had gone through secondary school with him at home to return to at the end of each day, to talk to and walk with, and now he's no longer there. I later learned that my cousin's niece (9) was inconsolable, she took a day off a school. I remember being a similar age when my auntie's dog died and being upset about it. You don't think about how much an animal can have an impact on your family 'til they're gone.

Sorry to hear that mate. Our family dog is 15 this year and on her last legs, no idea how we're going to cope with her being gone :(

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My cousin's dog died suddenly at the age of seven. She, her partner and two sons are devastated. It's sad, he was a lovely dog, I've took mine with him and gone to West Kirby beach on a few occasions in the summer. His death wasn't something that was expected. I was thinking about how the boys had gone through secondary school with him at home to return to at the end of each day, to talk to and walk with, and now he's no longer there. I later learned that my cousin's niece (9) was inconsolable, she took a day off a school. I remember being a similar age when my auntie's dog died and being upset about it. You don't think about how much an animal can have an impact on your family 'til they're gone.

That's the one tough thing about having dogs. We had to have one put down a couple of years ago. My oldest son flew in from Denver just to be there. My wife and two of our adult children came along as the dog went under. I was the only one not in tears. It was sad but it had to be done. Pets become such an important part of the family.


Sorry for the family's loss, Louis.

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My cousin's dog died suddenly at the age of seven. She, her partner and two sons are devastated. It's sad, he was a lovely dog, I've took mine with him and gone to West Kirby beach on a few occasions in the summer. His death wasn't something that was expected. I was thinking about how the boys had gone through secondary school with him at home to return to at the end of each day, to talk to and walk with, and now he's no longer there. I later learned that my cousin's niece (9) was inconsolable, she took a day off a school. I remember being a similar age when my auntie's dog died and being upset about it. You don't think about how much an animal can have an impact on your family 'til they're gone.

I can totally relate to that. They're not just pets, they're family members.

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